2017 Monte Carlo SF: [4] R. Nadal vs. [10] D. Goffin

Who wins?

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+ videos or it didn't happen.


Hall of Fame
I don't think anybody said Goffin was a guarantee to win the set. It's simply a shame that we don't know how the set would've turned out sans the bad call, whereas the bad call severely tilted the match in Nadal's favour, and he was already the huge favourite anyway which just makes it worse.

Dont be a fool. Nobody is saying Goffin has the set nor the match in the bag. Not only the point itself had a huge value, but also the fact that he felt (and of course he was right) robbed big time changed the match 180 degrees. After that, Goffin won a single game in the match. Sure, if he want to be a big league guy he needs to put away that incident, but let's be a bit serious here, how many times a so horrendous mistake from an umpire and specially in clay happens in a big match like this? I do not remember a mistake so ugly in a big match for a long time


I dislike Nadal's antics, but I cannot see bad sportsmanship from him in the match. We cannot assume he did wrong now just because he doesn't have a perfect record. The umpire and he alone is to blame for what happened today.

Never cared for Nadal, do care even less what he did or did not do today.

I was just explaining how Nadal was actually crucified. :D
Yes it's Goffin's job to rise above and put it behind him; it affected him greatly as shown by his reaction when he is normally a calm and reserved man. He was rattled. Very easy to say from an armchair that he shouldn't let it affect him. The loss in momentum and focus that followed was so predictable which is why it was so disappointing when it was shaping up to be a tight match.

No Nadal doesn't deserve criticism and he certainly didn't deserve the boos he received. Even if he did know it was out, we cannot rely on the opponent's graciousness, or awareness from the opposite side of the court, to reach the correct decision.

Yes, the umpire and the lines-person(s) (wtf were they doing in all this?) deserve Scorn for not consulting with each other at all to ensure the right spot was found.


Hall of Fame
We're not saying it could be taken to the bank. Obviously Rafa could come back regardless and was still the bookies favorite to win.
But an umpire can't mess up this badly. The linesperson should have corrected him, Rafa - who turned away as if he was completely sure the game was over - should have forfeited the point.

And yes, Goffin should have been mentally stronger as well, but robberies this big are rare and when you're playing the clay goat in one of the biggest matches of your life, I can understand he feeled dejected. He fought for the rest of the game and came close - after that, zilch.

At least somebody with a bit common sense. Exactly my thoughts. This was a great match until that atrocious mistake by Mounier. After that, it was a done deal. A big rip off, also, for the crowd who paid a ticket
If one point, taking you to deuce at 3-2 in the first causes you to disappear and decides the match, you're a mental midget who didn't deserve it anyway.

People do realize they are talking about 3-2, deuce in the first set, right? It wasn't match point.

Wrong. It was advantage Goffin. He would have been 4-2 up in the set. All the momentum with him. It is still important


no, because that ist the job of you´re opponent, if its called in. Here we have a referee that most likely just had seen it wrong, went there, and overruled the linesperson, wich also don´t corrects the call/refree looking at the same mark. So it was clearly a wrong and bad decision, but i never would blame Nadal for it, simply because, many times on clay, way back from over the net, you cannot decide whether its in or out ... sometimes you can, and sometimes you cant.

Thats the point why in social matches (at least here in germany) if my opponent calls a ball out on his side i simply accept it, until it hits the fence before ... because its hard to see, and i have made a lot of wrong calls that were corrected, that i was certain i was right, and get it afterwards that i was completely wrong.
And, at least, in a Tournee, an Umpire gives me a point that he has checked and seen as correct, why should i question his decision. He has linespersons he also can talk to, he can see a lot better, he has replay and everything ... all this we also have on TV, but not the Players on the field.

And what I REALLY HATE is this thing that you just wanted to follow a mach, and to get whats going on without actually watching it, and all this Games with Participation of Federer/Nadal/Djokovic sooner or later explode because of this dumb mass of Fanbase morons (of every Player) sittig their arses flat in some betting office pounding their tapatalk and drinking the 10 can of Lager ... haven´t had played a single ball of Tennis, or even ever seen a tennis court in all their lives ...
The point is players are rarely sure on close balls on the opposite end of the court. You have to trust the line judge, chair umpire, etc. He obviously thought it was out, but it is tough to be sure. Why? Players are wrong all the time, so if the chair umpire overrules, even checks the mark (specially on clay), etc, how the heck can you be sure?

Seriously, man. I know you are a very reasonable poster, and my post wasn't addressed to you though.

@vive le beau jeu ! also has diplomatic immunity. LOL
Players are wrong all the time, true. But they are mostly wrong on close calls. I'd like to think that when you play tennis at this level, you can actually feel that you hit a ball that long from the moment you hit the ball. He's reaction is indicating as much -> i.e. no doubt. When you combine that with Goffin marking the mark and then going ape **** on the umpire - and being backed up by the crowd - there's an argument to be made that he should have done the sportsmanlike thing here.

