4.5jumping to open in pursuit of 1glorious atp point


Hall of Fame
im trying to get better so i can compete in the upper echelons of tennis. im not trying to get one point just for the sake of having a point. im sure i could fly to iran and get a point like some of the other posters recommended. i would just like to see how far my tennis skills can go.

however, so far they havent been too impressive. lol.

on a side note, im still trying to get some video of me playing so all the other posters can see how i play. and then it might be fun to see what u all think my ntrp should be.

I doubt it would be that easy. The guys winning matches in Futures are probably about the level of the guys winning open tournaments in SoCal. So if you think you can beat the guys winning the tournaments, then you would have a shot, if not, you dont.
well, another 1-6 1-6 loss. i played well and had a lot of chances to win games. i had a lot of ad points and just didnt convert. the kid was good, but he didnt dominate me. i could easily keep up with him, but this match i just lost very crucial points. i even let him break me when i was up 40 love and gave him 5 points in a row. im disapointed with my loss, but i didnt feel like i had been just pushed around the court.

i realized a lot from this match. for one i realized that i need to get in much better shape. i have good stamina, but i felt it affecting my serve. i didnt realize how much i hold back on my serve when im tired. i cant get a good jump and pop into the ball and my first serve becomes a second serve. i learned that my bh isnt that bad if i just go for it. i think this is one of the first matches i actually hit more topspin bh's than slice, and it was pretty consistent.
one thing i am realizing with these tournaments is how difficult this is. i knew the competition would be better than me. what i did not realize is how hard it is to fit all this tennis into my busy schedule. i had to leave straight from work and sit in traffic for an hour and i arrived 5 min late. i jumped right on the court, no stretching or anything. the kid was already waiting there and looked as though he already had been playing with some of his highschool buddies that were there. i was able to get some practice in last night, but broke my strings on the racquet i wanted to use. i didnt have time to restring and had to use my other racquet that hadnt been restrung for a while due to lack of time. of course i broke this in the 3rd game and was stuck using my racket with 2 week old string i was demoing.

my next tournament i will be doing 4.5 just to try and gauge myself again. all this losing has gotten me a little frustrated. if i cant do well in the 4.5's then i know i really have a problem. i know im getting better, but without good consistent practice i will never be able to compete at the open level. so for now i am going to focus on trying to find a 4.5 guy that lives in my area that wants to improve with me.

all in all i dont regret trying to compete at open. i know with more practice and consistency i can compete with these guys. the question is if i can fit the practice into my schedule


Keep it up! The only way to improve is to test yourself against the best. Am an old school player formerly ranked in the open level and have had wins over top level college, open, and satellite players (best win over a former Spanish Davis cupper on clay).

What I've learned most about playing this game over 40 years or so (gulp :) is about myself. By this I mean that there is no short cuts. You get out of the game what you put into it. Gotta get and keep in shape, stay on top of the equipment changes, get good advice about your game, invest in lessons and find hitting partners who will help you get to the next level...

Always look for new ways to improve both physically and mentally. Also learn to listen to your body and take periodic breaks to recover (avoid injury).

Above all else believe in yourself and have fun! Life is too short...

well, another 1-6 1-6 loss. i played well and had a lot of chances to win games. i had a lot of ad points and just didnt convert. the kid was good, but he didnt dominate me. i could easily keep up with him, but this match i just lost very crucial points. i even let him break me when i was up 40 love and gave him 5 points in a row. im disapointed with my loss, but i didnt feel like i had been just pushed around the court.

i realized a lot from this match. for one i realized that i need to get in much better shape. i have good stamina, but i felt it affecting my serve. i didnt realize how much i hold back on my serve when im tired. i cant get a good jump and pop into the ball and my first serve becomes a second serve. i learned that my bh isnt that bad if i just go for it. i think this is one of the first matches i actually hit more topspin bh's than slice, and it was pretty consistent.
one thing i am realizing with these tournaments is how difficult this is. i knew the competition would be better than me. what i did not realize is how hard it is to fit all this tennis into my busy schedule. i had to leave straight from work and sit in traffic for an hour and i arrived 5 min late. i jumped right on the court, no stretching or anything. the kid was already waiting there and looked as though he already had been playing with some of his highschool buddies that were there. i was able to get some practice in last night, but broke my strings on the racquet i wanted to use. i didnt have time to restring and had to use my other racquet that hadnt been restrung for a while due to lack of time. of course i broke this in the 3rd game and was stuck using my racket with 2 week old string i was demoing.

