Anyone notice that Yonex rackets seem to play stiffer then the RA indicates ?


Curious if it’s just me, but I’ve tried different string setups and lower tensions. The overall feel is still brassy and stiffer then the RA listed on the specs.


i had the same experience with the 2020 model. the 2022 actually feels more plush to me despite the higher RA and thicker beam, but i haven't spent as much time with it.
i find RA is generally correlated with comfort, but not always the case. several of the popular yonex sticks weren't as comfortable as expected, including the previous vcore 98 and DR 98.
the only one that was as comfortable as the RA might indicate is the current VCP97 but that's a different story.

Grafil Injection

Hall of Fame
I tend to agree regarding the Ezone 98. The neck is 19mm so I can imagine the flex is low 60s there, but most of the hoop is 24mm so I'd guess high 60s there. So perhaps they take an average measure. Overall, on a perfectly centered hit it feels like the stated 64 RA, but just slightly outside the middle (but still a fine shot), more like 68 to me.


-ive been "feeling" that the vibrations from the racquet/ball impact get dampened by the different materials/tech yonex uses/used over the years, in different ways
-i had a chance to try some of these EZONE versions first hand
-the y.e.2018 was a poorly dampened stick, very direct
-the y.e.2020 was a more flexible/heavier version, disguised the vibration pretty well
-the new y.e.2022 is a very/best dampened version, in the handle area specially
-but even the y.e.2022 can vibrate in a bad way at times
-i still feel some of the vibrations when the shot is "off center", but its very minimal

-the vcore.PRO (my ideal weight) line of sticks, have been heavier, and low RA, i switched to this line of sticks for a few years now
-yonex is starting to change that, making them ( more modern, fast, higher RA, i dont know if i like that (i am an old school player, i'm not changing at this point)
-ever since the "dual G" versions, the line has been going through a higher RA changes and thinner faster sticks

-i still want a vcore.PRO.95 racquet!!
-sadly, i dont think im gonna get one from yonex anymore
-they dont see the market for wawrinka style racquets
-they think everyone wants to hit like kyrios and/or tiafoe


om panda

If i am not mistaken,

RA is measured by flex around the throat, while real feeling of stiffness also affected by beam construction and carbon layup.

Some rackets like Prince Beast 03 have stiff hoop and create very harsh feeling if ball was struck around that area.

I demoed the 2020 Ezone 98 (w/ poly from TW) when it came out and it gave me elbow pain. I was surprised because everyone said it was a comfortable racquet. A shame because I liked it a lot! Good blend of control, spin, and power.

Been playing with the '21 VC 95 for a year now and no pain though. Might have to try the new Ezone.


I thought so of the new Ezone 98 I demoed. So much mass in the throat can’t possibly be as flexy as a 64 RA. You can feel the stiffness.


I have same thoughts as @Grafil Injection

I have played with all ezones (from XI onwards) and AI was the most comfortable by some margin and was plush.

I played with Ezone plus until last month and that one despite VDM feels as stiff as Dunlop CX 200+ that I have (I have both with same gut/poly setups).


The vcore 95 should be on the vcore pro line. It plays very close to the D and mildly the H, not at all like the vcore 98. Check the swingweight even, it's pretty much what a vcore pro 95 would be if there was one.
-i actually did, and was all exited about the 95", 16/20 stick from yonex
-but i traded that racquet out of my collection!!
-only thing that racquet needed was WEIGHT!, and lots of it
-i tried soo much lead, tension, hybrids, everything, it was getting ridiculous
-i did not care for the "ALL RED(2019??!?)" y.vcore.95
-i did not bother with the 2021 y.vcore.95
-i went with the!!, thats my weight preference


Yes, I have found that some Yonex frames do play stiffer than their RA. The only model that didn’t to me was the orange Tour HG 330g series and the 310 series and the DR plus. This period for Yonex was a good one.


Have tried all Ezones except the AI. They are all firm for me. Vcore pro 97 in dark blue 2017, has a very flexible head. You can feel it bend.