"5-Hour Energy Drink" -- good or bad for tennis?


Hall of Fame
I see a lot of these adverts on TV... Just wanted to check if anyone tried this product "5-Hour Energy Drink" before playing tennis ...and if it helped or hurt...


Bionic Poster
I happen to be a huge fan of this product as well as a couple of others: ProEndorphin (powder mix) and 6 Hour Power. Don't let the name fool you, both energy shot products, 5-Hour Energy and 6 Hour Power, are equally effective. In fact, the latter product is merely the older formulation for 5-Hour Energy (Prior to Nov 2007).

Many people will just lump these products in with energy drinks in general. I prefer to make a distinction between most energy drinks and these products. The 3 products I've mentioned, have no sugar. Most energy drinks rely heavily on sugar. Also, all 3 of these products are very effective yet have very moderate levels of caffeine, about 35-75 mg per serving. Many of the more potent energy drinks contain less nutrients to promote alertness but, instead, bump up the caffeine content to 200 or 300 mg per serving.

I have seen 1 or 2 other versions of 5-Hour Energy recently. They now sell a decaf version. I'm not certain but there may also be a high-octane version as well. I don't really feel a need for a more potent version -- in fact, I usually only drink 1 oz (1/2 serving) at a time as it is. There have been quite a few other postings on 5-Hour Energy in the recent past:




Bionic Poster
Oh yeah, in case you missed it, these products work best on a relatively empty stomach (or, at least, in the absence of other protein). The amino acids in these products will probably be much less effective if there is competing (complete) protein in your stomach or small intestines.


New User
if you cant hunt it down and kill it or grow it you should be careful what you put into your body. Sleep + rest + good wholesome food is safe, has no risk to your health, and is natural.


if you cant hunt it down and kill it or grow it you should be careful what you put into your body. Sleep + rest + good wholesome food is safe, has no risk to your health, and is natural.

Water does not fit into the "hunt it down and kill it or grow it" categories, so we should be careful of putting that in our body?


Bionic Poster

I assume the Rick-ster is not serious here. 5-Hour Energy, like the similar formula for 6 Hour Power, will keep you alert for 5 to 6 hours without a let-down crash as the effects subside if you ingest the whole 2 oz. On the other hand, many energy drinks on the market that rely on high levels of sugar & caffeine for their effect can, potentially, cause a post-effect crash.


New User
Oh lawd, I had one of those before a match that was about 3 hours which isn't bad at all and it worked really well. I was soo alert my doubles partner thought I was smoking crack.

The only draw back is the taste- I drank it before my match in school and i almost spit it all over the floor!


Bionic Poster

Good to hear that is worked so well for you. It doesn't really make me feel exceptionally hyper -- just more alert, more focused, and more centered -- kinda makes me fell like I'm 30 or 40 yrs younger (I'm now in my late 50s).

Find it hard to believe that ppl make such a big deal about the taste -- not all that bad and, jeez, it's only 1 or 2 oz!!! How difficult is that to swallow?


Hall of Fame
Personally I like the taste of energy drinks, but in terms of bang for your buck and time saved, wouldn't the sprays be best?


Personally I'm always wary of these products. I've had many a biology professor tell me, "there are no free lunches in biology."


Hall of Fame
It increases the heart rate and blood pressure for the benefit of increased alertness and reduction of fatigue, basically...


Bionic Poster
Redline (from VPXsports.com) has quite a few variations with somewhat different formulations. These products are marketed as thermogenic (calorie-burning) energy drinks, designed to burn fat. They will usually cause a very noticeable increase in heart rate (and possibly, blood pressure -- but not sure). They may also cause a noticeable rise in body temp and sweating if ingested in sufficient quantities.

I've tried 2 versions, Redline RTD and Redline Xtreme. For the RTD version, I ingested 1/2 can (4 oz) per dose. When I tried Xtreme version, I only drank 1/3 at a time. Both of these products made me alert but made me feel a bit jittery. However, it should be noted that I also get the jitters form drinking 1/2 cup of coffee.

In contrast, the 5-Hour Energy and 6 Hour Power products produced a smoother, mellower alertness -- no jitters, no crash.


Bionic Poster
If the taste of 5-Hour bothers you, try shaking it before ingesting.
Chase with plain water. Taste doesn't linger.

Personally I like the taste of energy drinks, but in terms of bang for your buck and time saved, wouldn't the sprays be best?

Most energy drinks use a lot of sugar (or artificial sweeteners) to make them palatable. The taste of some amino acids, B vitamins & other nutrients are not always pleasant. The off-taste of 5-Hour Energy is due to the fact that it contains no sugar & only a very small amount of Splenda for sweetening.

