Advice—Racquet Head Pulled Out of Shape

I got my Wilson Clash 98 strung 2 weeks ago.

When I picked it up, it was clearly out of shape. I measured against my second one. It was half an inch or so longer - pulled in by the cross strings.

I cut the strings out and it pretty much went back into shape. 10 hours or so had passed since it had been strung.

No cracks visible. I got it strung at a different place and felt it lost tension quickly.

So I strung it again at my usual stringers. Played a few hours this morning. And feel it's lost tension faster than usual.

Does anyone have any experience with this?

Would losing tension be a result of the frame being pulled out of shape like that?

Thanks for any advice.


Well, maybe this is the first time you've noticed that the frames are warped.
When you tighten the cross strings more than the main strings, you lengthen the racquet.
If you are accustomed to this feel, you will naturally think that the tension is softer with the correct ratio of cross strings to length strings.
This is logical and understandable.
Thanks. I cut the strings out. I didn't hit with it when the head was pulled out of shape. The racquet went back to pretty much the same shape.

So the feel should be the same as it was, no?


Well, yes - the tightened racket shape returns to its original shape.
But I'm not there when it's strung, so I can only assume it feels the same as before.
I meant to mention. The person did a 1-piece string job, not 2.

That could have been part of it.
Not likely. If the string job was botched, then it was botched. Most retailer stringers default to 1-piece if it's not a hybrid job because it'll be slightly faster. But it's not likely to cause any deformity on the frame if done properly.


I would measure the lengths of your frames with strings in them. Are they both 68.6cm / 27" long? Then the next time you string them, get their lengths unstrung.

The string job, whether 1 piece or 2 peice should not affect length if the frame is properly mounted. The frame before and after should be the same within 2mm.

What type of string do you have in your frames and what ref tension? How old are the string jobs? Do you have a device to measure "tension?'


Hall of Fame
Not likely. If the string job was botched, then it was botched. Most retailer stringers default to 1-piece if it's not a hybrid job because it'll be slightly faster. But it's not likely to cause any deformity on the frame if done properly.
Is that true? I know many strangers who default to 2 piece. While I prefer 1 piece in terms of how clean it looks, I don't know if I'd agree that one piece jobs are inherently faster than two piece.

I'm curious how many of our fellow stringers default to one piece vs 2 these days.

This seems like something @AM Stringing probably did a video on.