Are Head Lynx and Yonex Poly Tour Pro the same string?


Numbers on TWU compare strings tool are almost the exact same and the strings come in the exact same colors. Wondering if they’re made in the same factory and just labeled different.


They are not the same. Ptp is more crisp and has like a slick coating.

Lynx is softer and more elastic. I was not as big as fan of normal Lynx compared to ptp.


-both "comfortable" type of polys
-yptp is abit more crisp, but not harsh
-lynx is very comfortable
-because lynx is so soft, it stretches faster, and goes dead quicker
-yptp, is one of the better poly strings of recent years, or it was; above average tension maintenance, IMO


Two of my most played strings. Both round and soft. Lynx is more elastic, more comfortable and loses tension faster. PTP is lower powered, still very comfortable, lasts bit longer but gets uncomfortable when dead. 100% certain they are not the same string.


Hall of Fame
As other have said, similar in initial feel but Lynx is softer.
Imo Lynx is a good option for younger or not so experienced players wanting poly but a comfort option.

PTP dies a very harsh death from my experience, decently comfortable from the start but when it dies, it really becomes uncomfortable and boardy.
Lynx just becomes more trampoline-like quicker but not as board-like.


As other have said, similar in initial feel but Lynx is softer.
Imo Lynx is a good option for younger or not so experienced players wanting poly but a comfort option.

PTP dies a very harsh death from my experience, decently comfortable from the start but when it dies, it really becomes uncomfortable and boardy.
Lynx just becomes more trampoline-like quicker but not as board-like.
This exactly


Two of my most played strings. Both round and soft. Lynx is more elastic, more comfortable and loses tension faster. PTP is lower powered, still very comfortable, lasts bit longer but gets uncomfortable when dead. 100% certain they are not the same string.
thanks, i’d never tried the lynx and was just curious. I’d no be surprised in the least if they’re from the same factory at least