2020 Wilson Pro Staff 6.1 18x20 Official Thread


Just finished my first hit with the 6.1. Only 45 minutes in the cold night. I hate playing outside. More of an indoor player. But anyways. Initially I was mishitting a lot since this racquet is requires great footwork and clean strokes and I always start off like a sloth. But the six one is a frame that I’ve hit with most of my life so I still felt right at home with this. Once I got in the groove man this thing is such a sweet ride. Not many racquets hit a ball better than a 6.1 does when you’re timing is on point. I found myself wanting to go for a Delpo style forehand every shot cuz it felt automatic. My 1hbh didn’t have the best day but I’m still trying to work out the kinks with that atm. The best part of the hitting session was by bar the serve. This thing is an absolute serving machine. Similar to the K Factor. Overall decent initial hit. I’ll have more to say once I get some more hits in.

In terms of stiffness, this really seems like it fits the bill of an HPS. Not nCode levels of soft, but not PSC or K Factor levels of stiff. At least for my frame that is. Glad I went gut/poly with this one. Felt really nice.
What string combo specifically?


I was told recently by a friend who graduated with me and now works at Wilson Europe that Six One has never been a big seller for them because of modern frame trends, the heavy specs making it harder to use for rec players and competition within it's own brands lines. So if this new one does sell well at those specs and at those prices, I'd be surprised. Rec level people who aren't crazy like us can't even find Pro Labs page (lol) let alone play with 360g stick once all dressed up. I'm sure most of those who are getting Pro Labs frames already know the Six One line and what they will be getting. Some may fall for the gorgeous PJ but the 2017 reissue was a great PJ too and look where it is at right now, relegated to low tier line with TWE and with TW not even carrying it anymore.

I can definitely relate to your comment about this being a double edged sword for sure. I like the racquet so I'll get one but I don't want them to get away with what they are selling it for. That said, I obviously don't want the line to die (I am a big fan) but eventually this reissue will if they keep these prices because they sure as hell aren't changing Six One to more user friendly specs, and a PJ alone isn't keeping this reissue afloat even though Wilson said Pro Labs frames aren't limited. I know general public might think this current reissue is superior, like you said. But the ones getting these frames are already a niche demographic who know what the Six One line is. Joe the 4.0 weekend hacker and his rec friends, the target market, are more interested in Clash or PA/PD than Six One 95 or other demanding frames. Not kidding I get the goofiest looks from people I know when I talk about some classic frames with them.

So yeah, didn't mean to make all this so controversial. In the end, the reason why I'm in this thread is because of love for the frame regardless of what I think about Wilson for selling it at this price.
I’m one of those rec level players who couldn’t even find the Pro Labs page and that’s because I’m a boomer who can’t navigate the internet lol. I like checking out the heavy sticks because they remind me of the stuff I played with in the 70s.


Really sad it turns out this isn't the nCode version layup. I haven't played with the HPS but I already have two of each of the Kfactor and 2017 reissue. I don't need anymore firmer playing ones. Decided I'm not going to buy one of these, especially not at full price.

Although, I'm not even sure I would've ordered one at the prices they're asking even if it was the nCode unless I was in the US. Since QC doesn't seem to be any better with this line sadly. I would've expected it to be slightly cheaper like the UP 18x20/UT is going for. Think I'm just going to make a change and get the UP 16x19 and maybe the BP 18x20 later. Just for curiosity, pretty sure they're not gonna be my main sticks. But that was the same with the new 6.1


I played with it again last night and instead of a hit, I played 3 sets of doubles.

Totally different result this morning. I have a bit of arm fatigue but no pain. I am thinking the fatigue is from the 2hr of playing with this beast.

You guys were right, this stick is bad ass once you get used to it again, and the timing dialed in. Going to play a few more times this weekend/early next week to decide it’s final fate.

As I shared in an earlier post, I am using an NXT/Element hybrid. If I wanted to try and go with a full bed of multi, what would you guys try?
So replying to a post a couple pages back... Wow NXT mains/Element hybrid and still bad arm pain before? That stick must play firm.

Have you tried Head Velocity? Maybe try that in the mains with NXT if you have any left. Since I assume you put Element cross to try and get a little more spin from the 18x20. Or try Prince Premier Control if you can find it more cheaply. Don't like the black color myself too much though. Natural feels like it has more feel, and same comfort if not slightly more. Could also try Tecnifibre Multifeel, haven't tried it myself yet.


Ok fellow 6.1 enthusiasts, this frame deserves its own thread. We all know it does.

As our frames comes in, let's use this as a place to compile information and give some reviews/impressions.

