It took him rather a long time to find a solution to Nadal, something like 10 years.
smash hit
Whether it took Federer 10 years or even a longer time, a solution to Nadal he did find. Now if only Fed can duplicate that solution on clay,
now that would be truly sensational. However, would probably be very difficult because the ball sets up and slows down on the bounce
giving Nadal more time to return with his spinner ground strokes which bounce higher.
I would like to see it happen, however, I will be happy if Federer continues to win on hard court and grass for the next 2-3 years. Why?
I like hearing younger people complaining that Federer has already Won Enough and should retire to give younger players a chance. He
will retire one day, that's for sure. However, I would not mind Fed pulling a George Foreman or a Bernard Hopkins. It will be interesting
to see how much longer Fed can stay on the top of the mountain. Plus, hear some people b_tch about it's not fair. Oh, the horror!!!