im guessing you do not chug the whole thing which most people probably do because my friend did it and he did puke
Usually, I will only drink 1 oz (1/2 bottle) in any given day. However, I have taken the full 2 oz a few times with no adverse effects whatsoever. Did your buddy
shake the bottle before chugging it? Some people cannot tolerate the taste, especially if they do not shake the bottle before consuming. You buddy may have been reacting to a taste that he found unpleasant or intolerable.
I am wondering what other things may have been in your friend's stomach (or small intestines) when he downed the 5-Hour Energy. Coffee, soda (with caffeine & tons of sugar), something else? He may be chemically sensitive to certain nutrients or substance or may have just taken it with something else that contributed to his reaction.
I usually take these types of products on an empty stomach. If you take it with food, make sure that there is
no protein in that food. Protein can nullify some of the effects of the amino acids in the energy shot formulations. I would also suggest that you start off with only 1/2 the bottle if you decide to give it a try.
Are you sure about this SystemicAnomaly? I've tried the "5-Hour Energy Drink" about 2 weeks ago and my body started shaking and sweating about 30 minutes after. I also feel extreme hunger as well, which then lead me to the impending doom of In-N-Out Burger =(
This is very strange. This is somewhat similar to the effect that I get with too much
coffee. Even 1/2 cup of coffee can give me the jitters, yet a full serving (2 oz) of these energy shot products have never resulted in jitters or any excess sweating. (
Note that the caffeine content for a full bottle of 6 Hour Power or the standard version of 5-Hour Energy is only about 75-80mg, equivalent to a weak cup of coffee).
It is possible that you are chemically sensitive to certain nutrients, especially in moderate or high doses. A very small % of the population is chemically sensitive to vitamin B6 or some of the other B vitamins. You may not have noticed one of these sensitivities if you haven't ingested any foods that were high in one of these nutrients.
Other people are very sensitive to certain amino acids, such as phenylalanine, and certain proteins like peanut or gluten. These people can have a very significant adverse reaction to nutrients (or foods) that are considered
essential to most of the population. These particular energy shot products do contain this
essential amino acid. Note that even aspartame, a derivative of phenylalanine, can cause an adverse response in people sensitive to phenylalanine.
Have not heard of any food sensitivities with regards to In-N-Out burgers, but I suppose it is possible.
Chemical sensitivities to nutrients