360+ Extreme Pro

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
Had a fantastic hit with the Extreme Pro tonight.

I tweaked the balance to be a little more HL than in previous outings. This made the racquet swing much easier (whippier), made it feel more manoeuvrable, allowed me to better time my swing and make easier adjustments to the face of the racquet at contact.

This all allowed me to focus on hitting the ball in front and to more easily be able to focus on my extension point through the shot and the swing path (extend my shots and follow-through). I was also able to accelerate through my shots a lot faster. This enabled me to both shape the ball very well (when I wanted to add spin and power), and flatten the ball for a flatter and more penetrating shot.

The racquet had great control, awesome power, fantastic directional control, and great comfort. The slices were vicious, penetrating, stayed low to the ground (off both sides), and I was able to use them both defensively and offensively. My BH top spin was controlled yet powerful, and I could hit it well both cross-court and down-the-line. My FH was wonderful, I could hit it both cross-court and DTL, I could change directions very easily due to the stability of the racquet, and I could choose the amount of spin I wanted to impart on the shot (shape the ball very well). I could achieve great depth-of-shot off both sides, as well as hit acute angles to pull my hitting partner off the court.

I did not serve.

The more I play with this racquet, the more I love it. Both the Extreme Tour and the Extreme Pro are fantastic racquets, and they both excel in slightly different areas, but are potent weapons.


Hall of Fame
Had a fantastic hit with the Extreme Pro tonight.

I tweaked the balance to be a little more HL than in previous outings. This made the racquet swing much easier (whippier), made it feel more manoeuvrable, allowed me to better time my swing and make easier adjustments to the face of the racquet at contact.

This all allowed me to focus on hitting the ball in front and to more easily be able to focus on my extension point through the shot and the swing path (extend my shots and follow-through). I was also able to accelerate through my shots a lot faster. This enabled me to both shape the ball very well (when I wanted to add spin and power), and flatten the ball for a flatter and more penetrating shot.

The racquet had great control, awesome power, fantastic directional control, and great comfort. The slices were vicious, penetrating, stayed low to the ground (off both sides), and I was able to use them both defensively and offensively. My BH top spin was controlled yet powerful, and I could hit it well both cross-court and down-the-line. My FH was wonderful, I could hit it both cross-court and DTL, I could change directions very easily due to the stability of the racquet, and I could choose the amount of spin I wanted to impart on the shot (shape the ball very well). I could achieve great depth-of-shot off both sides, as well as hit acute angles to pull my hitting partner off the court.

I did not serve.

The more I play with this racquet, the more I love it. Both the Extreme Tour and the Extreme Pro are fantastic racquets, and they both excel in slightly different areas, but are potent weapons.
I believe free power and spin is always better and trying to found a way to tame it down. What’s your stock SW of your pro and how it is on the one hand backhand ?

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
I believe free power and spin is always better and trying to found a way to tame it down. What’s your stock SW of your pro and how it is on the one hand backhand ?

I don't have a swing-weight machine, so I couldn't check the original or modified SW.

When I was bouncing the ball off the racquet face in stock form, it felt nice, plush, and like it had decent power, but I thought I could improve it somewhat on the outer edges of the string-bed, so I added some weight to the head.

I added 0.5g at 3 and 9 respectively, 0.5g at 10 and 2 respectively, and 1g at 12 o'clock (split into two 0.5g with a small gap for the stringing clamp - so it doesn't crush the Tungsten tape when I'm restringing). Therefore, I added 3g in total to the head of the racquet. I then added weight to the handle to counter-weight the racquet and make it more HL (currently strung with Lynx Tour 17 (Grey) - Balance is 317-318mm measured by balancing on the edge of the table).

The racquet swings very well, and I can hit my OHBH very easily now. I am able to time my shots much better than on the previous two outings (when the balance was less HL than it is now), and am able to hit my OHBH on half-volley blocks, full-blooded swings, and high-bouncing shots with depth and penetration.

