go on http://www.*********.org and click on the link there and enjoy the Australian Open live on your computer!!! and good quality
http://www. t e n n i s d v d . o r g
http://www. t e n n i s d v d . o r g
mtakako said:you guys can dll another program called pplive. I am watching star sport on pplive, and the quality is better and more smoother.
Can get it at
Thanks Shawn and mtakako! This is much better than that thing from tennis dvd.comshawn1122 said:Hey mtakako, whcih pplive stream are u using? Cause the one I am using has only around 10 peers, so the speed is too low. It would be great if more people could come on it, since it seems to have better quality. (Picture is clearer and easier to see the ball) Check out for the PPLive link. It's the one that says Excellent next to it.
rilokiley said:Do you have a little "mysee" icon in your taskbar?
Aonex said:Actually, PPLive is in English... Australian commentators.