That said, I agree it's a grey area and it's hard to go against the umpire ruling in your favor, cause when he's overruling out of nowhere, it's bound to make you doubt yourself and your opponent even a little.
Still seen plenty of times where players' did do the opposite though, especially Murray iirc @Mainad?


Steph Trudel‏ @TrudelSteph 2m2 minutes ago
Steph Trudel Retweeted Carole Bouchard


Steph Trudel added,

Carole Bouchard @carole_bouchard
"I was talking to him in the shower but not about that, about who he plays in Barcelona", Nadal about Goffin and this famous point.


could be a semifinal rematch next Saturday...Goffin already benefited from Nishikori withdrawal and Nadal's draw looks beneficial (Zverev again maybe)
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Hall of Fame
I dont blame Nadal 100%, but even amateur players (who at least played from time to time) know or have the feeling when a ball is going out and it is not even close to be a good ball. And Nadal's reaction, turning to his towel not even asking that clown in the chair to verify the mark, makes me think he knew it was out. As I said, not 100% sure he knows it was out, but at least his body language made it look like he was ok with the call.

To blame Goffin for the meltdown after that is hilarious. Some people probably has never taken a racquet or at least went to play an amateur tournament to know how a bad call can mark the destiny of the match, specially when that call is so obviously wrong.

We just need to move on. I dont have an issue with Nadal winning this match (I considered him the favourite but until that moment showed Goffin was up to the task and in a bit of command) but not in this way. It was really awful (insert grumpy cat meme here) :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
I guess you are aware than a 40-0 in clay means **** against Nadal right? Ask a guy who has won 18 slams about it :D
I'm just saying that it wasn't an instant collapse by Goffin. When he was up 40- love, he missed at least 2 routine forehands.
Looking at the highlights, breaking back to 3-3 relaxed Nadal and he started hitting out.
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Hall of Fame
To blame Goffin for the meltdown after that is hilarious. Some people probably has never taken a racquet or at least went to play an amateur tournament to know how a bad call can mark the destiny of the match, specially when that call is so obviously wrong.

Hmm, I haven't played in any tournaments but I would suggest completely the opposite. If you can not deal with a single mistake OR think that such one mistake/point (in this case an AD point in the 6th game, 1st set) "can mark the destiny of the match", then you are not that experienced. I would expect a proffesional player like Goffin, who has played many matches and probably have seen similar situations before, to not have a "meltdown". To be clear, I don't exactly blame him, but I would expect something different.
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A couple thoughts:

1) the chair ump seems to be paying attention and sees where the ball bounces during the point -which makes it even more baffling how he missed the mark.
2) there's no way Nadal is to blame for this. Anyone who has played tennis knows that it's virtually impossible to tell, from behind your own baseline, whether a ball on the opposite baseline is in or out within 10 cm or so. The angle of sight on the ball and line is just way too acute to tell. The only reason Nadal assumed he had lost the point (and went for the towel) is because why wouldn't you trust the line ump's call? Likewise for the overrule - why wouldn't he just go along with that? There's just no certainty from that vantage point, certainly not enough to give the game to the opponent.
3) It's unbelievable that the line judge didn't come verify the mark - can this only happen if requested by the chair ump, or can the player ask for this?

Just too bad for Goffin.
Of course, he had multiple opportunities to close out the game and should have, even after the call. And he should have put it behind him. 4-2 probably wouldn't have changed the outcome of the match. I was simply making the point that it wasn't an insignificant point just because it wasn't match point:)


Nadal 2 - 3 ; 40-adv Goffin
Nadal sends it long, linesman calls it out. Both think the game is done (making it 2-4) but suddenly Cedric decides it's time for his weekly 10 meter jogging session and waddles over to the mark and says it's in. He's obviously pointing at the wrong mark but the linesman doesn't correct him. Afterwards HawkEye shows that it's clearly 10cm long. Goffin is furious and unable to focus well for the rest of the match, wins only 1 more game.
Not using shotspot is just the cherry on the kr@p cake that is clay court tennis


Hall of Fame
Hmm, I haven't played in any tournaments but I would suggest completely the opposite. If you can not deal with a single mistake OR think that such one mistake/point (in this case an AD point in the 6th game, 1st set) "can mark the destiny of the match", than you are not that experienced. I would expect a proffesional player like Goffin, who has played many matches and probably have seen similar situations before, to not have a "meltdown". To be clear, I don't exactly blame him, but I would expect something different.

Tennis is probably 80% mental in the big stage so it is not surprising to watch Goffin melting down.
Believe me, a single point CHANGES (or may change) the destiny of a match. Ask Federer in US Open 2011

The only reason Nadal assumed he had lost the point (and went for the towel) is because why wouldn't you trust the line ump's call?

