They are fairly different strings, as far as poly's go. The Luxilon is pretty spectacular for the first few hours, I still haven't found anything that comes close. The Cyber Flash is nice at the beginning, but it is when everything get's "broken-in" that I think it really shines.
As time goes on, the Cyber Flash plays more consistently. I think it is more durable and doesn't notch so much. At the same time, ALU is still incredibly durable. You're not going to break either one before you end up cutting it out for other reason.
I think the Cyber Flash is a little bit softer, which I first noticed when I went to string it. If you've got a sensitive arm, I wouldn't recommend either one. If you like a firm string bed, you can get that with both of them.
I would never consider any other string if Luxilon wasn't so expensive. Since it is, I had to find something else... I've got a reel of Cyber Flash.
--Ok, I just realized you asked about ALU Power ROUGH. Rough theoretically produces a tad more spin, but because of the ridges, it is a little less durable than the original. I think everything else still stands...
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