Say Chi Sin Lo
...or $3 worth of lead tape should square you away.
Not necessarily. 10oz Prestige toy + 2oz of lead does not equal a Prestige Mid.
...or $3 worth of lead tape should square you away.
Old and short Asians? This is NH, where 94% of the population is white. 2% of the population is Asian. The only Asian guy I play is a 5.0 from out-of-state.
I've never measured my service speed. I'd guess that I could get over 100 MPH but I have no proof.
I will say that it's very hard to accelerate near 400 Swingweight over your head if you don't do it regularly.
I work on my fitness to avoid the problems that most older people run into.
It's nice that it helps my tennis as well in preventing injury and helping to recover faster from injury.
Take care of your body. It's the only one you have.
At least until gene editing gets far more developed.
Let me guess. ... and 94% of the 2% are half white? LOL
You must have played some 4.0's. Whether or not you actually serve flat serve to them makes no impact on your actual flat serve speeds. You have seen their fastest serves, are they as fast as your fastest serves?
You mention shoulder high bounces when you were younger. What about NOW? I'm 67, and still regularly serve faster than almost all 4.0's. Don't bother to imagine how I served back in '78.
You list the player's on court with you. Now, LOOK at those guys. Do they look like serious threats to your game? How impressive do they LOOK. I know, one was a former ATP dude.
Yeah, it does come down to a chest puffing matchup, doesn't it?
I'm giving you flak because you always brag about using a 386 gram racket, and how powerful it is.
..and that's why it all comes down to the serve.
What good is a powerful racket if you serve dinky twist serves at 60 mph?
I can't talk about forehands, mine are weak AND inconsistent, especially for 4.0.
One good result of a strong first serve is that you get weak returns, which you can use to really start the point.
Another is moving the returner BACK away from the baseline, so your wide serves work much better, them returning from wide of the doubles alley. Also, when they're well back from the baseline, it opens up the drop and angle volleys, which won't work well if they're crowding deep NML when returning your serves.
I find short angles and drop volleys MUCH easier than trying for depth with medium pace, and from watching Pro's playing the net game, they also think so.
If you just kick it in high to either side, it gives the returner a high volley, one of the easiest strokes in tennis, as they just step in, block it low for either angle or DTL shots, then come to net position.
Now for sure, we're talking serving to guys who CAN handle high kickers, peers of your level, not some 3.5 who's never seen a kick/twist before, and whiffs trying to kill it.
If you want something comfy with some flex those Costco head sticks have the older extreme pro??? Mold ??
They are around low 50's ra...
Head heavy which I hate but a leather grip more lead tape in the handle and you got the best offering that head makes in my flexy opinion and under 70 bucks all parts included
Yeah I would imagine they sell quite a bit .. I had seen a few folks hitting with them awhile back. So light and sooooo head heavy.. Man I just can't do the head heavy thing . It kinda hurts .. And makes returning a nightmare . For me anyway..
But consider the 42 year old source .
I gotta play with something off the charts embarrassingly flexible or my arm and shoulder kill me ..
Which stinks because I can't play with anything modern .. I like modern I want to be on the forefront . It's my job in some regards . But alas I'm stuck with fiberglass sticks of yesteryear .. And I don't ever see a manufacture making a really super flexy racket in my near future .. I feel alone in a world of stiff rackets .. Whoa is me ..
As a 3.5-4.0 player...