I saw some hot Indian woman probably 5-7 years younger than me a few weeks ago.
I saw some hot Indian woman probably 5-7 years younger than me a few weeks ago.
What’s more important winning or hot women??? Hot women are a distraction!!! With hot skimpy outfits to hard to play and if you say something it’s harassment. Whatever!!! That’s why I quit the gym as I’m lifting at home along with playing tennis.Pickleball
So you were asked to leave the gym facility because you were making harrassing statements (which you feel were innocent pickup lines) to some women?What’s more important winning or hot women??? Hot women are a distraction!!! With hot skimpy outfits to hard to play and if you say something it’s harassment. Whatever!!! That’s why I quit the gym as I’m lifting at home along with playing tennis.
lots more self run ladders.
many many more courts being used at lunch time (i was working from home since 2018-19)
many more tournaments (utr) available
league participation usually means playing at odd hours, or annoying travel logistics
local clubs are packed, indoor court time hard to get if i don't plan ahead...
i've been teaching way more beginner lessons (and folks i know have been too), since after covid (online tools make it much easier to match students to instructors at a reasonable cost) - compared to pre-covid
so it seems like tennis participation is up (even with pickleball), but usta participation is down
lol i keep looking at the usta website for tech jobs, but they pay like 1/3 the going rate... which to me is an indication of where they are not investing (feels like usta could have had a monopoly on things like:
* student/coach matching
* standardized coaching certs (like ptr/pta)
* ladders
* finding other players
* their own standard of elo rating (like utr)
by me, seems like no one plays usta tournaments,... mainly utr tourneys.There are people like myself that play USTA tournaments but despise USTA leagues.
What’s more important winning or hot women???
Spicy women.Hot women
How many harassments complaints before you threw in the towel?What’s more important winning or hot women??? Hot women are a distraction!!! With hot skimpy outfits to hard to play and if you say something it’s harassment. Whatever!!! That’s why I quit the gym as I’m lifting at home along with playing tennis.
by me, seems like no one plays usta tournaments,... mainly utr tourneys.
Have you ever thought of singles?I never harassed any women be it at gym or on tennis courts. Just fed with others telling me if I win great and if I lose so what as I always get pared with different partners while they play with same partners/win their ratings go up-I with different partners lose/my rating stays the same. That’s why I’ve quit playing. Rather work out/watch pro sports instead. F—k playing tennis anymore.
What local fee are you paying? We don't have that in my section.Need to eliminate the requirement to buy a USTA membership to play league. For someone just getting into it it's a bit hard to justify paying $44 + Local League Fee to join your first team. If you want dip your toe in and try out league tennis that's a pretty hefty entry fee unless you have a captain that's gonna guarantee you will play every week.
For me to play USTA league in Texas, I must:What local fee are you paying? We don't have that in my section.
$44 annual membership + $28 Local League Registration = $72 before you've ever played a match. Then $5-$10 court fees everytime you play. For young folks who don't think they have a lot of disposable income that's a lot to swallow for trying league tennis. Hell I even have people my age who have quit league because they can play for free whenever they want.What local fee are you paying? We don't have that in my section.
Getting your first match vs. a sandbagger...priceless!For me to play USTA league in Texas, I must:
So to try out USTA league, I would be out $99 for my first rodeo.
- Maintain annual USTA membership. Pay USTA $44 per year
- Pay USTA $35 for each league.
- Split court costs / ball costs with team members. About $20 per league.
I’ve done singles and got fed up with cheating by others using rules in their favor to win matches instead. That got old real quick!!! Especially when it’s hot humid muggy sticky weather. Time to retire and go to lake/beach workout and get back into bodybuilding shape watch pro sports instead. Tennis didn’t allow this. Feels great where I can enjoy summer with no more tennis anymore. Especially no more USTA-to many happy clappers saying if I win great if I lose so what. They made me fat with tennis socials afterwards and when I say I’m going home after matches they got mad. Also being pared with different partners losing matches/rating not going up while they play with same partners and win with their rating going up. I’ve spent thousands thousands thousands of dollars to win/get better not sign up for this **** in where I’m the lamb. Individual goals mean nothing in USTA. I’m done playing!Have you ever thought of singles?