Why having hawk eye then? Lets just trust the umpires, specially when they screw it up big time like here :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:


Talk Tennis Guru
I fell asleep after Pouille decided not to go away and took his match to a 3rd.
Woke up to see Nadal won and haters hating :D epic. Time for a smoke and highlights :p

The hating has quieted down for Robot Djokovic for the time being because the Robot is in meltdown-mode and needs to be reprogrammed. Instead the hating spotlight is back on Nadal because god forbid Nadal gets any sort of momentum going and even worse if he wins the FO and starts potentially encroaching on the slam record(which he is still very far away from.)

The hateful comments on here should keep you entertained. They are quite enlightening. Happy reading. ;)
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I'm just saying that it wasn't an instant collapse by Goffin. When he was up 40- love, he missed at least 2 routine forehands.
Looking at the highlights, breaking back to 3-3 relaxed Nadal and he started hitting out.
Don't look at the highlights and make judgements on the dynamic of the match, Goffin disappeared not after the bad call, but after being broken. Completely different player before 3-all and after. That's the sole story of the match.


Bionic Poster
My goodness people, Goffin was NEVER beating Nadal today and I say that on #TeamGoffin. I literally turned my tv off knowing Nadal was the next match bc I knew he wouldn't lose. Stop crying.


My goodness people, Goffin was NEVER beating Nadal today and I say that on #TeamGoffin. I literally turned my tv off knowing Nadal was the next match bc I knew he wouldn't lose. Stop crying.
Schwartsman took 8 games off Rafa yesterday, Goffin was leading 4-2 and was the better player. He beat Djoko yesterday, who hit patches of great form.
Of course Rafa was still the favorite down 2-4 in the first, but it's lunacy to talk about the match as if Goffin was without chances.
He was the better player until he got robbed.


Hall of Fame
My goodness people, Goffin was NEVER beating Nadal today and I say that on #TeamGoffin. I literally turned my tv off knowing Nadal was the next match bc I knew he wouldn't lose. Stop crying.

I guess you dont get it Michael

I am fairly sure Nadal has the upper hand for the match, even if Goffin wins the first set. You are missing the point completely. We were denied a great match because of a monumental mistake, and thanks to that 1d10t in the chair, Goffin was denied a good chance to at least compete. Tennis is not only about points, it is a mental game, and a blatantly wrong call who looks more like a thief act, can take you away from the court. Nadal has 10% of the blame here at most


Bionic Poster
I guess you dont get it Michael

I am fairly sure Nadal has the upper hand for the match, even if Goffin wins the first set. You are missing the point completely. We were denied a great match because of a monumental mistake, and thanks to that 1d10t in the chair, Goffin was denied a good chance to at least compete. Tennis is not only about points, it is a mental game, and a blatantly wrong call who looks more like a thief act, can take you away from the court. Nadal has 10% of the blame here at most

I get the point, im just saying its moot. You can't let a line call affect you at the pro level like that. He was probably more physically spent than anything and that was his excuse to exit.


Hall of Fame
I get the point, im just saying its moot. You can't let a line call affect you at the pro level like that. He was probably more physically spent than anything and that was his excuse to exit.

A guy who had a lead of 4-2 in the first set HAD a chance to win. Probably not as big as Nadal overturning the match even if Goffin wins the first set, but a chance. Chance that was denied by a horrendous call. And we are talking about the guy who just defeated Djokovic, the guy who has a streak of wins against Rafa.
You don't get the point, you think there is no point


Bionic Poster
A guy who had a lead of 4-2 in the first set HAD a chance to win. Probably not as big as Nadal overturning the match even if Goffin wins the first set, but a chance. Chance that was denied by a horrendous call.
You don't get the point, you think there is no point

Lol im not about to sit here and go back and forth about one point in a tennis match. Have a great day and enjoy the final :)


Tennis is probably 80% mental in the big stage so it is not surprising to watch Goffin melting down.
Believe me, a single point CHANGES (or may change) the destiny of a match. Ask Federer in US Open 2011

Why having hawk eye then? Lets just trust the umpires, specially when they screw it up big time like here :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Oh, I agree that they need to use hawkeye!


Is there a reason beyond the obvious that this moron keeps spamming the thread with discussion of federer etc?

This is a result thread no??

Is there a rule that was written by morons saying I cant talk about the result of this match as it compares to other results?


Hall of Fame
This is a result thread no??

Is there a rule that was written by morons saying I cant talk about the result of this match as it compares to other results?

Federer didn't play today. The fact that you can't stop bringing him up says everything about your limited mind.


Hall of Fame
That umpiring was shocking and there need to be some serious questions asked as to what the hell he was doing?

Not convinced it would have changed the result though. Goffin's level was insane to go 4--2 up and I'm not sure his attitude was great once the adversity hit.

Nadal is the best I've seen him for years (his strange new apprehensiveness against Federer excepted). Can see him sweeping the clay season this year.


Hall of Fame
The fact that you are policing me that I cant compare this result shows how immature you are.

No it shows nothing of the kind. It shows that people are tired of reading morons turn every conversation into a referendum on Federer.

He didn't play and you can't stop spamming like the troll that you are.

I'm glad Nadal won mostly because it clearly bothers trolls like you.