At What Age Did You Stop Drinking?


Bionic Poster
Hi everybody,

At what time did you stop drinking at the New Year's celebration?
My performance was shameful.
I dined with wine, and I stopped drinking soon after I finished my Dec 31st dinner around 10 PM, then I went to bed at 11:00, and finally, I woke up in Jan 1st at 6:30 AM.
The good thing of it was that I didn't have a sleepless night as at this moment.
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Hi everybody,

At what time did you stop drinking at the New Year's celebration?
My performance was shameful.
I dined with wine, and I stopped drinking soon after I finished my Dec 31st dinner around 10 PM, then I went to bed at 11:00, and finally, I woke up in Jan 1st at 6:30 AM.
The good thing of it was that I didn't have a sleepless night as at this moment.
I made it to midnight. The united cup doubles match with Iga and Muchova (and red wine) was too compelling to fall asleep.


Some folks here in Florida have extra spending money. From my condo window, I looked out over expensive
huge firework displays from several regular private houses in the neighborhood. They were brilliant blasts
as big as a 30 unit condo building, as loud as cannons, and kept going from about 9:00 PM until 12:30 AM.
It made me wonder if they were having prime French Champagne, or saving their last cash by having a beer.
------ So Be It ⚜️ ------


I gave up drinking at age 0.
What an amazing coincidence!! I started drinking at age 0!! Unfortunately, it was some type of white stuff
that was forced upon me by strange large humans who called themselves parents, for some odd reason.
My constant crying soon subsided when I found where these giant humans kept their supply of whiskey.
------ So Be It ⚜️ ------


Hall of Fame
as far as calories go, I gave up sodas and Alcohol was pretty easy to pass. I'm not against a drink but it's usually at a wedding or to celebrate a family member's good news about a healthy infant. I did have a shot of whiskey on new year's eve though.
I feel that if I want to indulge, I'm much more satisfied w/ desserts! I never get a craving for alcohol, but every now and then I'll get one for a root beer float or a donut...


Bionic Poster
I gave up drinking at age 0.
So what was your last drink, immediately before giving up alcohol at 0 y.o.? This normally implies having suffered an intoxication of royal proportions.
I hope that in spite your extremely young age, you could have kept some memories, in order to share your experience with us.


So what was your last drink, immediately before giving up alcohol at 0 y.o.? This normally implies having suffered an intoxication of royal proportions.
I hope that in spite your extremely young age, you could have kept some memories, in order to share your experience with us.

Maybe this?


Government just announced first possible addition since 1980s to the alcohol warning those beverages carry. Increased risk of at least 7 kinds of cancer, even with small amounts of alcohol, may be added to the labels.


Hall of Fame
Government just announced first possible addition since 1980s to the alcohol warning those beverages carry. Increased risk of at least 7 kinds of cancer, even with small amounts of alcohol, may be added to the labels.
Interesting. Alcohol (in pure state) is an antiseptic so if I were to contract cancer, I would increase both the quantity and ABV of alcohol I consume.


Interesting. Alcohol (in pure state) is an antiseptic so if I were to contract cancer, I would increase both the quantity and ABV of alcohol I consume.
Cancer is not a microorganism that gets killed by anti-septics. Also you are not drinking pure alcohol which will kill you if ingested even in small quantities.


Bionic Poster

I bothered to read the whole article. The tests say there is increased risk in people who drink even in small quantities.
The incidence is marginally higher, which I wonder if it can be within the error margin of the tests.
The readers' comments are interesting.
Some say that it may be more harmful how the food we eat is grown or processed in that respect, with which I tend to concur.
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So what was your last drink, immediately before giving up alcohol at 0 y.o.? This normally implies having suffered an intoxication of royal proportions.
I hope that in spite your extremely young age, you could have kept some memories, in order to share your experience with us.
I gave up drinking before my last drink which was D'Amalfi Limoncello Supreme.


Interesting. Alcohol (in pure state) is an antiseptic so if I were to contract cancer, I would increase both the quantity and ABV of alcohol I consume.
Tonight you may be considering starting a "Pre-Cancer-Preventitve-Program" with your favorite strong drinks.
Check your schedule, and postpone your treatment if you have a big match tomorrow!!


Bionic Poster
Now I realize that this thread is only for people who quit alcohol.
It's not clear enough to me if the users who already posted here are currently teetotalers.


Hall of Fame
Now I realize that this thread is only for people who quit alcohol.
It's not clear enough to me if the users who already posted here are currently teetotalers.

I think there is a misunderstanding here of what "drinking" means.

If you're an alcoholic, to say "I quit drinking" means "I stopped drinking any alcohol". This is because they have an addiction, and it is hurting their life, and even one drink can be a slippery slope for them.

But if you're a normal drinker, "I quit drinking" means "no longer getting regularly sloshed or blacked out like I did in college but I still enjoy a maximum of three beers on weeknights and five on weekends and holidays". It doesn't mean teetotalism.

