Kanepi match was played at high level on both ends with the GOAT hitting 47 winners to 22 UEs (!!!). I would not call that a bad day.I somewhat agree, although against Pliskova and Sevastova she had what could have been bad days - I think she fought very hard mentally to pull herself out of a funk at the start of each of those matches, which is what gives me encouragement for her moving forward. (Not to mention the Kanepi match, although that was different in that both players were actually playing well throughout most of it.)
Several people seem to think that it's all about Naomi and how she plays that will determine the outcome of the match. Serena Williams has the most dominant game that women's tennis has ever seen... every match is well and truly on her racket.
Saying it’s all about how Naomi plays is misguided. She’ll have sth to say about it to be sure but Serena does not depend on her folding to win this.