Had a full replacement October 7th. Little over 3 months later, I am playing doubles with no discomfort.
Surgery pain was very managable. I do well handling pain, but this was surprising. There was certainly some uncomfortableness... but on a scale of 1 -10... I don't think I ever reached a 6... and that was never a constant pain. I quit taking the oxy's after about 2-3 weeks... Advil was fine.
I iced A LOT! 24 hrs a day for the first week... then 16 hours a day, etc., etc. Still have some swelling.
Rehab was painful but very, very helpful. 22 sessions of PT plus I went to the gym on my own. Prior to surgery I tried to strengthen my leg as much as possible, but also to get an idea of my muscle loss. At the gym, doing leg presses one legged... good leg I could do 220 at I'd say 85-90% effort. Bad leg... I struggled to do 100 pounds.
Couple weeks after surgery I started leg presses again... started with 40 pounds. Last Sunday I did 200 with my repaired knee at about 90% effort. Did 400 with both legs two reps of 24 - seemed about 70% effort. Very pleased with the strength progress.
I can stand on the repaired leg (one leg) and do a 3/4's squat and straighten back up with a little effort, but no discomfort. Walking up and down stairs, getting out of bed in the morning... I feel nothing. Playing doubles tennis (not playing a lot...once a week for now) everything is stable. Movement, serves, overheads all feel fine, and I'm not wearing any brace of any kind... not even a neophrene sleeve.
One odd thing is running/sprinting. I stll have some numbness on the outside of my knee (common) and there feels like a disconnect in my knee internally (which makes sense because my knee is now metal and polycarbonate!). So two things... at first my body still wanted to limp when I tried to run. It was so much muscle memory that even tho I felt nothing... my brain still said "Limp! Limp! This is going to hurt!" And the second thing is getting used to the disconnect... its like there is a strange pad/small pillow in my knee and my body isn't adjusted to a running foot impact yet. Kinda weird to explain, but I can run, tho not as fluidly as I could before.... yet.
So my understanding of the difference between a partial and a total is... the partial is: shave the femur and install the appliance, shave the tibia and install the appliance. The total includes the "button" behind the knee cap which slides in the channel of the upper appliance.
So really, I don't think there is a really big difference... is there? I'm no ortho, but they can't just install one appliance, can they? How could just the femur appliance mate to your tibia bone??
In any case, good luck. Get a good ortho (word of mouth), work hard on rehab, and all can turn out very well!