The Pro Staff line consists of the 97 sq in frames. Like you I've played with Pro Staffs for years. The 97S has to me the closest feel to some of the older generation Pro Staffs. It's the racquet I play with mainly. I'd give that a try and see how it suits your game.
Thanks Peter, I already read some comments about the "S" version being the closest to the old generations PS's, but I have serious doubts with the lack of weight (a light racket with added weight is different to a racket being heavy from the factory) and the big head-size
The end of the 85/90/95 head sized PS's are bad news for me, I recently searched for 98 sq.i. racket with a classic feeling, or at least not hollow and stiff like most of the rackets sold today, after a few tests and bad decisions, I ended with a Dunlop Aerogel 4D 300 Tour
I simply cannot play the way I like with a bigger racket, and I shank a lot more with those
If I have the chance to try one I would like to, but I'm from Portugal, it's not easy to get a test rackets here, I would also love to try the RF since there's so many lovers and hatters of this model, that makes me curious about it
I'm a bit sad, but thanks anyway