Any recommended tension for Volkl Cyclone Tour 16g?


Hi Guys,
Quick question to all experts here. I am gonna try a full bed of Volkl Cyclone Tour 16g on my Babolat Pure Aero. My current setting is Gosen AK Pro CX 16g @ 53lbs. I had tennis elbow about 9 years ago and ever since started playing with multifilaments and soft strings. The Volk Cyclone Tour is my first co-poly in many years. Any recommendation on the optimal tension to avoid having issues with my elbow? Thanks so much.


Hall of Fame
52 in my Clash, felt good for many hours. You could try at that since its same tension you are used to as well. adjust from there. i do like the feel of the ball sinking in the stringbed.


Hall of Fame
2 things...
1.) I believe an appropriate reference tension for VCT would be around 45-47
2.) VCT 16g for whatever reason feels heavy as a string. It is soft but also heavy so it will feel like leaded up gut. I did not like it as full bed and much prefer it as my main with a thin slick smooth poly cross (revolve, cream, sppp) as a pseudo gut poly setup. The ball pocketing sensation of VCT 16g is otherworldly.

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I have been using VCT 1.30mm for 8 years It is in my Pure Aero + frames except when I playtest strings . You are playing with a fairly stiff frame then looking to change from a soft string to a soft poly.

If you use Gosen AK Pro CK at 53 pounds, my personal recommendation would probably be : Do not use VCT at all.

Questions I would ask you if you came to me looking for strings.
1) what level do you play
2) how quickly do you break your current strings ?
3) TE History ? Yes . Follow up : details ? Like the Charley Puth song "How Long" has this been going on? How did you get ride of it?
4) how long with your current frame?

You would need to answer more questions from me before I would string anything in your frames. Just changing strings without asking those questions is something I would hope all stringers would avoid.

VCT vs Gosen AK PRO CX: two strings which are very unlike the other. I have hit with Gosen AK Pro Ck in my PA+ to demo it. Iûnot for me. It is basically expensive syn gut with a long name.

Setups I would suggest instead :
a) Yonex Poly Tour Air (YPTA) 1.25mm 56M / Tecnfibre HDMX 1.30mm 54X
b) Lux Gut 1.30mm 58M / YPTA 56X
c) YPTA 56'M/ Ghostwire 1.22mm 54X stiffer that the others but still softer than VCT

YPTA is one of only two Elastomer (fancy name for rubber ) infused polys that I know of. Isospeed Cream being the other. YPTA is a a very soft poly which plays well as main with HDMX or a smooth poly cross, or as a cross string with Natural Gut mains.

FWITW: VCT 1.30mm has a high launch angle. The lowest tension I string for any player is 50 pounds is in a Pure Control Tour @ 50 pounds for his 374 gram frames is for a 5.0C rated guy name Steve Cohen. Every player who has battled TE using VCT uses it between 50 and 58 lbs strung on a Alpha Ghost
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You are either a 4.0 or 4.5. You will know whether you like VCT at 54M/52X after playing a set or two with it. VCT at 54M/52X feels close to 50M/48X with Cyclone IMO. For the 4.0 to 5.0 players I string VCT for, the range is from 50 full bed to 58 full bed, with more players using it at 57M/55X, then 56M/54X than other choices. VCT strung at 4 lbs higher than other poly strings seems to be the sweet spot for it. If a player were to switch to another 1.25mm poly from 1.30mm VCT, I would drop the tension by 4lbs on each string.

If you don't like it, definitely try:
Yonex Poly Tour Air (YPTA) 1.25mm 56M / Tecnfibre HDMX 1.30mm 54X (softer than VCT)
YPTA 56'M/ Ghostwire 1.22mm 54X (softer than VCT but stiffer than the YPTA/HDMX above)

2 things...
1.) I believe an appropriate reference tension for VCT would be around 45-47
2.) VCT 16g for whatever reason feels heavy as a string. It is soft but also heavy so it will feel like leaded up gut. I did not like it as full bed and much prefer it as my main with a thin slick smooth poly cross (revolve, cream, sppp) as a pseudo gut poly setup. The ball pocketing sensation of VCT 16g is otherworldly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

@blai212 Have you tried Ghostwire 1.27mm or 1.22mm with VCT? It works great as a cross.


