I prefer to use the manufacturer's recommended tie off location no matter what they may be. I think enlarging holes creates problems but I won't go there.
Let's look at what happens when you skip grommets 7&9T in a racket (and the mains end in the throat) to look a little deeper into my issue. I know that many Wilson rackets have fins that hold the stings on the outside of the frame either above or below the grommet holes. Did you ever wonder why?
Let's assume those fins were not there, and you tie off at 8T. If the string you're tying off goes under the 8th main in grommet 8T it will hole the string on the outside of the frame from 6T to 8T higher than the string going fro the string going from 10T to 8T. Stringing the racket then will probably result in the loop between the bottom two crosses will be in a zig zag. To me that looks unprofessional so I do my best to avoid that.
My question is specifically directed toward the racket design which I thought this thread was directed toward. I'm not looking for work arounds to string a racket. I would like to hear from
@Wilson Official to see if they have any rhyme or reason to the actual design instead of what color the racket is. Sorry if appear to be obtuse
@Wilson Official, I don't mean to be, but I feel like I'm being ignored becaue my question won'e sell rackets. That is what this thread is about isn't it, selling rackets?
EDIT: I think every manufacturer should should consult qualified stringer as well as racket designers to ensure their rackets meet all aspects of a good design. I would be willing to offer my services free.