ALU Power Black — Same as gray?

Does this one perform like the standard gray? I really like the black color but also am tuned to the gray, and am not sure if there’s a difference in playing characteristics.

Diablo XP

Not sure about black but I noticed a difference with the lime green of the same gauge. Not huge, but grey was more magical imo. Sucks cause I liked the green.

Roland G

Hall of Fame
No idea about the black but the grey plays way better than the blue version, which seems a little deader


New User
I’ve used silver, ice blue and lime colors of Alu and have a few packs of black on order and will string up either later this week or next. I dig dead feeling polys so I played ice blue Alu for years. Am probably going to go back to it, actually.

I always felt, from most to least powerful, the range was: Lime - Silver - Ice Blue

I’ll update the thread with my impressions of the black (which I’m guessing will be as dead or more dead than the ice blue).


New User
I’ve used silver, ice blue and lime colors of Alu and have a few packs of black on order and will string up either later this week or next. I dig dead feeling polys so I played ice blue Alu for years. Am probably going to go back to it, actually.

I always felt, from most to least powerful, the range was: Lime - Silver - Ice Blue

I’ll update the thread with my impressions of the black (which I’m guessing will be as dead or more dead than the ice blue).


I’ve used Alu black for 3 hours and it is noticeably less powerful when compared to the gray color. As expected, plays like I would expect a black string to play. Same Alu spin and feel but not as powerful as the gray or even the ice blue. Love the feel and power level, not sure I love it at the $20-a-pack-level though. Verdict is still out.


IME the original color of any poly is the one to go with. For whatever reason, different color dyes subtly affect the playability of strings. Most casuals don't notice, but equipment nerds like us almost always do.


New User
IME the original color of any poly is the one to go with. For whatever reason, different color dyes subtly affect the playability of strings. Most casuals don't notice, but equipment nerds like us almost always do.


To answer the OP’s question directly, then, no, the black is not the “same” as the gray.