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When I look at American College Tennis why are the rosters filled with foreign players. I'm just going to take a simple guess and say their just better players. Ok then that begs the question why?
Why are foreign kids in particular European and South American kids better in general than American players in Jr tennis? It's evident that a lot of these foreign players are playing in US colleges ? How many thousands of kids play competitive USTA tournaments consistently? What is it about their Jr development efforts that make their jr' s better than ours? Is it because only the upper middle class can afford to send the kids to high performance tennis academies? Is it because most of our top athletes play in other sports like football, basketball, and baseball? I've heard people say American kids are to spoiled they don't want it bad enough? blah blah blah. I'm just trying to understand why a country like ours with all of the resources, facilities, and coaches aren't producing better players. Is the USTA Jr Development program all to blame? I keep seeing efforts where (USTA) spends resources on programs that target a lower socio economic demographic to gain interest from kids that might not otherwise have the opportunity to play the sport. Don't get me wrong this is great but is it the answer? Seems like wasted effort if your trying to create the next Pete Sampras or Andre Agassi. Tennis takes a huge financial commitment over the span of many years to produce an elite tennis player. Wouldn't it make sense to create programs that cater to those families that have already made large commitments and where their is true unrealized potential? But unfortunately those kids cant afford the luxury to compete at the highest levels? Is it the way Tennis is taught here? Is it because Jr's in Europe use compression balls when there 8 and our kids use normal balls and moonball for the first 4 years of competitive tennis? (sorry that was more of a rant on 10s and 12's) so happy those years are behind us. Do European countries have some sort of dev program where they take all their young jr athletes and put them in IMG type facilities from a very young age? We do that too I suppose with homeschooling and performance academies? Those of us that can afford it do it here right? But this also limits most of the population from having access to these types of facilities because there so expensive.
Funny thing is even the rich foreign kids come to America to train at places like IMG or many of the other high performance academies. But the USTA with all of it's vast wealth and plethora of jr players competing tournaments on a weekly bases cant make it work?
Just wanted to open this up to discussion.
Thoughts on what could be done to make our jr's more competitive on a global scale?
Why are foreign kids in particular European and South American kids better in general than American players in Jr tennis? It's evident that a lot of these foreign players are playing in US colleges ? How many thousands of kids play competitive USTA tournaments consistently? What is it about their Jr development efforts that make their jr' s better than ours? Is it because only the upper middle class can afford to send the kids to high performance tennis academies? Is it because most of our top athletes play in other sports like football, basketball, and baseball? I've heard people say American kids are to spoiled they don't want it bad enough? blah blah blah. I'm just trying to understand why a country like ours with all of the resources, facilities, and coaches aren't producing better players. Is the USTA Jr Development program all to blame? I keep seeing efforts where (USTA) spends resources on programs that target a lower socio economic demographic to gain interest from kids that might not otherwise have the opportunity to play the sport. Don't get me wrong this is great but is it the answer? Seems like wasted effort if your trying to create the next Pete Sampras or Andre Agassi. Tennis takes a huge financial commitment over the span of many years to produce an elite tennis player. Wouldn't it make sense to create programs that cater to those families that have already made large commitments and where their is true unrealized potential? But unfortunately those kids cant afford the luxury to compete at the highest levels? Is it the way Tennis is taught here? Is it because Jr's in Europe use compression balls when there 8 and our kids use normal balls and moonball for the first 4 years of competitive tennis? (sorry that was more of a rant on 10s and 12's) so happy those years are behind us. Do European countries have some sort of dev program where they take all their young jr athletes and put them in IMG type facilities from a very young age? We do that too I suppose with homeschooling and performance academies? Those of us that can afford it do it here right? But this also limits most of the population from having access to these types of facilities because there so expensive.
Funny thing is even the rich foreign kids come to America to train at places like IMG or many of the other high performance academies. But the USTA with all of it's vast wealth and plethora of jr players competing tournaments on a weekly bases cant make it work?
Just wanted to open this up to discussion.
Thoughts on what could be done to make our jr's more competitive on a global scale?
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