I'm a 49 year old woman playing 3.5 and 4.0 singles both USTA league and tournaments. I'm small (5'3") and intentionally went from very underweight and frail to getting a lot stronger overall working out ST with a trainer. I went from 96# to my current 107# with a goal of 112# and my gains have almost entirely been lean body mass. (IE I'm fighting hard and earning every ounce I gain.) My strength/gain process has been a little over a year so far. I've always been very fast, like people comment all the time that I get everything back, frustrating to play because I chase down every ball, running like a lunatic all over the court, but I've been more of a weak pace pusher/placer. I'm purposely trying to work on ways to add pace to my balls. I found a tennis instructor and took two lessons then got pneumonia this spring which kind of killed me, and I'm just bouncing back now. My running speed is 90% back but when I hit, I feel like a weak kitten. And if I get tired, any pace on my shots is the first to go. I am getting back into the tennis instruction (first time ever taking lessons! I've done clinics but never specific 1:1 lessons on form) and some things she was having me work on with adding pace are turning my body more, bending my knees more, and rotating to use my core more. So what can/should I do to help this process along? My current routine is strength training with trainer 3 days a week for an hour - we. do weights and working on gaining 5# more but he has a sports training focus (he mostly trains rugby and soccer) so we do footwork drills, running little obstacle courses, my gym has the fancy thing where you strap into a belt around your waist then run with tubing holding you back, medicine ball throws sideways against the wall, a lot of balance work where I'm standing on the wobbly ball or board and throw medicine ball back and forth, jumping and recovery etc. I currently play league matches 1-2/week depending on schedule, then I may throw in my favorite tennis clinic (large group with more of a doubles drills focus but 90 min class that has me drenched in sweat by the end). Then I will be adding a 30 min private lesson weekly. Any other specifics or just keep at it? I feel like I was making noticeable strides in adding pace before the pneumonia and now I am terrified that I won't get it back. Ideas, thoughts, motivation, feedback, war stories? Help! Thanks!