I’ve done singles and got fed up with cheating by others using rules in their favor to win matches instead. That got old real quick!!! Especially when it’s hot humid muggy sticky weather. Time to retire and go to lake/beach workout and get back into bodybuilding shape watch pro sports instead. Tennis didn’t allow this. Feels great where I can enjoy summer with no more tennis anymore. Especially no more USTA-to many happy clappers saying if I win great if I lose so what. They made me fat with tennis socials afterwards and when I say I’m going home after matches they got mad. Also being pared with different partners losing matches/rating not going up while they play with same partners and win with their rating going up. I’ve spent thousands thousands thousands of dollars to win/get better not sign up for this **** in where I’m the lamb. Individual goals mean nothing in USTA. I’m done playing!
Reason for bitterness is I’ve been scrutinized for wanting to win instead of other peoples feelings. That set me off. When you play USTA it all about winning and not other peoples feelings. I wanted 10 player 10 team that way everyone would get plenty of playing time instead I got overruled having 18-20 player team. There’s no need whatsoever to have many on mixed/summer league team as well other more concerned about matching colors to wear/bring appetizers for other teams after the match. With that said I decided enough is enough!! Hope my former team gets their ass handed to them every match they play.sheesh there are other options besides league tennis. if you are the captain, you have total control. You have stated numerous that you are done playing. Good luck in your future recreational endeavors.
Reason for bitterness is I’ve been scrutinized for wanting to win instead of other peoples feelings. That set me off. When you play USTA it all about winning and not other peoples feelings. I wanted 10 player 10 team that way everyone would get plenty of playing time instead I got overruled having 18-20 player team. There’s no need whatsoever to have many on mixed/summer league team as well other more concerned about matching colors to wear/bring appetizers for other teams after the match. With that said I decided enough is enough!! Hope my former team gets their ass handed to them every match they play.
I don't mind paying but I can't get no league coordinator captains to even contact me. Waste of time filling out their forms on USTA site in my section.$44 annual membership + $28 Local League Registration = $72 before you've ever played a match. Then $5-$10 court fees everytime you play. For young folks who don't think they have a lot of disposable income that's a lot to swallow for trying league tennis. Hell I even have people my age who have quit league because they can play for free whenever they want.
I don't mind paying but I can't get no league coordinator captains to even contact me. Waste of time filling out their forms on USTA site in my section.
Thx. And if u r a highly sought after player they'll even pay your fees just to get u to play on their team =)I feel your frustration. Like you, my local league coordinator has a "web form" you can enter your contact information and captain looking for players can use. This option didn't work for me.
I did eventually found myself on two (2) USTA teams. What worked for me was to ask just about everyone I played with that I was looking for a USTA team to join. It took a few months, but I found a home. Best of luck.
Consider playing UTR or USTA tournaments, tennis is a individual sport, not a team sport. League tennis is horrible and it's not the USTA's fault.
@PK6 is a top 10 most interesting person who posts on the forums.
Reason for bitterness is I’ve been scrutinized for wanting to win instead of other peoples feelings. That set me off. When you play USTA it all about winning and not other peoples feelings. I wanted 10 player 10 team that way everyone would get plenty of playing time instead I got overruled having 18-20 player team. There’s no need whatsoever to have many on mixed/summer league team as well other more concerned about matching colors to wear/bring appetizers for other teams after the match. With that said I decided enough is enough!! Hope my former team gets their ass handed to them every match they play.
Im in Southern and it may not be the same everywhere. Here in my state though, the league fees are typically $20 or less. When you pay that on TennisLink the money goes to the State’s USTA. The state collects their fees from the $20 and sends the local league a check for the remainder. The local league uses the remainder for a variety of things. We reimburse seniors their league fees, we pay for league champion plaques for clubs, we buy the captains and players gifts for everyone, we donate to state and local charity organizations, we put on tournaments for juniors. There’s a lot the money gets used for. It’s not the league coordinators pocketing thousands in cash every season, at least here anyway. The state uses their cut to fund tennis promotion and development at the state level. I do know some places give small (couple hundred) stipends to some coordinators to offset their time and expense in scheduling and delivering items to various clubs.I understand the league fees go to a local coordinator so they can get something for the work they do trying to make these leagues work and answer questions. But what does the $44 dollars go to? That seems excessive to have your match results entered to be rated when the average player only plays like 5 matches a year. In fact I think I enter the matches as the captain.
Are we just funding usta’s real estate ventures?
Running sectionals is expensive.I understand the league fees go to a local coordinator so they can get something for the work they do trying to make these leagues work and answer questions. But what does the $44 dollars go to? That seems excessive to have your match results entered to be rated when the average player only plays like 5 matches a year. In fact I think I enter the matches as the captain.
Are we just funding usta’s real estate ventures?
Running sectionals is expensive.
