A question about forehand


New User
While I was watching some clips of Federer, I noticed that after his takeback, so after he drops his forearm but right before he swings his racquet forward, his racquet face is pointing down. So his racquet face is basically parallel with the ground. But when I hit a forehand, right before the foreward swing, my racquet face is making an angle with the ground, sort of pointing outwards. So my racquet face is kind of pointing to my right side.

Am I hitting my forehands right? Or is it just another "Federer thing"?


New User
I bet Federer himself doesn't know where his racket points when he hits a particular forehand. And as far as I understand it doesn't matter where it points as long as one can put the ball at a disired angle, speed and spin. So, if you with your swing can effortlessly make a forhand shot with spin you want, direction you want and power you want what does it matter where your racket points. In reverse if you point your racket just like Federer, but you can't control the parameters of your shot than, again what good is in having the stroke just he does?


Talk Tennis Guru
the racket face should be at least partially closed, thus facing the ground in part, at some point during the forwardswing.

if you're getting enough topspin, you're probably doing it OK.

check my
Forehand Issue
in the Sticky (topmost thread there)
for more information and clips