Hope that helps.


I understand the logic for not releasing it in USA, as there are really only 2 camps, the people wanting a pure aero and the people wanting something like a strike but with extreme levels of spin. The MP and Tour fit those very well, and throwing in an in between would divide the market more than necessary. That being said, I love the Tour and wish I could try the Pro.

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
I understand the logic for not releasing it in USA, as there are really only 2 camps, the people wanting a pure aero and the people wanting something like a strike but with extreme levels of spin. The MP and Tour fit those very well, and throwing in an in between would divide the market more than necessary. That being said, I love the Tour and wish I could try the Pro.

Message me if you're interested in getting one (grip size 2 or 4 - brand new), but you have to be quick (not many left).

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
Does anyone know how much heavier a racquet is with Head Lynx Tour 1.25mm Vs another Poly that is 1.25mm (even Head Lynx)?

I know Lynx Tour is a heavy strings... just wanted to get an idea of the difference.



How do people find the 360+ tour compared to the previous version of the 100si neon yellow Extreme Pro? I had a brief hit with the previous EP and was pretty much sold on it. Found out the spec was 6pt HL, 331g strung and 328sw with Lynx Tour. This is almost matching my new my ET that had +2g of lead at 12 strung with HyperG. Having owned the ET for a week I've not been able to finish 2 sets with it without switching to another racket. I find the ball sails once in a while and I hit top spin most of times...


Hall of Fame
How do people find the 360+ tour compared to the previous version of the 100si neon yellow Extreme Pro? I had a brief hit with the previous EP and was pretty much sold on it. Found out the spec was 6pt HL, 331g strung and 328sw with Lynx Tour. This is almost matching my new my ET that had +2g of lead at 12 strung with HyperG. Having owned the ET for a week I've not been able to finish 2 sets with it without switching to another racket. I find the ball sails once in a while and I hit top spin most of times...
So you have enough power with ET….. it just doesn’t give you the needed control ?

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
How do people find the 360+ tour compared to the previous version of the 100si neon yellow Extreme Pro? I had a brief hit with the previous EP and was pretty much sold on it. Found out the spec was 6pt HL, 331g strung and 328sw with Lynx Tour. This is almost matching my new my ET that had +2g of lead at 12 strung with HyperG. Having owned the ET for a week I've not been able to finish 2 sets with it without switching to another racket. I find the ball sails once in a while and I hit top spin most of times...

I find that with the ET, the more you put in... the better it gets. I have not tried the Extreme Pro 360... but have the G360+ Extreme Pro, and that racquet (weight and balance modified), has great power while retaining very good control.

I find that with the Extremes the ball does have a higher launch angle and trajectory over the net (which I find a good thing as it gives me more margin), but with proper technique and solid stroke mechanics, the ball drops within the court with great depth and lots of weight and penetration. It is very important to meet the ball in front with these racquets, because if the contact point is off (a little late), the ball will sail long (due to the higher trajectory) or there will be a loss of control (resulting in long balls more so then balls into the net).

I found this to be true more so with the G360+ Extreme Pro than the Extreme Tour, when it comes to flattening the ball out. I was having trouble with this shot on my first two outings with the EP, and I found that changing the balance of the racquet to more HL worked wonders for me, as it allowed me to better time the ball, not be late on my contact point, and meet the ball out-front. Once this happened, I was able to hit through the ball better and flatten my shots out.

Perhaps consider making your ET more HL (I would suggest weight at the top of the handle - usually double the weight you added to the top of the racquet). This will give you greater stability on your shots, and may help you regain more control. If this is not sufficient, try adding additional weight inside the butt cap (Tungsten putty wrapped in wool works well - the wool ensures that the Putty doesn't fall inside the handle or melt when the weather is hot).

Also, follow the sound advice of @toaster and put more work on the ball. This will make it drop in rather than flying long (together with making sure your contact point is out-in-front).

Hope that helps.