Im in Southern and it may not be the same everywhere. Here in my state though, the league fees are typically $20 or less. When you pay that on TennisLink the money goes to the State’s USTA. The state collects their fees from the $20 and sends the local league a check for the remainder. The local league uses the remainder for a variety of things. We reimburse seniors their league fees, we pay for league champion plaques for clubs, we buy the captains and players gifts for everyone, we donate to state and local charity organizations, we put on tournaments for juniors. There’s a lot the money gets used for. It’s not the league coordinators pocketing thousands in cash every season, at least here anyway. The state uses their cut to fund tennis promotion and development at the state level. I do know some places give small (couple hundred) stipends to some coordinators to offset their time and expense in scheduling and delivering items to various clubs.
Are you being sarcastic? The players pay quite a bit to play in sectionals. What does the national organization pay for at sectionals?
$328,000 to JUNIOR COMPETITION AND USTA JR. TEAM TENNIS including the implementation of 10 and Under Tennis using the QuickStart play format, at the grassroots level. 10 and Under Tennis progresses into Jr. Team Tennis competition, junior tournaments, junior high performance opportunities and finally high school tennis and No-Cut programming.
$294,000 to USTA LEAGUE TENNIS for local leagues and regional and sectional championship events, plus adult tournaments offered throughout the Section.
$260,000 to SCHOOLS AND COMMUNITY TENNIS INITIATIVES promoting tennis in public and private domains by educating teachers, coaches, park and recreation coordinators and community tennis leaders to deliver the sport to the masses.
$178,000 for PUBLIC AWARENESS in helping promote and develop the growth of tennis throughout the entire Section. This includes publications/magazines, our Web site (northern.usta.com), special events and advertising.
$132,000 for GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS AND INFRASTRUCTURE for organizations, individuals and communities. Included in this are initiatives to repair, expand and build new tennis facilities across the Section.
$80,000 to PROMOTE DIVERSITY within the game of tennis on all levels. A Level 1 Priority for USTA Northern, diversity refers to difference of culture, ethnicity, race, gender, beliefs, social economic status, sexual orientation, family status, physical ability, appearance and ideas. USTA Northern is committed to achieving greater diversity throughout the sport and fostering a tennis environment that is more inclusive.
The League Coordinators don’t get the fee, at least where I am. I have seen the books for our league and the stipends being paid out are under 2k total for the year. I do know when we have teams that go to Sectionals and Nationals we try to give those team captains some money to help offset some costs associated with that trip for their team. Usually buys a meal or picks up a bar tab for the team, couple hundred dollars at most.I wouldn’t mind if the coordinators got the league fee. I’m sure my coordinator spendsquite a bit of time running things. Although honestly I’m not thrilled if they take my money to spend on a charity of their choice.
I understand the league fee is used to pay coordinators. I don’t know why we have to pay $44 to the national organization. What does the national org do for adult rec tennis?
I give my time and money to different charities, and I will be the first to admit there is a long list of charities I could give More money or time to. But this isn’t even on that long list. subsidizing the tennis lessons of spoiled country club tennis kids is not on the list. Nor do I think that will promote tennis. You know what will? Having parents and grandparents that regularly play tennis in leagues. instead of pricing them out by adding all these costs well beyond the cost of the service provided.Here’s an example of what your dues go toward, published by USTA Northern in 2011:
I only played USTA league for a year, but it has been interesting to see how my captain is able to keep recruiting players for his teams. It seems after each season we will loose a few players and my captains still is able to find more players to join. My captain plays "quite a bit of tennis" outside of USTA league. He plays on two (2) local ladders (singles and doubles), attends a few tennis clinics. He even subs for my neighborhood tennis league, which is more social then competitive tennis. I'm convinced if you want to captain, you must be playing non USTA tennis and have a place to keep meeting potential tennis players.A feeder program needs to be done for new players to join leagues and make it fun and competitive for everyone so it can be an enjoyable experience and develop players before the USTA regular leagues grinds them through the process.
USTANC has a program called TryTennis. For $40 you get 4 one and a half hour clinics, a racquet and a t-shirt. Goal is to lead people in to league play.It would be helpful if USTA did have some sort of feeder program for adults "new to tennis" that could easily transition to USTA league when they were ready.
I think the USTA could promote adult recreational growth more, but it's clear that is not a priority of the org - I would love to know their revenue breakdown. It really makes me sad to hear that regular clubs won't host jr. tournaments anymore. I would love to see the USTA work harder at the facilities-level to build up jr programs. And kids who play tennis turn into adults who play tennis - plus their parents might be into it too.