Any 1 handers that successfully went to two handed forehand?


I'm thinking about just maybe trying out a two handed forehand. My 1 hander isn't terrible, but I feel that it suffers in stability, and feel that two hands = more control (afterall, my backhand is 2 handed and I prefer it)

So has anyone gone happily from 1 hand to 2 handed on forehand? Also, what is the grip to use, because I can't figure out how to hold the racket for a 2 handed forehand



New User
He said a 2 handed forehand, not a two handed backhand.

For the two handed forehand I guess you just reverse your hands and the grip you would use for a two handed backhand, but I'm not positive.


Hall of Fame
There are a few experts (definitely more 'established' credentials than me) that think Double handed forehand has great benefits and a main stroke.

Just to see if there is merit in their argument, i dedicated 3 pratice sessions trying to hit a 2HFH (my 1hFH is my best stroke). Cut long story short, That was the most ineffective stroke i have ever tried. I wouldnt recommend it to anyone unless they dont have enough power in a Single hand.

Not everyone is same, so may be it works for you. For me, it is useless.


I used to do really good 2hands, they were very accurate , always landed in the middle. But once i switched to a 1hand on my FXP instinct, I hit with much more spin and more cross courts, and lines. Dunno about anyone else, but for me 1hand is better. I think everyone should do a 2 hand before doing a 1 hand.
i dont know too much about the 2 handed forehand but id give a enw grip a try. spread your fingers out for further stability or something =/ im sorry i cannot provide help on your question