I find that with the ET, the more you put in... the better it gets. I have not tried the Extreme Pro 360... but have the G360+ Extreme Pro, and that racquet (weight and balance modified), has great power while retaining very good control.

I find that with the Extremes the ball does have a higher launch angle and trajectory over the net (which I find a good thing as it gives me more margin), but with proper technique and solid stroke mechanics, the ball drops within the court with great depth and lots of weight and penetration. It is very important to meet the ball in front with these racquets, because if the contact point is off (a little late), the ball will sail long (due to the higher trajectory) or there will be a loss of control (resulting in long balls more so then balls into the net).

I found this to be true more so with the G360+ Extreme Pro than the Extreme Tour, when it comes to flattening the ball out. I was having trouble with this shot on my first two outings with the EP, and I found that changing the balance of the racquet to more HL worked wonders for me, as it allowed me to better time the ball, not be late on my contact point, and meet the ball out-front. Once this happened, I was able to hit through the ball better and flatten my shots out.

Perhaps consider making your ET more HL (I would suggest weight at the top of the handle - usually double the weight you added to the top of the racquet). This will give you greater stability on your shots, and may help you regain more control. If this is not sufficient, try adding additional weight inside the butt cap (Tungsten putty wrapped in wool works well - the wool ensures that the Putty doesn't fall inside the handle or melt when the weather is hot).

Also, follow the sound advice of @toaster and put more work on the ball. This will make it drop in rather than flying long (together with making sure your contact point is out-in-front).

Hope that helps.
Thanks for the tip. I will try it with more HL. Luckily the G360+ ET has room to add weight as I prefer to keep strung weight under 340. I'm pretty accustomed to 7 to 9 HL in the past so will see if this helps.


New User
I will unfortunately move on from the racquet. When I am playing big hitters, I loose to much power with the racquet. I liked it a lot, but have to admit I am a Head Prestige Pro Player.

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
I will unfortunately move on from the racquet. When I am playing big hitters, I loose to much power with the racquet. I liked it a lot, but have to admit I am a Head Prestige Pro Player.

Sorry to hear that. Doesn't this racquet have more power than the Prestige Pro?

Have you tried to modify the racquet with a bit of weight?

I have made small modifications, and the EP is a beast (and it has excellent control and I can flatten my shots out with ease now).

Worth a try before you give up on it. If you're interested in the mods, let me know.


New User
Sorry to hear that. Doesn't this racquet have more power than the Prestige Pro?

Have you tried to modify the racquet with a bit of weight?

I have made small modifications, and the EP is a beast (and it has excellent control and I can flatten my shots out with ease now).

Worth a try before you give up on it. If you're interested in the mods, let me know.

I don´t get the power I get from heavy racquets like Prestige or RF97. Those Powerframes generate a lot of power if your swing is not at max. I lost clearly to my hitting partner, who i beat almost every time. He said the difference is substantial. I was at the beginning in a honeymoon phase when playing against weaker oponents, where I did not swing fully.

I thing it is still a great racquet, but unfortunately my racquet.

p.s. I always get less power with powerfull frames like Pure Aero, Ezone.....but with heavy players frames I can generate my max.

Classic-TXP-IG MID

Hall of Fame
I don´t get the power I get from heavy racquets like Prestige or RF97. Those Powerframes generate a lot of power if your swing is not at max. I lost clearly to my hitting partner, who i beat almost every time. He said the difference is substantial. I was at the beginning in a honeymoon phase when playing against weaker oponents, where I did not swing fully.

I thing it is still a great racquet, but unfortunately my racquet.

p.s. I always get less power with powerfull frames like Pure Aero, Ezone.....but with heavy players frames I can generate my max.

I understand... my EPs are 359g strung, 317mm balance, and probably around 335+ SW. That's the same as my Prestiges and the RF97A. Maybe if you tried it at that weight... you'd see the power. One of the things I love the EP for, is it's awesome stability against hard hitters (at my modified weight).

But, I understand... if it's not your racquet... it's not your racquet.