A cat may 9 lives, but this man got ...


Hall of Fame
Think about how many millions of people who have had the COVID vaccine, and how few have had complications. My mom is one of the rare outliers (G-B syndrome). Still had my kids get the vaccine.


That's definitely a weird case. Why would a physician allow someone to do that? In the US, I know that the closest equivalents were some homeless who were being paid to take the shots by people who wanted a way around the mandates.

This case doesn't say much about the safety. According to the VAERS system in the US, which is a govt adverse event reporting system managed by the FDA and CDC, the vax has significantly more adverse events per dose than all the rest combined. It appears for example that young men are at much greater risk of heart complications from it than those who are older, for reasons that aren't understood. The benefit for younger people also hasn't been well demonstrated because the overwhelming majority of people who get the shot also get the disease, and the risks from it are highly age stratified. It is too early to have a clear risk/benefit profile of the shots.

If I am tracking it correctly, the US is now advocating that those who got the shot when it was initially dropped should have or be getting their 7th booster. How many people are actually taking all these shots?


Hall of Fame
A bunch of people have claimed that the covid vaccines are really dangerous and can lead to major illnesses and death.
If their claims are true, then how is this man still alive? He got 217 covid19 vaccinations.

Article does not explain why this dunderhead was getting 217 shots.
Does not directly relate to the study but it is certainly what every reader is wondering.


Article does not explain why this dunderhead was getting 217 shots.
Does not directly relate to the study but it is certainly what every reader is wondering.
The update on this insane story that I saw on twitter (x) is that this guy was getting the vaccine multiple times to sell the cards to people. He was caught doing this in 2022 when he had only gotten 90 or so shots.

A link to a story in German says he hasn't been charged for getting all these shots because the court found him mentally unfit to stand trial. The posts I read also raise numerous questions about how the people administering the shots weren't able to notice the injection marks if he was getting a shot every day or two. Seems a bit early to assess the overall credibility of this whole story.


Hall of Fame
Think about how many millions of people who have had the COVID vaccine, and how few have had complications. My mom is one of the rare outliers (G-B syndrome). Still had my kids get the vaccine.
Think of the trillions who've had COVID and how few have had complications. Prior to 2019, how many people can you name who died from the cold? Or even influenza? That being said common sense says people your mom's age may see a benefit and people your children's age are more likely to experience a complication from the vaccine than from the actual disease. And we don't really know the long term effects...


Name one vaccine or medicine that had long term effects that weren't obvious after 4 years (or less). I don't think this is credible, even if we can't prove its absence.
Problem is Covid has effects too and it’s probably Covid that actually causes most of the problems people associate with the shots.

But some people still believe the falsified study on MMR. He literally made up the data.

But if people preferred the truth then we wouldn’t have the best liars running everything.


Hall of Fame
Name one vaccine or medicine that had long term effects that weren't obvious after 4 years (or less). I don't think this is credible, even if we can't prove its absence.
name one other vaccine or medicine which had critical research shut down because it could cause hesitation in its use.


Peehaps someone should study this super-vaccinated man. According to the anti-vax people, he is either undead or the superman.


Problem is Covid has effects too and it’s probably Covid that actually causes most of the problems people associate with the shots.

But some people still believe the falsified study on MMR. He literally made up the data.

But if people preferred the truth then we wouldn’t have the best liars running everything.

With properly designed studies, you can more directly determine what is the result of the virus versus the vaccine. In any case, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed that the mRNA C19 "vaccines" were quite dangerous and therefore it is questionable if groups who were at minimal risk (most people under 40 who weren't obese and don't have diabetes) should have taken it.

This is especially the case for children. The FDA issued a myocarditis warning on the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaxes, and the studies I've seen suggest this could be directly attributed to the vax in people who had no evidence of C19 infection. In any case, since the vax doesn't prevent C19 infection, the relevant question is whether the risk of damage from the vax was offset by reduced risk from infection in the relevant groups. Most parents are wisely refusing to get their children boosted given the known risks and lack of quality data showing benefit.

It is good that we have a new administration which may provide higher quality data with respect to the vaxes, given that Biden and Fauci were caught compulsively lying about the benefits and risks. If you recall, top safety officials at the FDA resigned (due to lack of evidence of benefit) rather than approve the shots for children as Biden was pressuring them to do.


With properly designed studies, you can more directly determine what is the result of the virus versus the vaccine. In any case, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) showed that the mRNA C19 "vaccines" were quite dangerous and therefore it is questionable if groups who were at minimal risk (most people under 40 who weren't obese and don't have diabetes) should have taken it.

This is especially the case for children. The FDA issued a myocarditis warning on the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaxes, and the studies I've seen suggest this could be directly attributed to the vax in people who had no evidence of C19 infection. In any case, since the vax doesn't prevent C19 infection, the relevant question is whether the risk of damage from the vax was offset by reduced risk from infection in the relevant groups. Most parents are wisely refusing to get their children boosted given the known risks and lack of quality data showing benefit.

It is good that we have a new administration which may provide higher quality data with respect to the vaxes, given that Biden and Fauci were caught compulsively lying about the benefits and risks. If you recall, top safety officials at the FDA resigned (due to lack of evidence of benefit) rather than approve the shots for children as Biden was pressuring them to do.
I can't wait for all the great new information from this new administration. Seriously? Are you reading any news? Wow..


I can't wait for all the great new information from this new administration. Seriously? Are you reading any news? Wow..
Yes. It will be good to move away from the corruption of the last administration. Fauci had to be pardoned for the various crimes he committed during the Covid debacle, the least of which was repeatedly committing perjury before Congressional committees. There's far too much corruption in the CDC and FDA due to the revolving door to big Pharma. People like Fauci were directly receiving money from vaccines.

Jay Bhattacharya, for instance, will be a great replacement for the incompetent Francis Collins. We need an administration that demands proper testing and full assessment of risks and benefits before putting new vaccines on the schedule rather than censorship and silencing of critics and whistleblowers. It is still to be seen if the Trump administration will put undue pressure on regulators the way that the Biden administration did. I guess we'll have to see if members of the safety committee resign because they're being pressured to approve vaccines without proper randomized control trials being run.