Alerts suggestion


This is just a friendly suggestion to improve members' experience here on the TW forums.

When logging into TW forums the first thing members are greeted with is a red flag with the number of new alerts for you.
Often the number of alerts can be 10, 20 or more.

There are three main types of alerts:

1. Likes (people who have liked your post)
2. Quoted your post
3. Started a thread

It is very easy to spot the alerts that show users who have Liked your post, as they are bolded and have a thumbs up (y) icon.
Finding posts of yours that users have quoted is not nearly as easy.

I would like to suggest that TW bolds the word Quoted and possibly adds a quote icon " ", so that users can quickly and easily see these posts,
just as they can quickly and easily see the Liked posts.