What sprays are you referring to???

It increases the heart rate and blood pressure for the benefit of increased alertness and reduction of fatigue, basically...

I believe that it improves cerebral blood flow and promotes the release of certain brain chemicals. I've only noticed a moderate increase in heart rate when using 5-Hour Energy and 6 Hour Power. I've also tested my blood pressure several times after ingesting these products and detected no discernible change.


Hall of Fame
I only drink the low-calorie ones. They use artificial sweetener instead of sugar.

There are sprays that are basically just concentrated caffeine I would imagine.


Bionic Poster
^ ^ ^

Are you referrring to a sublingual spray? Are they meant to be thermogenics (calorie burning)?
If is is just comcentrated caffeine, then no thanks. Details pls.


Hall of Fame
du you think with time you become dependent on these drinks for performance? like many people cant start their day without a cup of coffe?
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Bionic Poster
Guarana? Tsk tsk.

I never understood that.

No Guarana in 5-Hour Energy. I don't believe that 6 Hour Power has it either. As I understand it, guarana appears to have some benefits in moderate doses -- increased physical endurance as well as some positive cognitive effects (improved memory retention, alertness, improved mood). It appears that it may also posses antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

Altho' it is GRAS (generally regarded as safe), anecdotal evidence suggests that overconsumption of guarana may contribute to jitters and even possible seizures in some individuals. Is there any hard evidence of negative effects of excessive consumption? Even if none at this point, it might be best to limit intake of guarana.


Bionic Poster
Isn't this "5-Hour Energy" pretty much a bunch of B-vitamins (B6, B12, niacin, etc) ? ...

Not really true. It appears to be much more than just a bunch of B vitamins. It does contain a generous amount of Niacin and Folic Acid & also contains moderately high levels of B6 and B12. In addition to these 4 B vitamins, it contains several amino acids, Glucuronolactone, a moderate amount of caffeine (less than 40 mg/oz), Citicoline, and Malic Acid.

Glucuronolactone, which naturally occurs in the human body, has been shown to reduce sleepiness and improve mental performance, reaction time, concentration and memory. Citicoline appears to be an effective source (precursor) of choline and phosphatidylcholine in the human body -- as such, it is considered a psychostimulant and a mild nootropic.

Note that certain amino acids, in the absence of other competing protein sources, will have a fairly pronounced effect on the brain & body -- improved mood, memory, alertness and learning capabilites. The amino acids used in 5-Hour Energy that promote these effects include Phenylalanine and Tyrosine. When ingested in the context of a more complete protein source, these effects of those 2 amino acids are substantially reduced -- for this reason, this product works best on a fairly empty stomach (or with food that is void of competing protein).

Taurine is an organic acid that is something of a pseudo-amino acid. It has been shown to reduce anxiety, aid digestion, improve utilization of several minerals, and plays a significant role in maintaining the integrity of cell membranes.

For more info on the various ingredients in this energy shot product, take a gander at the following:



Hall of Fame
systemicanomaly, how much time before the match would you drink it? no pre match meal? what about during the match? other electrollyte fluids ok?( i use emergenc lite during the summer and eat bananas during the match. usually i have an eggwhite omelete and whole wheat toast about 1 1/2 hr before i play in the mornings and usually try to combine protein and carbs 1 1/2 hr before a match in the afternoons. also would you comment on my depenedecy question ? thanks
When I've had one, or a hit off the 5 hour drink, they have a tendency to make me perspire more, which can throw you quicker into dehydration if you are really physically exerting yourself. Also the "high" can be too extreme after a few hours, and make me feel nauseous and shaky. That's just my experience with them. I've had a few of the energy drinks, which I also like the taste of. But maybe my system is not the same coming from Europe where such things, especially caffiene, are regulated differently.


I see a lot of these adverts on TV... Just wanted to check if anyone tried this product "5-Hour Energy Drink" before playing tennis ...and if it helped or hurt...

It worked great when i mixed it with Gatorade for the match. but i got the worst headache in the world the next day.


Hall of Fame
Here is the summary I got..

  • No sugar
  • Does not increase blood pressure (Like some others)
  • Niacin & Folic Acid & B6 and B12, several amino acids, Glucuronolactone,
    a moderate amount of caffeine (less than 40 mg/oz), Citicoline, and Malic Acid.