my next tournament i will be doing 4.5 just to try and gauge myself again. all this losing has gotten me a little frustrated. if i cant do well in the 4.5's then i know i really have a problem. i know im getting better, but without good consistent practice i will never be able to compete at the open level. so for now i am going to focus on trying to find a 4.5 guy that lives in my area that wants to improve with me.

all in all i dont regret trying to compete at open. i know with more practice and consistency i can compete with these guys. the question is if i can fit the practice into my schedule


Hall of Fame
I started up my tennis career again after a 10 year layoff. I was losing so many matches. I resolved to get serious about it and really started training hard. Ive lost 15 pounds, and am playing the best tennis of my life.

I played a guy yesterday who destroyed me last year when i was just starting off. I beat him 6-2, 6-1, and he got so mad he smashed his racket on the ground, breaking it.

Anyway, you have to walk before you can run. Progress from the 4.5 level to 5.0 to open, youll improve a ton and be competitive.

Fitness and coaching. You need heaps of both.


Hall of Fame
well, another 1-6 1-6 loss. i played well and had a lot of chances to win games. i had a lot of ad points and just didnt convert. the kid was good, but he didnt dominate me. i could easily keep up with him, but this match i just lost very crucial points. i even let him break me when i was up 40 love and gave him 5 points in a row. im disapointed with my loss, but i didnt feel like i had been just pushed around the court.

I'm curious as to what he did well, as it wasn't just you losing points. When I got destroyed in my open tournament (I won one match before playing a local college player and losing 0 and 0, it was my lack of fitness, his heavy groundstrokes, and his killer topspin lob. I like to get to net to try to end points fast, and he had a topspin lob the likes of which I had never seen.

I gave him points on my serve by DFing, and he picked on my BH, which still needs work, but he just had a combination of shots I didn't have. I've gotten a lot stronger since then, especially my fitness, and I could probably get 4-6 games off him, but he would still win, probably every time.
I'm curious as to what he did well, as it wasn't just you losing points. When I got destroyed in my open tournament (I won one match before playing a local college player and losing 0 and 0, it was my lack of fitness, his heavy groundstrokes, and his killer topspin lob. I like to get to net to try to end points fast, and he had a topspin lob the likes of which I had never seen.

I gave him points on my serve by DFing, and he picked on my BH, which still needs work, but he just had a combination of shots I didn't have. I've gotten a lot stronger since then, especially my fitness, and I could probably get 4-6 games off him, but he would still win, probably every time.

i think his net game was probably one of his strong points. i ussually always hear people saying these college kids never come to the net, but this guy kept coming. he would get to the net and hit a deep ball to my bh which i dont have a great passing shot for. other than that he didnt have anything else that i couldnt handle. he had a nice slice that stayed really low and he could aim it nicely, but once i got a forehand i could put some pace on it.

on another note, the draws for my upcoming 4.5 tourn are up. looks like im the 2 seed. ive been feeling really good about my game lately. i posted some ads on craigslistt looking for some 4.5+ guys that would want to meet up a few times a week and work on getting better. i got a few responses, and met up with one guy so far. he was solid, just had been out of the game for a while and was getting tired quickly. ill be playing today tommorow and thurs with some other people that responded and then ill have my tourn this weekend. ill update after my first match.


Hall of Fame
Good luck! I've got a tournament in a couple of weeks. If you're ever up in Norcal, let me know and we can hit. I can beat a couple of 4.5's at my club but I'm going to finish the year at 4.0 before moving up to 4.5 next year.


Hall of Fame
I often do that move when playing someone much worse than me especially guy with one handed backhands, hit it to the backhand deep come to net and put the volley away. Saves energy, practice the net game and still emerge with an easy victory.
ill actually be up in SF from 8/26 to 8/29. im just gonna be visiting with my gf so i wont be bringing any of my tennis gear. are you near sf. maybe we could get an early morning hit while she sleeps in. and i could borrow a racket or something. lol.


