Anyone from Poland in this forum?


Bionic Poster
Not from Poland but a huge fan of Gorecki (he's Polish, right?) and also Mozart (since that's your username).

Welcome to our forum !

oh by the way, also a huge Roger fan :D


Hall of Fame
The later Gorecki is a bit 'nice'.

Try Lutoslawski or early Penderecki (the late Penderecki is also, a bit 'nice').


I'm almost entirely Polish (little bit British as well,) but I've never been to Poland or speak it. I'm trying to learn though :???:


Hall of Fame
From my Mom and grandparents. They were from poland. Grandparents faught for poland in ww2, were Prisoner of war for 2 years 1939-1942 :(.


Anyone from Poland in this forum?

Witam wszystkich którzy pochodzą z Polski.

Witam mozart RF. I was conceived in Krakow but my parents moved to Canada before I was born. So I am born in Canada but both of my parents are from Poland.


@ Mozart: Gdansk, (currently Warsaw for few more weeks).
@ Mikeler: Thx for the kind words :)


So is Automatix (very tennis-knowledgeable guy). I also think that he's a moderator on a polish tennis site ;)


LOL, looks like U have some language skills ;) it's always good to know some foreign swears and stuff like that. U can use them on court and such and still be considered polite ;)
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I like Poland, mainly because I've much liked the Poles I've personally met here in the USA.


^ We could say that, especially cuz of Pudzianowski ;) Too bad he left the strongman cup and now want's to become a MMA fighter:evil:


Andrew Golota was the first Eastern European hwt who showed that it was possible to dominate and destroy the American hwts. Golota did this by physically destroying the then universally recognized #1 hwt Riddick Bowe in 1996. Golota ended the career of Bowe with two of the most awesome hwt performances of the 90s era. Golota is the one who opened the door for the Klitschko Brothers who currently rule the hwt division and have dominated for several years.

But it was Polish Power Andrew Golota who was the first excellent Eastern European fighter to achieve major success in America. Well, also should credit Russian light welter Kostya Tszyu too.


Not Polish myself, but recently moved from the US to Prague and took over the region that includes Poland, for a large Semiconductor COmpany...
I spend a lot of time in Wroclaw, Krakow, Warsaw, Gdansk, Rzezow, Z. Gora, Katowice, etc...
Nice country and people very similar to my native Serbia, but very different from the Czechs :)

mozart RF

Kubica, Małysz, Pudzianowski, Kowalczyk, Fibak, Adamek, Gołota, Włodarczyk, Fortuna rules :) probably a few more would be found
Niech Bog btogostawi Polska

Fact: Polskie kobiety sa gorace.
Fact: Polskie dziewczyny maja tadne posladki ;-)

My Mother's parents came from Poland.
Kumkwat moj skarbie, jestes piekna i jestes fajna. :cool:

"Now let's go get some pierogis, kapusta and golabki!"


A man walks into a bar, sits down, and says to the guy next to him, "Hey, you wanna hear a great Polish joke?"
"Listen, pal," the guy replies. "I'm Poland's kick-boxing champion. My two friends here are both world-ranked judo masters, and they're Polish, too. Now, you still want to tell that joke?"
"Nah," the man replies, "I don't feel like explaining it three times."


I'm also from Poland, both my parents are Poles and we moved to the US when I was four so I speak it fluently, can read, but I never learned to write. I can write well enough for someone to understand but not perfect, but yeah I lived there for almost two years (I was born in Canada) and I still speak fluently.

I'm surprised there's that many of us on here though!



Witam Ciebie, Poland is a strong country in tennis. A lot of Poles outside the country and some of them forget that they are Poles.

Yeah a lot of top players come from Poland - the Radwanska sisters, Fyrstenberg and Matkowski in doubles, Łukas Kubot also had a successful year in doubles, Marta Domachowska has had some big tournaments, Caroline Wozniacki whose officially Danish but both parents are Poles and she speaks the language has been great the past few years, and Jerzy Janowicz had a great international juniors and is improving on the tour.


Nie jestem Polakiem, ale umiem mówić po polsku. Niestety rzadko ćwiczę gramatykę, mówię, itd. bo nie miałem dużo czasu. Ale teraz mam dość czasu i postaram się ćwiczyć codzennie.

Dużo Polaków w TTW...

mozart RF

Takie małe odświeżenie. Ktoś z Polski może się odezwie jeszcze.

Such small renewal. Someone from Poland may still be Appeal.