work well, but tastes extremely bad!
if you cant hunt it down and kill it or grow it you should be careful what you put into your body. Sleep + rest + good wholesome food is safe, has no risk to your health, and is natural.
Don't be an idiot.Water does not fit into the "hunt it down and kill it or grow it" categories, so we should be careful of putting that in our body?
Don't be an idiot.
I see a lot of these adverts on TV... Just wanted to check if anyone tried this product "5-Hour Energy Drink" before playing tennis ...and if it helped or hurt...
Personally I like the taste of energy drinks, but in terms of bang for your buck and time saved, wouldn't the sprays be best?
It increases the heart rate and blood pressure for the benefit of increased alertness and reduction of fatigue, basically...
Guarana? Tsk tsk.
I never understood that.
Isn't this "5-Hour Energy" pretty much a bunch of B-vitamins (B6, B12, niacin, etc) ? ...
I see a lot of these adverts on TV... Just wanted to check if anyone tried this product "5-Hour Energy Drink" before playing tennis ...and if it helped or hurt...
Here's a link to a recent article in the LA TIMES on 5 hr and similar energy drinks.,0,3939169.story
When I've had one, or a hit off the 5 hour drink, they have a tendency to make me perspire more, which can throw you quicker into dehydration if you are really physically exerting yourself. Also the "high" can be too extreme after a few hours, and make me feel nauseous and shaky. That's just my experience with them. I've had a few of the energy drinks, which I also like the taste of. But maybe my system is not the same coming from Europe where such things, especially caffiene, are regulated differently.
Do you guys want to know what is really the BEST and Healthiest way to get the boost in energy before the match or even during the match ????? Go and buy Tropicana, Banana and Strawberry mix Smoothy drink. It comes in a small plastic bottle. Before the match drink it about 10 minutes before, and also drink 1 during the match if needed. You get this boost of energy that you would not believe. and There is NO CAFFEINE.
Here's a link to a recent article in the LA TIMES on 5 hr and similar energy drinks.,0,3939169.story
wow.. for typical consumers of energy supplements or drinks, B vitamins are nothing more than a "gimmick,"
systemicanomaly, how much time before the match would you drink it? no pre match meal? what about during the match? other electrollyte fluids ok?( i use emergenc lite during the summer and eat bananas during the match. usually i have an eggwhite omelete and whole wheat toast about 1 1/2 hr before i play in the mornings and usually try to combine protein and carbs 1 1/2 hr before a match in the afternoons. also would you comment on my depenedecy question ? thanks
du you think with time you become dependent on these drinks for performance? like many people cant start their day without a cup of coffe?
While the caffeine levels in some energy drinks is quite high (125 to 300 mg), the levels in 5-Hour Energy & 6 Hour Power is only about 75 mg per bottle (equivalent to a weak cup of coffee ). If you only drink half the bottle (as I usually do), the caffeine level is less than 40 mg.
As I mentioned previously, I am also very sensitive to coffee. A half cup of coffee will often bother me whereas a full bottle of 5-Hour Energy does not. It should be noted that there are quite a few constituents in coffee other than caffeine that are responsible for the jitters and other uneasy feelings that people experience. Studies have shown that decaf coffee can result in increases in blood pressure. This is a clear indication that coffee contains chemicals, other than caffeine, that people have been attributing to caffeine.
(Note that I provided a link in 1 or 2 other threads that discusses this study on the effect of decaf coffee on blood pressure).
Good to hear that is worked so well for you. It doesn't really make me feel exceptionally hyper -- just more alert, more focused, and more centered -- kinda makes me fell like I'm 30 or 40 yrs younger (I'm now in my late 50s).
Find it hard to believe that ppl make such a big deal about the taste -- not all that bad and, jeez, it's only 1 or 2 oz!!! How difficult is that to swallow?
Guarana? Tsk tsk.
I never understood that.
So for an intense 1.5 hour match what do I drink?
cant be doing with this 5 hour stuff, i think the tropicana banana smoothie sounds good.