Bionic Poster
Bring at least one racket and shoes.
GoldenGatePark in SF has 22 courts, about 5 bucks for 1.5 hours, and usually decent players.
Marina on weekends is 4.5 doubles, as is AliceMarble and JuliusKahn courts.
Kiteboard here needs a practice partner. Solid 4.5, but might have back or elbow problems then.
Sorry, I'm only a falling 4.0, but can hit at any level up to 5.5 if I don't need to cover 4' from my alleys. But I'm 20 miles away in SanPablo.


Bionic Poster
Hey, JDubbs...
What courts do you normally hit at?
Kiteboard usually at SanPablo, used to hit at RoseGarden.
Me, normally Rose, but once in a blue moon, SanPablo.
Davies in Oakland foothills good for 4.5.
Albert's Field in SanRafael is home of Marin's championship 4.0 team, more than half I've never lost to back in the '90's.
BoylePark in MillValley is a notch above Albert's.


Hall of Fame
Your serve is good, obviously your partner was pretty weak though. I would love to see some match play from one of your open tournaments. That would probably be the most instructive.


Conditioning, conditioning and yes, conditioning. Looks like you need to work on your middle core strength (pulling down on the serve follow thru--wanna extend upward).

From what I saw in your vid your strokes look technically ok. However, until you get into the best shape possible, you are handicapping your full potential. Get a personal trainer to help and also work with a dietician...if you are serious :)...all the best in your tennis goals... Signed: my 2 cents

finally was able to get some footage. here is just a few serves i filmed. ill post more once i have a chance to edit the video. let me know what you think compared to my goals.



Saw the vid, you're better than I thought. Didn't see your BH, but your serve and FH are pretty solid. The movement and overall footwork seems to be an issue, but hard to say form such a short vid.
Your serve is good, obviously your partner was pretty weak though. I would love to see some match play from one of your open tournaments. That would probably be the most instructive.

ya, im trying to get some match footage. its hard because i have to have my gf or someone else come and film for me, and then i need to get a good court with stands or a decent location to film from. the usc stadium was perfect because the stands were above the court. im going to see if i can get some video of this weekends tourny.

Conditioning, conditioning and yes, conditioning. Looks like you need to work on your middle core strength (pulling down on the serve follow thru--wanna extend upward)..
i know, i need to get in much better shape. im pretty quick on the court right now, but i would be so much quicker if i dropped 20 to 30 lbs. also, when i get to that 3rd set im ussually super tired and dropping weight would really help that issue.


I'm pretty sure the black socks are holding you back. Not to turn this into a fashion critique but yikes.

Let's see the improved backhand...
I'm pretty sure the black socks are holding you back. Not to turn this into a fashion critique but yikes.

Let's see the improved backhand...

haha, ya those are the socks i wear when i come straight from work. its either look funny on the court or look funny at work with white socks in dress shoes. i choose the court and get funny looks. i have brown ones that are even worse, lol.
Bring at least one racket and shoes.
GoldenGatePark in SF has 22 courts, about 5 bucks for 1.5 hours, and usually decent players.
Marina on weekends is 4.5 doubles, as is AliceMarble and JuliusKahn courts.
Kiteboard here needs a practice partner. Solid 4.5, but might have back or elbow problems then.
Sorry, I'm only a falling 4.0, but can hit at any level up to 5.5 if I don't need to cover 4' from my alleys. But I'm 20 miles away in SanPablo.

hey leed, does this park have a pro shop where i could demo a racquet.


I get to hit with former ATP/Satellite players on occasion and it's interesting as some do keep in shape and some don't (which greatly affects their playing ability). Its finding ways to make working out interesting that's the key. The P90X works for some, I like to go boardsurfing or mountain biking these days. I'd venture to say that you could move up a whole level by losing the weight and increasing strength and cardiofitness. Saw some of your other vids (matches) where your play is compromised as a result (backhand and second serve). There are areas where you have control over and fitness is all in "your" court.

Look forward to hearing of your developments...all the best! Signed: my 4 cents :)

ya, im trying to get some match footage. its hard because i have to have my gf or someone else come and film for me, and then i need to get a good court with stands or a decent location to film from. the usc stadium was perfect because the stands were above the court. im going to see if i can get some video of this weekends tourny.

i know, i need to get in much better shape. im pretty quick on the court right now, but i would be so much quicker if i dropped 20 to 30 lbs. also, when i get to that 3rd set im ussually super tired and dropping weight would really help that issue.