@FourOutOfFive already gave a great review in one of the other threads and from my take on it, we very possibly have an nCode layup hiding under that gorgeous glossy black PS themed paint job.

@sanister has promised to provide specs and figures from his RDC machine once his frames get to him.

Anyone else who has picked up one (or more) of these frames, feel free to drop comments here.

Let's show this frame the love it deserves!
Hoping to get some soon directly from Wilson. First thing I’m doing is extending them to 27.5. Can’t wait to grow add these and see if they hit like my Hyper Pro Staffs
Looks like the 3/8 are sold out on Wilson. I’ve got a couple (3 total, only 1 has been strung) I am thinking about unloading. Shoot me a text 314-805-7805 if you are interested. I’ll save you the tax, but asking $250 for new, $225 for used.


I was just checking the grip sizes as well & 3/8 is out. Wondering if they will get it back, sent a msg to them & will post reply here once I hear back.


New User
Traditionally they have been in low 330s for swingweight if I am not mistaken (you are the 6.1 nerd so you'd know better :)). I did have a BLX which was definitely QC issue & that was 320 strung. But at 350+ static strung, if they go any higher than 330 it will be very tough to wield!

My pair of 2010 BLX 18x20's were a QC nightmare. There were only 1.6g (351g+/- .8g) apart but one was 31.5cm/333SW, the other 31cm/324SW. The well known racket-tech who has a shop on 51st Street in Manhattan said they could not be matched(The name of his shop gets ***'d out on the boards). When I got my trio of 25A's, they went straight to him for matching and stringing. With the leather grip and white overgrip, the all came in at 360.5g, 31.7cm, 345SW. I eventually moved them to a perforated grip because I was getting golfer's elbow. Now 352g, 32.1cm, 343SW.


My pair of 2010 BLX 18x20's were a QC nightmare. There were only 1.6g (351g+/- .8g) apart but one was 31.5cm/333SW, the other 31cm/324SW. The well known racket-tech who has a shop on 51st Street in Manhattan said they could not be matched(The name of his shop gets ***'d out on the boards). When I got my trio of 25A's, they went straight to him for matching and stringing. With the leather grip and white overgrip, the all came in at 360.5g, 31.7cm, 345SW. I eventually moved them to a perforated grip because I was getting golfer's elbow. Now 352g, 32.1cm, 343SW.
I know Roman & his son now does great work too ;) and if he says something is beyond redemption I'll take his word. Yeah definitely a QC nightmare for some BLX but they weren't limited to that, its Wilson usually. Those specs look like it would kill the ball btw, great.


@ryushen21 RA= 70 & swing weight after 3 readings average is 302. Balance & static weight were on point. Pretty happy with these specs actually. Did you get a chance to get weight & balance for yours?


@ryushen21 RA= 70 & swing weight after 3 readings average is 302. Balance & static weight were on point. Pretty happy with these specs actually. Did you get a chance to get weight & balance for yours?
Mine arrived after I had switched campuses. I'll get weight and balance in the morning. Definitely looking like RA will likely be right there at 70.

We need to get some more impressions from hitting in.


Mine just arrived today! In size L3 and with the handle wrap still on:

#1: 334 grams and ~12.5 points HL
#2: 334 grams and ~13.75 points HL

So one is dead on-spec, the other about ~1.25 HL.

The color scheme is fantastic and the high gloss paint is exceptional. I think a mosquito would slip off trying to land on one.


Mine just arrived today! In size L3 and with the handle wrap still on:

#1: 343 grams and ~12.5 points HL
#2: 343 grams and ~13.75 points HL

So one is dead on-spec, the other about ~1.25 HL.

The color scheme is fantastic and the high gloss paint is exceptional. I think a mosquito would slip off trying to land on one.
343g? That's 12g over spec unstrung.


Finally got a hold of mine. Sweet Jesus this frame is beautiful. I know I said the new PJ wasn't worth the extra cost but the simple gloss black with the carbon weave and the PS lines.....ooooh it's a sexy beast.

But on to the good stuff. I'm shocked because mine is pretty darn close to suggested specs. I measured mine with no plastic on the handle and got the following results:

Static Weight: 333g
Balance: 30.48cm (12")

I'm pretty darn pleased with this. What I'm also surprised by is the fact that I don't immediately hate the synthetic grip that's on it. It's a little squishy but not overly padded. I may give it a shot before I swap to leather just in the interest of getting to hit quicker. But this beast will eventually get the full Delpo setup like I've done with my n6.1


Has anyone received an update from Wilson about grommets yet? I was originally told they would be available at the time of purchase but still nothing on the site.


Another one for y'all, did y'all notice that the handle is filled with silicone? I just popped the trap door on mine and there it was!