Not so good..
  • Bad taste
  • Perspire more
  • "high" can be too extreme after a few hours
  • Headaches next day

  • Works best on a fairly empty stomach
  • Chase it with water (if you feel bad taste)
  • Drink 1 oz (1/2 serving) at a time

I guess I will try it twice (two 1/2 serving) and see if those after-effects have same effect on me :)


Do you guys want to know what is really the BEST and Healthiest way to get the boost in energy before the match or even during the match ????? Go and buy Tropicana, Banana and Strawberry mix Smoothy drink. It comes in a small plastic bottle. Before the match drink it about 10 minutes before, and also drink 1 during the match if needed. You get this boost of energy that you would not believe. and There is NO CAFFEINE.


Bionic Poster
When I've had one, or a hit off the 5 hour drink, they have a tendency to make me perspire more, which can throw you quicker into dehydration if you are really physically exerting yourself. Also the "high" can be too extreme after a few hours, and make me feel nauseous and shaky. That's just my experience with them. I've had a few of the energy drinks, which I also like the taste of. But maybe my system is not the same coming from Europe where such things, especially caffiene, are regulated differently.

I am really surprised by this reaction and suspect there were other significant factors. I've had the symptoms that you've described when drinking coffee and with some of the other energy drink products. It doesn't happen to me when I use 5-Hour Energy (or a similar product like 6 Hour Power) even when I drink the whole bottle (I usually only consume 1/2 bottle at a time). The only time that I had a problem with 5-Hour Energy is when I consumed a whole bottle and also drank coffee.

In my experience, I would not consider the feeling to be extreme at all. I would not really consider it much of a "high" -- perhaps a "mild, relaxed sense of well-being" at most.

When you had your experience, did you also consume soft drinks, coffee or something else that might have contributed to this problem? Note that the caffeine content of a whole bottle of the 2 products I've mentioned is equivalent to a weak cup of coffee. You might try it again, drinking only 1 oz of the 5-Hour product and not using any other caffeine or other stimulant source at the same time.

Note that there appears to be two other versions of this product. They also make a decaf version of 5:Hour Energy for those who might be particularly sensitive. There also appears to be an an extreme version, but this might be made by someone else who is using a similar name.
I think one of the main factors is, and I don't know if you live in the US, is that I am used to drinking products with significantly low levels of caffeine as compared to American formula drinks. I don't drink coffee or caffeinated teas either. I guess I am rather sensitive, but I thought that one would be ok. For example, I've had only a few sips from a Jamaican cup of coffee and felt like I was having heart palpitations.


Bionic Poster
While the caffeine levels in some energy drinks is quite high (125 to 300 mg), the levels in 5-Hour Energy & 6 Hour Power is only about 75 mg per bottle (equivalent to a weak cup of coffee ). If you only drink half the bottle (as I usually do), the caffeine level is less than 40 mg.

As I mentioned previously, I am also very sensitive to coffee. A half cup of coffee will often bother me whereas a full bottle of 5-Hour Energy does not. It should be noted that there are quite a few constituents in coffee other than caffeine that are responsible for the jitters and other uneasy feelings that people experience. Studies have shown that decaf coffee can result in increases in blood pressure. This is a clear indication that coffee contains chemicals, other than caffeine, that people have been attributing to caffeine.

(Note that I provided a link in 1 or 2 other threads that discusses this study on the effect of decaf coffee on blood pressure).


Bionic Poster
Do you guys want to know what is really the BEST and Healthiest way to get the boost in energy before the match or even during the match ????? Go and buy Tropicana, Banana and Strawberry mix Smoothy drink. It comes in a small plastic bottle. Before the match drink it about 10 minutes before, and also drink 1 during the match if needed. You get this boost of energy that you would not believe. and There is NO CAFFEINE.

The problem with this is that high levels of carbs during strenuous exercise or immediately prior to such exercise can result in cramps or gastro-intestinal problems for many athletes. For this reason smoothies & full-strength juices are generally not recommended for high-intensity athletic activities. Most electrolyte replacement drinks will limit the carb content to a 6% or 8% concentration to avoid these problems.

Perhaps at lower intensity levels high carb intakes might be tolerated by some individuals.

Here's a link to a recent article in the LA TIMES on 5 hr and similar energy drinks.

wow.. for typical consumers of energy supplements or drinks, B vitamins are nothing more than a "gimmick,"

I've read the article in the LA Times and am not buying a number of points that the Healthy Skeptic has tried to make on this matter. I am well aware of the ULs (safe upper limits) for vitamin B6 and for nicotinic acid (the niacin version of vitamin B3). In reality, one would need to drink 5 to 12 bottles* of 5-Hour Energy per day to approach actual unsafe levels. However, I do not advocate drinking any more than 1 bottle in any given day (I prefer 1/2 bottle for myself).

