I think Five-0 gave you a good and fair assessment. Your upper body mechanics are excellent, and your footwork, though not bad by any means, could use some improvements. You could drive more "up and through" the ball, which should naturally lift you off the court more. As it is, (and it's hard to tell cause it's video), you look very close to foot-faulting because you have a small "skip-step" due to the lack of elevation you're getting. Also, it might help if your body was more parallel to the net. It would help you gain that lean into the court which would also help you to explode up and out...but all of this is nit-pciking. Lastly, and you don't need this, but if you want to get a little more pop on your serve, you could probably rotate your trunk a little more. Otherwise, great serve.
Your 2HBH is pretty good as well. The swing is good, the mechanics and followthrough is pretty nice. Again, nitpicking, you could get loweron the ball by bending your knees more which would help generate more spin and more power. Also, it looks like your contact point is just slightly overextended and that you're slightly reaching for the ball, but that's easily fixable with your footwork (and also hard to judge if you do that all the time with just seeing 2 swings)
Great mechanics.