Bionic Poster
The shop at GGPk is tiny, so I doubt they'd have anything worth trying, except old leftover rackets. Almost every shop in SF can demo some rackets.
You still need shoes, balls, shorts (coldest winter I've ever spent was a summer in SanFrancisco), and baseball cap. I played at GGPk from '76 thru '79, almost every day, mid day.
Was shaping surfboards for a living, so had plenty of daylight hours to kill.


New User
You have a nice serve. Good motion, good pace with some movement. Now, this is very constructive criticism because I admire your efforts to go after a goal. You have got to lose all that weight you are dragging around the court with you. I'm a high school coach and I have seen far too many really good juniors who have a ton of talent but they lack the discipline to keep their weight under control. Hence, they never come close to reaching their potential. Don't say you need to "lose 20 or 30 pounds". Pick a target weight and make that number your Holy Grail. Go after it with a vengeance. Every time you feel the urge to put something in your mouth that pulls farther from that number, STOP!!! Every time you're too tired to get in a workout, get up and do the workout. Start a high intensity interval routine, try Tabatas. Go to youtube and search for high intensity interval training. This stuff is the magic elixir for losing weight and getting in tennis shape.

Best of luck, Bro. Keep pushing.


The shop at GGPk is tiny, so I doubt they'd have anything worth trying, except old leftover rackets. Almost every shop in SF can demo some rackets.
You still need shoes, balls, shorts (coldest winter I've ever spent was a summer in SanFrancisco), and baseball cap. I played at GGPk from '76 thru '79, almost every day, mid day.
Was shaping surfboards for a living, so had plenty of daylight hours to kill.

Sounds like a cool way to make a living.In response to the OP mate pick a realistic figure,reach the target(for weight loss through intense exercise of course) and then reset the goals.The mental strength you gain from knowing you have done the work is worth games in the second and third sets.Never give up.Never,never,never.Awesome to see someone chasing their dream!


Good post and encouragement!

Dude, you may want to find others who share your passion for tennis improvement and get a workout group together. Looks like you're in southern cal which has a bunch of former ATP'ers working as tennis pros etc. Spend a few bucks, take a lesson to introduce yourself and craft a deal where you could get a full workout with them and coaching at the same time. There is no substitute for hitting with better players to get better (its the quality of the ball coming at you...consistently :).

You may find this recent chat I had with the master Nick Bollettieri interesting:

...Hi Nick, Question: what's worked well for you at your academy training young boys and girls in becoming top level tennis players...likewise, what would you have changed (knowing what you know now)? Am planning to work with a select group of promising players and would appreciate your insights...Thanks!

...Nick Bollettieri: What worked best is putting together a bunch of soldiers on the same court. They'd all knock the crap out of each other and come out as warriors rather than soldiers. Never to run out of a farm team. Always have new talent coming up.

You have a nice serve. Good motion, good pace with some movement. Now, this is very constructive criticism because I admire your efforts to go after a goal. You have got to lose all that weight you are dragging around the court with you. I'm a high school coach and I have seen far too many really good juniors who have a ton of talent but they lack the discipline to keep their weight under control. Hence, they never come close to reaching their potential. Don't say you need to "lose 20 or 30 pounds". Pick a target weight and make that number your Holy Grail. Go after it with a vengeance. Every time you feel the urge to put something in your mouth that pulls farther from that number, STOP!!! Every time you're too tired to get in a workout, get up and do the workout. Start a high intensity interval routine, try Tabatas. Go to youtube and search for high intensity interval training. This stuff is the magic elixir for losing weight and getting in tennis shape.

Best of luck, Bro. Keep pushing.


Great thread. Posting the serving vid inspired me to do the same. I was not happy with what I saw!! Nothing like as smooth as yours.

Good luck to you, that is a hell of a goal you set yourself.


Read the whole thread, and I'm surprised no one has raised the most important issue:

How is the gf doing with all of this? Does she play? Is she supportive? Does she attend your matches?

