Hall of Fame
Glad Alcaraz was able to escape and right the ship at the end, but that walkabout was horrifying to watch, like he turned senile for a few games.
That was definitely a strange one.Took the scenic route, did Carlitos.
Man I wish I could take credit for some enlightening prediction, but this stuff is just too easy.Basically the universe decided to test baseline_bungle assertstion. Let's see how this plays out for the choinaki's of the realm
Hurkacz is just so dopey.
Big-time cope. The polish are a strange sort. Everything is internal. I can tell you from experience.he's really the most happy chap when he loses big points
Watch Federer vs Tsonga Montreal 2009 and come back to me.I really miss cheering for Federer during his prime, he wouldn’t f**** up like that!
Watch Federer vs Tsonga Montreal 2009 and come back to me.
You're welcome.
Are trying to tell me that Hubie > Tsonga??
We all know that prime Federer would have easily have beaten Hubie tonight
No what I'm trying to tell you is your comment "Prime Federer would never phuk up a match when leading" is false.
He was up 5-1 vs Tsonga in the 3rd set in Montreal 2009 and managed to lose that one in the Tiebreak.
Alcaraz managed to prevail.
Everyone knows that Tsonga >> Hurkacz
It wasn’t Fed’s doing but all Tsonga who mounted the comeback. And we all know that Tsonga is one of a handful of players that Fed struggles with. It’s the exception, what I meant that in GENERAL, prime Fed usually doesn’t mess up like CA did today. Period.
CA isn't in his prime, yet.It wasn’t Fed’s doing but all Tsonga who mounted the comeback. And we all know that Tsonga is one of a handful of players that Fed struggles with. It’s the exception, what I meant that in GENERAL, prime Fed usually doesn’t mess up like CA did today. Period.
CA isn't in his prime, yet.
Hurk and Alcaraz with basically the same forehand W/UE? That's highly unexpected.
Still, CA has no business choking to mug like Hubie.
I know the feeling; every match Carlos plays is at midnight here, and I’m feeling zombie like already! I’d come to the conclusion when he dropped serve at the start of the second set, that he was just having a really bad day when nothing seemed to work and would lose in straights, especially being up against such a big server. Fortunately Carlos doesn’t give up so easily although the complete drop off when 5-2 up in the third, was bizarre. I can‘t recall ever seeing that happen to him before.Good grief. What a strange match this was in a myriad ways. I stayed up to watch despite a loooooong day and being knackered, thinking I'd need matchsticks to keep my eyes open. But with HH blitzing and bamboozling CA in the first set, my eyes seemed to remain wide open without any problem. Loool.
HH seems like a decent sort, but I have never been enamoured of his game. Yes, he is a very efficient server and can hit his groundies with accuracy when playing well. But I find him dull. The same cannot be said of CA where I'm concerned. Even when struggling for whatever reason, he produced some superb shots, leaving one in disbelief at how he manages it. Mind you, when he lost his 2 break advantage in the 3rd set, my tired brain could only ask 'why?' - there seemed no understandable reason. I think I'll redact those games from my memory!
Well done to CA for getting through regardless of the wtf moments. Poor HH - if you'd given him the match on a platter he'd probably still have declined it. He appears to have zero belief. CA on the other hand, has a surfeit of it and I hope this will continue to take him through those moments when he is most in need of them.
The only other time I've seen Alcaraz doing this downward spiral was vs Gaston in Paris indoor 2021 viaI know the feeling; every match Carlos plays is at midnight here, and I’m feeling zombie like already! I’d come to the conclusion when he dropped serve at the start of the second set, that he was just having a really bad day when nothing seemed to work and would lose in straights, especially being up against such a big server. Fortunately Carlos doesn’t give up so easily although the complete drop off when 5-2 up in the third, was bizarre. I can‘t recall ever seeing that happen to him before.
Hope he can find his game in the next round, he’s going to need it as Paul has beaten him before at this tournament and will be feeling confident he can do so again given Carlos’s form.
I find Hurkacz a bit of an enigma. He doesn’t look in the least bit athletic let alone a top level tennis player, with his lumbering, pigeon toed gait and yet he’s pretty quick fpr such a big man. Very dull to watch though. I don‘t think I would ever bother watching Hurkacz v Ruud!
Not sure I want to watch the same thing with a worse result lol. At least it shows he’s human.The only other time I've seen Alcaraz doing this downward spiral was vs Gaston in Paris indoor 2021 via
Unlike the Gaston match, Alcaraz came back which was impressive regardless the 3rd set meltdown.
You know your compatriot better than anyone.As a fellow pole I really want to root for hubie but he's softer than tissue paper..and breaks like single ply when the pressure is on