Hi, I am a french student, tennis player and employee in a small tennis club. I am looking forward to buy a manual tennis stringing machine, mainly for being independent and for learning something. Here are more details about the use I will make of it.
I have no experience with stringing but learn quickly, planning to learn via watching videos. I am expecting to string less than 20 racquets per month, with a mean of 10 I would say, all types of strings and racquets, and for probably more than 20 years. My budget can be up to the most expensive manual machines, but I do not want to buy anything unuseful or unecessary in my situation. I mainly want accuracy, durability/reliability, other aspects such as convenience (except for health concerns, working position), speed and weight are secondary.
What do you recommend? Any models, brands?
As of my research, it seems that Stringway machines are very high quality materials and finish that can last long, and other reviews seem to praise the brand in general (support, guarantee, clamps, etc.). If you have informations on the Stringway machines, how would you say these technologies change the machine: drop-weight instead of spring? Flying or fixed clamps? Concorde (system for 360 degree rotation)? Stand or table top?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
I have no experience with stringing but learn quickly, planning to learn via watching videos. I am expecting to string less than 20 racquets per month, with a mean of 10 I would say, all types of strings and racquets, and for probably more than 20 years. My budget can be up to the most expensive manual machines, but I do not want to buy anything unuseful or unecessary in my situation. I mainly want accuracy, durability/reliability, other aspects such as convenience (except for health concerns, working position), speed and weight are secondary.
What do you recommend? Any models, brands?
As of my research, it seems that Stringway machines are very high quality materials and finish that can last long, and other reviews seem to praise the brand in general (support, guarantee, clamps, etc.). If you have informations on the Stringway machines, how would you say these technologies change the machine: drop-weight instead of spring? Flying or fixed clamps? Concorde (system for 360 degree rotation)? Stand or table top?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
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