Advice for shoe durability issues plz!



the past year i have really started to use a lot of serve/volley, and i play very frequently (about 5 times a week, 2-3 hours per time). im not sure why, (but im assuming its largely because of my serve/volley) but ive been going through shoes like a madman, rubbing through the leather on the inside side of my feet. i always get big holes above the sole, behind my toes (at the end of the arch) on the right side of my left foot and the left side of my right foot. does anyone have advice as to a good, cost-effective solution to this problem? im stuck between what im currently doing, which is getting cheap shoes (mostly adidas) from footlocker, but i have been looking at the nicer end shoes, like the Adidas Barricade II, or similar shoes with good durability and a limited warranty. Now, the only thing holding me back from snatching a pair of barricades is that the warranty is only an outsole warranty- my problem is that i rub through the leather. Any advice would be great! thanks a lot[/i]

Craig Sheppard

Hall of Fame
I've never heard of this before--are you sure your wearing the right sized shoes? I'm being serious--I have wide feet and sometimes have to get an off-size to fit. Are you doing something like that? Are your shoes really snug in the part that's rubbing through?

If it's in the arch, it sounds like you're not getting proper arch support either--have you tried seeing a podiatrist or using any sort of orthotics?

Just some thoughts...



shoe size...

im very positive that my shoe size is right, my feet are kind of wide but are never really really snug in the shoes im wearing. its not in the arch, i think i explained it kind of wrong. imagine a hole about an inch behind the knuckle of my big toes (right above the pad of my foot). the hole isnt very big, but the leather gets rubbed through from dragging my toe when i drive my groundstrokes or approach shots. im not sure if thats a bad habit or not, but ive always done that to provide stability on my shots, especially since i like running a lot of stuff down and serve/volley. hope that helps u. thx for the help w/this!