*Toxicity symptoms (sensory neuropathy) are apparent at daily doses of 2000 mg of vitamin B6 with symptoms diminishing rapidly at doses below 1000 mg/day. Numerous reputable studies indicate that no neuropathy is brought on by doses below 500 mg/day. Flawed reports showed some adverse effects at lower doses (above 200 mg/day). Apparently, the Institute of Medicine has recently applied a buffer factor of 2 to this 200 mg level to establish their UL of 100 mg/day. Check the Recommendations and Safety sections in the following links from LPI and NIH:

Linus Pauling Institute at OSU
National Institutes of Health (PubMed Central)

It is a well-known fact that the body will flush out excessively high levels of most water-soluble vitamins/nutrients. For instance, the body will eliminate levels of vitamin C greater than about 500 mg. However, the article does not really say at what level of supplementation this flushing effects happens for the B vitamins. I believe that it is much higher than used in these products -- mega-doses of various B vitamins higher than these are prescribed for various health conditions. These therapeutic uses would be worthless if the body simply flushed at those levels. I can go into more detail about this if anyone is interested.

The author of the article made an unfounded claim that the effect that he felt was due only to the caffeine in 5-Energy -- he did not feel the effects of the other ingredients. This claim is absurd -- on what basis does he make this statement. I have felt very pronounced differences in the effects of various caffeine-containing sources. The effects felt with coffee, high-caffeine teas, and caffeine tablets are all noticeably different from the effects I've felt with 5-Hour Energy.

The effects felt with the teas and with the engery shot are much mellower, less edgy that the effects from coffee or caffeine tablets. The effect felt with the energy shot is also significantly longer lasting than coffee or tea. To derive the full effect of the energy shot products, the individual should engage in exercise within 20-30 minutes of consumption. The effects are noticeably more pronounced with exercise. I'd be willing to bet that the author had not tried it this way.

systemicanomaly, how much time before the match would you drink it? no pre match meal? what about during the match? other electrollyte fluids ok?( i use emergenc lite during the summer and eat bananas during the match. usually i have an eggwhite omelete and whole wheat toast about 1 1/2 hr before i play in the mornings and usually try to combine protein and carbs 1 1/2 hr before a match in the afternoons. also would you comment on my depenedecy question ? thanks

I would consume 1/2 bottle about 15-20 minutes prior to your pre-game warm-up. If you feel that you need another boost 3 hours later then drink the rest of the bottle. I don't see any problem with using other fluids for hydration & electrolyte replacement during exercise. It sounds like a good idea to consume your protein & full meals 1.5 to 2 hours before match time. Other than the banana, I wouldn't eat too many carbs during the match.

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Bionic Poster
du you think with time you become dependent on these drinks for performance? like many people cant start their day without a cup of coffe?

Sorry, I missed this post previously (was distracted by the 2 posts that followed it). I do not believe that the 2 energy shot drinks mentioned are particularly addicting. But then, while I am addicted to tennis, I am not prone to dependency on stimulants, alcohol or drugs. Some ppl do seem to have a propensity toward overindulgence -- particularly with coffee, soft drinks, Red Bull type drinks, alcohol, or other drugs.

I can't speak for others, but I do not feel a dependency on the energy shots for peak performance. If my body/brain are in a non-fatigued state and I get a decent warm-up, I will often experience a peak performance without the assistance of energy shots. I do not use these products on a daily basis.

In fact, I only use 1 or 2 bottles of these 2 oz products per week (that is, I drink 1 oz two to 4x per week). Some ppl that use these products w/o exercise might drink the whole bottle at a single sitting. However, as long as I get a good cardio warm-up, half a bottle is more than adequate for my needs.
While the caffeine levels in some energy drinks is quite high (125 to 300 mg), the levels in 5-Hour Energy & 6 Hour Power is only about 75 mg per bottle (equivalent to a weak cup of coffee ). If you only drink half the bottle (as I usually do), the caffeine level is less than 40 mg.

As I mentioned previously, I am also very sensitive to coffee. A half cup of coffee will often bother me whereas a full bottle of 5-Hour Energy does not. It should be noted that there are quite a few constituents in coffee other than caffeine that are responsible for the jitters and other uneasy feelings that people experience. Studies have shown that decaf coffee can result in increases in blood pressure. This is a clear indication that coffee contains chemicals, other than caffeine, that people have been attributing to caffeine.

(Note that I provided a link in 1 or 2 other threads that discusses this study on the effect of decaf coffee on blood pressure).

Yes, I had noticed that. I always read the full thread of responses before I reply. So yes, I had read this response reply before, but just the same, that's the reaction I got.