Has anyone received an update from Wilson about grommets yet? I was originally told they would be available at the time of purchase but still nothing on the site.
They will not have grommets till end of the year and possibly until early next year. Directly from Wilson.
Thought I’d offer it to you guys before going to the for sale board - I am going to part ways with my new 6.1, sadly, it’s just too much racket for me to handle.

It’s a 3/8 and I’ve hit it 5 times. No scrapes on paint and normal wear on head guard. Asking $225 shipped. Text me if interested 314-805-7805


Finally got a hold of mine. Sweet Jesus this frame is beautiful. I know I said the new PJ wasn't worth the extra cost but the simple gloss black with the carbon weave and the PS lines.....ooooh it's a sexy beast.

But on to the good stuff. I'm shocked because mine is pretty darn close to suggested specs. I measured mine with no plastic on the handle and got the following results:

Static Weight: 333g
Balance: 30.48cm (12")

I'm pretty darn pleased with this. What I'm also surprised by is the fact that I don't immediately hate the synthetic grip that's on it. It's a little squishy but not overly padded. I may give it a shot before I swap to leather just in the interest of getting to hit quicker. But this beast will eventually get the full Delpo setup like I've done with my n6.1
Sounds amazing. Post pictures of it already!


the silicone in the handle is an interesting development. Does everyone's have this?

We need more posts about peoples' experience hitting with this thing!


the silicone in the handle is an interesting development. Does everyone's have this?

We need more posts about peoples' experience hitting with this thing!
Apparently not. @sanister reported his does not have any. And as I just learned from the Blade Pro thread, silicone is a common fix for frames that came in outside of production specs. So that could be why.


Apparently not. @sanister reported his does not have any. And as I just learned from the Blade Pro thread, silicone is a common fix for frames that came in outside of production specs. So that could be why.

Oh, you're lucky to get an underspec one then! If for some reason you tire of it, let me know! ;)


Oh, you're lucky to get an underspec one then! If for some reason you tire of it, let me know! ;)
Well, I'm thinking that's why mine is so close to spec. It was under and they were able to strategically add the silicone. It's still over by 2g but the balance is dead on.


Hall of Fame
I’m one of those rec level players who couldn’t even find the Pro Labs page and that’s because I’m a boomer who can’t navigate the internet lol. I like checking out the heavy sticks because they remind me of the stuff I played with in the 70s.

They actually made pretty damn hard to get to, I had to ask on here for the link.


Apparently not. @sanister reported his does not have any. And as I just learned from the Blade Pro thread, silicone is a common fix for frames that came in outside of production specs. So that could be why.
Yeah I don't remember if I've ever seen Wilson do it before, but I've seen Prince do it fairly regularly on some of my frames. Haven't seen it yet from other companies but that's might be because they usually fill it with foam. Usually just a tiny bit in one chamber. Might make it harder sometimes if your trying to go past it and fill it with something else.
Finally got to hit with mine last night - for context, I've got the PSC, K95, BLX in my bag, K95 was my go-to for quite a while and the 2017 reissue has been my main racket for the last couple of years. I strung it up with a hybrid of Cyclone 17 at 48lbs and Prince Duraflex at 52lbs so I could compare it with the 2017 model (I had it strung like this for quite a while), and it was a surprising playtest (in a good way) - much softer than I was expecting, and also less power than I was expecting.

I've got a leather grip on the way that I'll be putting on as soon as it arrives, it made it somewhat harder to compare to the 2017 model having the different grip on there so I'll follow up once I've got the new one on and had a hit with it, but comparing it to the K95, it is significantly softer on contact and a little less powerful, I haven't played the nCode so I can't compare to that but it's noticeably flexier than the K95. The lower power level was the most surprising thing though, I was having to give the ball a fair thump to get it to go deep, which for me personally was a good thing as I usually like to rein in the power just a touch on the Six.One and so have to string a little higher than I normally would, but I think I'll be stringing a full bed of Poly Tour Pro at 46 next time and seeing how that goes. Spin potential was good, serving was the same 'point and shoot' feel that I've had with every Six.One, and it was a little less stable than I would like but I think that has more to do with the stringing set-up than the racket itself, I'm confident a restring & a leather grip will fix that.

Overall, I'd put it up there with the Prince 93P and PT2.0 as one of the best rackets I've hit with in recent times, definitely glad I bit the bullet and got one - and in case there was any doubt, the cosmetic is absolutely sexy in person. Pictures online don't quite do it justice, it's a very cool looking bit of kit.


Hall of Fame
Wilson had demos available on their site so I have one coming. Never used their demo service but it seems like it’s free? $25 up front and then they refund you when you send the frame back? Anyone use their demo service?