Just wanted to clarify a few things here from early in the thread:
I probably shouldn’t have mentioned the chat on here but the petty part of me wanted everyone on here to know that I’ve been doing just fine and Fed doesn’t affect me as profoundly as you guys think (I’ve made 2,500 or so posts in two years there are some that have 10,000 in that plus obsessing over Fed on here positivly) .
I think it’s rich though that people on here are saying I should “fight all the battles in the open” (looking at you
@Krish872007). First off it’s easy to say that when you like Fed and have the whole place backing you up, and second I USED to come on here and “battle”. But I got sick of having stuff taken down and getting reported over nothing and it’s not worth getting banned over.
And as for me hating the coverage Fed and other players get but me talking about him a lot anyways: Well some on here have said it’s pointless to talk about anything else so what choices I have? I can make a thread about Tiafoe and get like 5 responses. No one else here seems to care about anything like that so if I want to talk tennis (literally the title of the site here) what else am I to do?
I watched more tennis yesterday than I have in the whole last two months combined. I’m happy Delpo finally got a MS title and I’m not gonna let anything dampen that. But I wanted to make it clear here the situation for those not well informed.
@Federer and Del Potro