Hall of Fame

VCT strung at 4 lbs higher than other poly strings seems to be the sweet spot for it. If a player were to switch to another 1.25mm poly from 1.30mm VCT, I would drop the tension by 4lbs on each string.
thanks and true by experience. tried another stiffer string at same tension , didn't work at all. tried another stiffer string at 7lbs lower and was more in that same feel range. 4 is probably a good bet.


Tried VCT for first time. Used 16g. It didn’t feel like most lively string to be honest but did feel was getting a little more spin. Interestingly after I played guy I was playing ( didn’t tell him was trying new strings) said balls were coming in with a bit more power so not sure what to think. I am going to hybrid it with isospeed cream next to see how that feels


Hall of Fame

You are either a 4.0 or 4.5. You will know whether you like VCT at 54M/52X after playing a set or two with it. VCT at 54M/52X feels close to 50M/48X with Cyclone IMO. For the 4.0 to 5.0 players I string VCT for, the range is from 50 full bed to 58 full bed, with more players using it at 57M/55X, then 56M/54X than other choices. VCT strung at 4 lbs higher than other poly strings seems to be the sweet spot for it. If a player were to switch to another 1.25mm poly from 1.30mm VCT, I would drop the tension by 4lbs on each string.

If you don't like it, definitely try:
Yonex Poly Tour Air (YPTA) 1.25mm 56M / Tecnfibre HDMX 1.30mm 54X (softer than VCT)
YPTA 56'M/ Ghostwire 1.22mm 54X (softer than VCT but stiffer than the YPTA/HDMX above)

@blai212 Have you tried Ghostwire 1.27mm or 1.22mm with VCT? It works great as a cross.

yes I have tried it with 1.22mm ghostwire and it was okay...I wouldve preferred slicker coating like isospeed cream and wilson revolve. I think thin slick round cross works best with VCT mains for hybrid setup

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VCT at 54M/52X feels close to 50M/48X with Cyclone IMO.

Why not just use Cyclone then? What do you have in mind when you speak of "feel"? Some people say they go for a softer poly so it would feel less harsh for the arm. Would that benefit (for some) be eliminated if it was strung tighter?


Why not just use Cyclone then? What do you have in mind when you speak of "feel"? Some people say they go for a softer poly so it would feel less harsh for the arm. Would that benefit (for some) be eliminated if it was strung tighter?

VCT 1.30mm strung higher drops tension then settles in a great playing string for many clients at the 4.0- 5.0 USTA level. Actual ratings not I think I am a 4.5. 99.9% of players overestimate their actual skill level by reading the USAT DNTRP player descriptions.

Cyclone is a stiffer string than VCT.. So VCT strung tighter plays better for some players than Cyclone at a lower tension.

I don't care what a client uses personally. I just have ten clients using VCT 1.30mmm for every one client using 1.25'or 1.30mm Cyclone.

feel is a subjective term. Every client is different and people feel things differently. I'm here to make clients happy, enjoy tennis without hurting their elbows at price point they are comfortable.

watch the TW review of VCT and listen to chris compare VCT vs. Cyclone
VCT 1.30mm strung higher drops tension then settles in a great playing string for many clients at the 4.0- 5.0 USTA level. Actual ratings not I think I am a 4.5. 99.9% of players overestimate their actual skill level by reading the USAT DNTRP player descriptions.

Cyclone is a stiffer string than VCT.. So VCT strung tighter plays better for some players than Cyclone at a lower tension.

I don't care what a client uses personally. I just have ten clients using VCT 1.30mmm for every one client using 1.25'or 1.30mm Cyclone.

feel is a subjective term. Every client is different and people feel things differently. I'm here to make clients happy, enjoy tennis without hurting their elbows at price point they are comfortable.

watch the TW review of VCT and listen to chris compare VCT vs. Cyclone

Okay. Thanks for your reply. I'll give VTC a try.