Accused my Cat of fishing (eyes don't fish)


As few of you know, one of my cats and I parted ways mutually a few weeks ago, so I've been working on trading up using the new-fangled technogadgetry called "online pet adoption". As technology has improved immensely beneficial to human progress over millennia, I deduced that the same would apply to the field of pet companionship. And it has.

I contacted the adoption matchmaker to learn more about their service. She told me that the pets go on "dates" with the prospective owner and we don't have to make a final decision until the 3rd "date." Each date lasts 5 hours and then the cat is returned to the adoption agency.

They have also developed an Alexa/Siri-like device that allows the cat to communicate to the human by translating the meows into English words. I was still in beta testing, but the matchmaker told me it was about 95% accurate. They would loan me their device to use during our date.

I told her that I have a pet goldfish named Pisces, so it is very important that the new cat gets along with it and does not hurt it. I was assured that the cat I picked was friendly fish.

To be extra cautious, I installed a motion detector camera by my goldfish tank. It takes a photo whenever anything gets close to it.
The first date finally arrived, and I was not disappointed. This cat was fit and had luxurious, well-groomed fur, and a plesant disposition. It began purring the moment I pet it. After playing with it for a couple hours, I got an urgent work call, and had to run a quick errand. I told the cat I would be back within an hour.

When I arrived back home, the cat was curled up near the front door and deep asleep. I went to feed Pisces, and much to my chagrin, he was not in the fish tank.

There was no PISCES! Just PIECES! Of a fish!!
I yelled into the translator box and accused my cat of eating Pisces, "Why did you eat Pisces??!!!"

"I didn't eat him!" he replied. "Check your camera."

I checked the footage and there was a photo of the cat staring at the Pisces in the tank.

"Staring at your fish doesn't mean I ate it. Eyes don't fish", he stated.

I'm not sure what to do now. The cat has been otherwise perfect. Should I believe him? Have my accusations ruined things, making a second date out of the question?

Do you think I still have a chance?

(P.S. While discussing my dilemna with the matchmaker, she replied, "Why don't you and I just date?" I wasn't interested. She asked if it was because she was 15 lbs overweight.)


As few of you know, one of my cats and I parted ways mutually a few weeks ago, so I've been working on trading up using the new-fangled technogadgetry called "online pet adoption". As technology has improved immensely beneficial to human progress over millennia, I deduced that the same would apply to the field of pet companionship. And it has.

I contacted the adoption matchmaker to learn more about their service. She told me that the pets go on "dates" with the prospective owner and we don't have to make a final decision until the 3rd "date." Each date lasts 5 hours and then the cat is returned to the adoption agency.

They have also developed an Alexa/Siri-like device that allows the cat to communicate to the human by translating the meows into English words. I was still in beta testing, but the matchmaker told me it was about 95% accurate. They would loan me their device to use during our date.

I told her that I have a pet goldfish named Pisces, so it is very important that the new cat gets along with it and does not hurt it. I was assured that the cat I picked was friendly fish.

To be extra cautious, I installed a motion detector camera by my goldfish tank. It takes a photo whenever anything gets close to it.
The first date finally arrived, and I was not disappointed. This cat was fit and had luxurious, well-groomed fur, and a plesant disposition. It began purring the moment I pet it. After playing with it for a couple hours, I got an urgent work call, and had to run a quick errand. I told the cat I would be back within an hour.

When I arrived back home, the cat was curled up near the front door and deep asleep. I went to feed Pisces, and much to my chagrin, he was not in the fish tank.

There was no PISCES! Just PIECES! Of a fish!!
I yelled into the translator box and accused my cat of eating Pisces, "Why did you eat Pisces??!!!"

"I didn't eat him!" he replied. "Check your camera."

I checked the footage and there was a photo of the cat staring at the Pisces in the tank.

"Staring at your fish doesn't mean I ate it. Eyes don't fish", he stated.

I'm not sure what to do now. The cat has been otherwise perfect. Should I believe him? Have my accusations ruined things, making a second date out of the question?

Do you think I still have a chance?

(P.S. While discussing my dilemna with the matchmaker, she replied, "Why don't you and I just date?" I wasn't interested. She asked if it was because she was 15 lbs overweight.)
Cats are evil and untrustworthy. Get a dog.


Cats act on instinct, if there’s food in a tank there likely to be unable to resist the temptation. I’ve got 4 and they are all great but you can’t trust them near food. Like kids in a sweet shop.

Not sure if you’re joking about the cat translator, but if it’s true, I have to get one. I’m sure my eldest uses bad languages around other cats and foxes in the street.

Mike Bulgakov

Called my cat the GOAT for replacing my lawn with low-maintenance gravel. My cat misunderstood and took it as an insult, and now it won’t let me in the house and I have to sleep in my car.