But I am gathering myself and having some kombucha this morning, always a nice strength giver in the old style :)
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Good to hear that is worked so well for you. It doesn't really make me feel exceptionally hyper -- just more alert, more focused, and more centered -- kinda makes me fell like I'm 30 or 40 yrs younger (I'm now in my late 50s).

Find it hard to believe that ppl make such a big deal about the taste -- not all that bad and, jeez, it's only 1 or 2 oz!!! How difficult is that to swallow?

Yeah, that is what I keep telling her.


Bionic Poster
Guarana? Tsk tsk.

I never understood that.

I noticed that Stacker 2 (NVE Pharmaceuticals) has several 2 oz energy shot products that say, "6 Hour Power" on the label. Their older, inferior products that that have this phrase at the top of the bottle are actually named Yellow Jacket energy shot and Black Jax energy shot. Both of these contain Guarana and appear to be substandard formulations -- I do not recommend these.

Their newer products, which comes in 5 flavors, are actually named 6 Hour Power Energy Shot. Do not confuse the 2 older products that I mentioned above with these newer products. The 6 Hour Power Energy Shot products first hit the shelves last November (2007) and appear to be the previous formulation of 5-Hour Energy (which changed last November). Note that it is these newer products, not the ones with Guarana, that I recommend.


Bionic Poster
^ Yeah, we've hear that already. Would be a problem if the serving size was 8 or 16 oz. But since you only drink 1 or 2 oz, it's really a non-issue.

Has anyone tried the decaf version of 5-Hour Energy? For those who are sensitive even to low levels of caffeine, I'm wondering if this is an effective alternative. While I am very sensitive to coffee, I don't appear to be particularly sensitive to other sources of caffeine (such as teas, cocoas and energy shot products).

There are a couple of excellent ways to enhance the effects of the energy shot products. I've mentioned one of these already -- 10 to 30 minutes of cardio exercise.

Another great way to complement the mental effects is with cinnamon or peppermint. The aroma of cinnamon or peppermint has been found to promote alertness & other mental function in weary automobile drivers. This effect can also be accomplished with cinnamon gum or peppermint gum. My own preference is a sugarless cinnamon gum (with xylitol or sorbitol as a dental-friendly sweetener).

I find that the red version of Tiger Balm also has a very positive effect on mental function and can be used to alleviate fatigue or headaches. The red version has cinnamon in it. I dab a bit under each nostril for the aromatic effect. I also rub a bit on each temple and across the forehead to relax the frontalis muscles and to alleviate headaches.

Using red Tiger Balm and/or cinnamon gum, especially with exercise, enables me to use a smaller amount (1 oz) of 5-Hour Energy and still derive satisfactory results.


Bionic Poster
Decaffeinated 5-Hour Energy

I finally got around to trying the decaf version of 5-Hour Energy. Have only tried it twice thus far. It appears to be more effective than most caffeinated energy drinks on the market that I've tried but not quite as effective as the regular (caffeinated) version of 5-Hour Energy (or 6 Hour Power). For a mind-body boost in the evening (or late in the day), this decaf version would probably be a better than the caffeinated versions so that nighttime sleep is not compromised.



New User
So for an intense 1.5 hour match what do I drink?
cant be doing with this 5 hour stuff, i think the tropicana banana smoothie sounds good.


Bionic Poster
So for an intense 1.5 hour match what do I drink?
cant be doing with this 5 hour stuff, i think the tropicana banana smoothie sounds good.

The smoothie might not be the best thing to drink during or just prior to an intense match. A drink that high in carbs during exercise can possibly contribute to muscle cramping or cause gastro-intestinal distress. Note that sports drinks usually contain no more than an 6-8% solution of carbs for this very reason. Best to drink that smoothie an hour before exercise. OJ and/or a banana is a good alternative to th smoothie. Again, don't drink the OJ right before or during your match unless it is extremely diluted.

You might try ingesting just 1 oz (1/2 bottle) of 5-Hour Energy if you are playing less than 2hours. The decaf version might be a good alternative for you.


Bionic Poster
If you are playing an easy 1.5 hours, water will probably suffice during play for hydration concerns. If it is fairly hot or you are perspiring profusely, an electrolyte replacement drink might be worthwhile. If conditions are less intense, then you might consider watering down one of those sports drinks. There should be plenty of threads on the merits & demerits of the various electrolyte sports drinks.

Products like 5-Hour Energy are used for a very different reason -- more for promoting alertness, releasing endorphins (or natural brain opiates) and combating mental fatigue.



im guessing you do not chug the whole thing which most people probably do because my friend did it and he did puke