Anyone see the new video review


Hall of Fame
For the posters that blast the video footage and the NTRP ratings of the players. Please post a link to your rankings so we can know that you actually know what you are talking about and are not 2.5 players that think they are a 5.0.


Bionic Poster
I think you are all missing something - did you learn anything about the racquet by watching the testers hit? I don't think so.


Hall of Fame

I've had the privilege of sharing court time with current and former Div I players - and I never paid much attention to how they looked. Mainly because I was too busy trying to deal with their relentless consistency, pressure, pace of shot, or use of the court.

If you haven't put up at least a .500 record in USTA leagues or tournaments at 4.0 or better, you really have no right to say anything at all.

Want to be a hater? New rule: link to video of yourself or your USTA record, otherwise shut up.

Haha, it's just like in Friends when Joey gets laughed at for not knowing what the hell he's talking about.
I personally also like seeing somebody like Michael Chaho saying "this or that frame is a piece of sh*t", because this shows that he's not trying to sell me something. After I demo myself, I may not always agree with him or any other poster who would say that about a frame...but that's to be expected.
oh well...end rant

thanks, there are few posters who say it as it is but sometimes we get called on it because it offends the person who might fancy his frame.

I personally would like to see a section on TW racquet review to include what they did not like about the frame like they do in the shoe reviews "the dislikes" rather than comments in "last shots from our play testers".

As for Granville, my strokes are like that, they are more old school, smooth and rock solid


Hall of Fame
I was thinking the same thing. Short, compact, simple swing with the eastern grip on the FH. Very old school technique. I have known plenty of guys that could play great tennis with strokes like Granville's. His FH may not be a pretty stroke by modern standards (Brad Gilbert does come to mind) but I'm sure it's plenty effective.

edberg also comes to mind.... i think his level was at least a 5.5


Hall of Fame
I was surprised by some of the strokes, too. But I once got my ass beat by a pusher with the ugliest strokes imaginable. So I won't be casting the first stone...

Agree with skraggle, pushers with ugly strokes have handed me bad losses as well. Doesn't matter if the stroke is ugly, if it's effective, keep it.