Inquiring minds want to know . . . .
thank for all the kind words of encouragement.

i know my weight is a huge issue. i am acutally in decent shape but getting down to my ideal weight of 180 would make me so much quicker on the court and my legs wouldnt be tired during serves. i weighed myself today and i am 205 (the BMI calc thing says im obese, lol), but i have a thick frame. my heaviest was 240, but i read some books about eating healthy and dropped down to 175. working in an office makes it hard to eat healthy all the time. i really need to take taylormcc's advice and think about what im doing before i put french fries in my mouth (mmmm... french fries, oh sorry i am work and its just about lunch time.) my GF has an organic garden where we grow tomatoes and peppers and other fruits and veggies, and i take like 6 vitamin pills everyday. im really trying to drop weight, because i cannot compete with these college kids at this weight.

Read the whole thread, and I'm surprised no one has raised the most important issue:

How is the gf doing with all of this? Does she play? Is she supportive? Does she attend your matches?

Inquiring minds want to know . . . .

my GF doesnt play. she is really supportive though. she comes to all my matches that she can. she was the one that took the usc video for me. and she is always the one that reminds me im holding myself back when i eat unhealthy. the hardest part is that she works nights and i work the 9-5 schedule. so the only tennis i can play is nights and i have to schedule my tennis around her work schedule so we have time to hang out. its hard though cause she works 2 weeknights a week and i need more practice than that. but she understands that this is important to me and i really enjoy playing so she supports me in every way she can.

Dude, you may want to find others who share your passion for tennis improvement and get a workout group together. Looks like you're in southern cal which has a bunch of former ATP'ers working as tennis pros etc. Spend a few bucks, take a lesson to introduce yourself and craft a deal where you could get a full workout with them and coaching at the same time. There is no substitute for hitting with better players to get better (its the quality of the ball coming at you...consistently .

i was actually thinking of ways to meet more players that can hit a heavy ball at me. i just posted on craigs list about a week ago looking for dedicated players and actually met a few guys that want to improve like i do. i must admit though it is hard to find people outside of tennis clubs that want to train and get better and tennis clubs are just too pricey to join. so far though the craigslist thing has worked and i know a few guys that want to hit once in a while. this week i was able to practice T,W,Th and i have the tourn this weekend, and then i already have M,T,W booked for more practice with different people.

i am definantly going to get some match footage up this weekend. hopefully i get a nice court close to some stands or something. but either way ill try and post a little something.
Hey man, I'm your fellow "pipe dreamer".

Never listen to the naysayers. Most didn't have the guts to go after their destiny. Whether we make it or not, we have stories and memories as far as the eye can see. Even more, we'll become better players out of the experience.

Keep fighting and never quit.
Hey man, I'm your fellow "pipe dreamer".

Never listen to the naysayers. Most didn't have the guts to go after their destiny. Whether we make it or not, we have stories and memories as far as the eye can see. Even more, we'll become better players out of the experience.

Keep fighting and never quit.

i know what you mean. i actually have been following your blog. the tennis show sounds cool. it would be awsome if i had the savings where i could drop everthing and just train with other people, but i know my level will never be good enough to actually compete on the tour. i just want to compete at a college level here in so cal and maybe win some money in opens.
Your game is ahead of mine and I'm pulling the stunt.

I never say I can't get this far or that far. I just see where things take me. Few weeks ago, I played a former D3 player and gave him all I had and lost 2 and 4. 10 days ago, I played a 50+ year old guy with zero power on his shots, but impeccable placement. Took me 6-0 in 28 minutes in the first set before I even made it interesting in the second. Ended up the guy was A level who dropped to B5 because of his knees.

That's why I am doing this. I've won a ton of matches I shouldn't have because of my hustle. In the same token, I have lost a lot of matches because a serve failed me or my backhand failed me. It makes me wonder what would happen if I put it all together?
it feels good to actually get to report a win for once, even though it was only a 4.5 win. i won the match 6-3 6-1. i had seen this guy play a few times around some tournaments ive been in. hes real good and i was suprised to see how easily i won this match. he had a big serve and powerful strokes, but his bh consistency was a weakness so i kept attacking it. i played good, but could have been better. serves werent as consistent as i would like and i wasnt going for too many bh winners. this match was good for me though. it was nice being able to dictate some points and focus on point construction. one big thing i have been realizing in the past week or two is that a nice well place shot will be much more effective than a powerful shot thats not placed as well. i still was not happy with the amount of shanks i had today, but was able to stop those when i focused more on hitting smooth well placed shots. my next match is tomorrow. heres the link to the draw.


