This is just a friendly suggestion to improve members' experience here on the TW forums.
When logging into TW forums the first thing members are greeted with is a red flag with the number of new alerts for you.
Often the number of alerts can be 10, 20 or more.
There are three main types of alerts:
1. Likes (people who have liked your post)
2. Quoted your post
3. Started a thread
It is very easy to spot the alerts that show users who have Liked your post, as they are bolded and have a thumbs up
Finding posts of yours that users have quoted is not nearly as easy.
I would like to suggest that TW bolds the word Quoted and possibly adds a quote icon " ", so that users can quickly and easily see these posts,
just as they can quickly and easily see the Liked posts.
When logging into TW forums the first thing members are greeted with is a red flag with the number of new alerts for you.
Often the number of alerts can be 10, 20 or more.
There are three main types of alerts:
1. Likes (people who have liked your post)
2. Quoted your post
3. Started a thread
It is very easy to spot the alerts that show users who have Liked your post, as they are bolded and have a thumbs up
Finding posts of yours that users have quoted is not nearly as easy.
I would like to suggest that TW bolds the word Quoted and possibly adds a quote icon " ", so that users can quickly and easily see these posts,
just as they can quickly and easily see the Liked posts.