An Update on Wrightsocks. I had noticed


that the Wrightsock company seemed very reluctant to introduce a sock with extra padding on the bottom. Here is the answer from their company rep. It does support what some on here have been saying about having problems with that "Other" thick sock company.

"We didn't reluctantly make a cushioned sock, but I truly believe that
if you
are wearing a good shoe - that being one that still has support left in
soles, the value of thick socks is greatly over rated. In fact, all the
terry loops knit on the inside of socks actually generate more heat
of the constant movement of the loops. Shoes provide the basis of shock
absorption and cushioning. A sock provides friction reduction and
management. With this said, I believe that any flat knit (no cushion)
is better for the wearer.
However, we know many folks are preconditioned to wear thick socks. We
many consumers that have chosen to wear the Running Xtra (available in
quarter length) or the Comfort sock (available in quarter and crew
length)for their court sports."

Just thought you guys might like to see what he said.


Bionic Poster
Thanks, always seems that running shoes are far more cushioned than tennis shoes and socks are just for blister prevention.