whoa yonex you are going for atp points?

yes, 1 atp point is my ultimate goal. i am still very very far off from getting that point though. i dont have any dilusions about going pro and playing tennis for a living. i would just like to be able to compete at the college level and maybe win some small amounts of money to pay for my tennis expenses.


it feels good to actually get to report a win for once, even though it was only a 4.5 win. i won the match 6-3 6-1. i had seen this guy play a few times around some tournaments ive been in. hes real good and i was suprised to see how easily i won this match. he had a big serve and powerful strokes, but his bh consistency was a weakness so i kept attacking it.

Nice win. I've actually hit with and played doubles before against the guy
you played.
just a quick update. i was able to win my match today 6-4 6-2. the guy was good. he was carrying some extra pounds like me, but he had a lot of power in his shots. it was good practice trying to put topspin on shots coming at me with that much pace. his serve was big so i was only blocking his first serves back. i didnt feel i was playing as good as yesterday and wasnt able to dictate points as much. we had more short points because we both were power hitters going for winners. my serve was terrible today, no consistency. one side had sun right in my eyes and i couldnt hit a flat serve at all. i basically just relied on placing it to his bh. once again my opponents bh wasnt as good and i just attacked it all day.

my next match is the semi's next weekend. i got some vid of the match, but since the court wasnt the best court to film on i was only able to film me hitting and not where the ball lands. ill post when i get a chance to edit.


Hall of Fame
Thanks for posting, it always takes guts.

The backhand slice return needs work, as you probably know. It probably leaves you vulnerable to volleys, as its sort of soft and floaty.

The rest of it looked good, and congrats on making it to the next weekend.


Awesome goal, hope you get there.
Props at hitting a backhand overhead.
As others said, slice backhand could use a little work, though it's probably more consistent than mine is! I know I've had luck with running 1hbh's as a last shot attempt instead of trying to get a slice back and running around all the time. People don't expect a hard 1hbh from someone that plays with a 2h


New User
If any of you are in SoCal this weekend, the Sectionals for Southern California USTA 4.5s. Usually some very good players out there, and "yonexpurestorm" can see what his level has to offer.
i wish my bh was better. i was able to get away with a weaker slice because he wasnt coming to the net a lot. ive been working on a good topspin 2hbh lately, but didnt really need to pull it out in this match too often. i did notice myself playing a little more tentatively because i wanted to make sure to win the match and this made me play more defensively with my slice.

keep chasing the dream man, much respect. I played a lot as a junior and I'm also getting back into it, loving every minute of it after a long hiatus. If you're ever in the south OC Irvine area and want to hit let me know. This is me last year, I've improved some



i actually play in irvine a lot. my league team plays out of lower peters. shoot me an email if you ever wanna hit. if you dont mind traveling to huntington beach i have a private court in my housing association we could play at too. it would really help me to get some good practice against a lefty. my email is jamisonhart@yahoo.com


Took a quick look at your vid You're actually a fairly good athlete with nice footwork. Need to straighten out your backhand side. Maybe wrong but it seems you're using your forehand grip to hit a backhand? To reach your goal I'd probably take sometime off to work on conditioning and fix the backhand. You actually decelerate on the stroke and it will not hold up under higher level competition. Lendl had a similar situation as yours and worked to develop a great flat-topspin ripper (he was my model). You're big and strong so just need to work on the grip change and develop the stroke pattern. Have your gf feed you a few thousand balls and spend some qt. Signed: 6 cents. :)
i wish my bh was better. i was able to get away with a weaker slice because he wasnt coming to the net a lot. ive been working on a good topspin 2hbh lately, but didnt really need to pull it out in this match too often. i did notice myself playing a little more tentatively because i wanted to make sure to win the match and this made me play more defensively with my slice.

i actually play in irvine a lot. my league team plays out of lower peters. shoot me an email if you ever wanna hit. if you dont mind traveling to huntington beach i have a private court in my housing association we could play at too. it would really help me to get some good practice against a lefty. my email is jamisonhart@yahoo.com