Teetotalism is a rash, extreme decision, and really only suitable for legit alcoholics and winos. Check out your local soup kitchen or bus shelter for examples.


Bionic Poster
I think there is a misunderstanding here of what "drinking" means.

If you're an alcoholic, to say "I quit drinking" means "I stopped drinking any alcohol". This is because they have an addiction, and it is hurting their life, and even one drink can be a slippery slope for them.

But if you're a normal drinker, "I quit drinking" means "no longer getting regularly sloshed or blacked out like I did in college but I still enjoy a maximum of three beers on weeknights and five on weekends and holidays". It doesn't mean teetotalism.

Teetotalism is a rash, extreme decision, and really only suitable for legit alcoholics and winos. Check out your local soup kitchen or bus shelter for examples.
The important thing in this thread is to know thyself.


Bionic Poster
Indeed. I hope you take it to heart as you re-evaluate your alcohol consumption.
I will take over that assignment after I finish with the assessment of my asbestos consumption.
There are heated arguments going on about the containers you sent down here.


Bionic Poster
Non-alcoholic drinks are taking off but they cost the same and yet have no alcohol. Are we just paying for puns?



Hall of Fame
Non-alcoholic drinks are taking off but they cost the same and yet have no alcohol. Are we just paying for puns?


loook bart, i gotta problem with you. your always waving that big bad commie flag around and im sick of it. how often you get your hnds dirty? thats what i thoggt. no working class hero u no jon lennon whats the wrd for that, detente? Yeah your a detente. icall it as i see it


Hall of Fame
Tonight you may be considering starting a "Pre-Cancer-Preventitve-Program" with your favorite strong drinks.
Check your schedule, and postpone your treatment if you have a big match tomorrow!!

You knwo younge, your always common into my threds takiin snack. why dont yu put youre csrds on the table nd shoe me whut yu got ? I'm tired akissin you're backside bc u think your big man on campus. Put up or sgut up is all's Im sayin. You make yur own thred and ill come in n heckle u? what u gotta said a bout tgat? nuthin? ok then


You knwo younge, your always common into my threds takiin snack. why dont yu put youre csrds on the table nd shoe me whut yu got ? I'm tired akissin you're backside bc u think your big man on campus. Put up or sgut up is all's Im sayin. You make yur own thred and ill come in n heckle u? what u gotta said a bout tgat? nuthin? ok then
I'm sorry, I wasn't listening. Can you repeat that ?:sneaky: Hey, careful man, there's a beverage here!!
Yeah, well you know, that's just like, uh, your opinion, man.
〰️〰️ (From the film "The Big Lebowski.")


Hall of Fame
I will take over that assignment after I finish with the assessment of my asbestos consumption.
There are heated arguments going on about the containers you sent down here.
sudsy, i got nuthin agenst you but i can never finger out wat te hell u sayin? i get it american mite not be you're 1st laguage but come on dude make more cents.

Yer alweys bringin up the asbestos but you know if it werent for guys like me whod gona get ride of it? ud just have to live wit de asbesos itd be ur pet like dogfur cloggin youre furnise filter and youre longs. U think mesopotamia is fun? ask my budy stew he got it and was breathin thru a straw.

neweigh im not anti - foraner they made grate songs like hot bludded chekin the seen, and cold as ice redy to sackrifice ore lov which is poplar up here in grate whyt north. but srsly bro lern da langwage.


Bionic Poster
sudsy, i got nuthin agenst you but i can never finger out wat te hell u sayin? i get it american mite not be you're 1st laguage but come on dude make more cents.

Yer alweys bringin up the asbestos but you know if it werent for guys like me whod gona get ride of it? ud just have to live wit de asbesos itd be ur pet like dogfur cloggin youre furnise filter and youre longs. U think mesopotamia is fun? ask my budy stew he got it and was breathin thru a straw.

neweigh im not anti - foraner they made grate songs like hot bludded chekin the seen, and cold as ice redy to sackrifice ore lov which is poplar up here in grate whyt north. but srsly bro lern da langwage.
Dear Sir TTMR,
Kindly correspond with me in King's English. I should be most grateful.

Yours sincerely,
Sudacafan - Asbestos Procurement Dept.


Hall of Fame
Cancer is not a microorganism that gets killed by anti-septics. Also you are not drinking pure alcohol which will kill you if ingested even in small quantities.

Soc i just gotta say it flat oute. ur a real kno-it-all. its no wunder your dubs partners dont like you like u sed in dat other thred. ya its harsh but its all bout keepin it reel. i load up on jin sing and vit d my amune systm is redy for nething dat gets throne at it. not meny ppl can sey dat. i also worked next to nucular pwr plante for 40 years i m used to radon i dont beleve in scientrific fear mongoling like you propatogate. if my budy stew done wat i done hed not be breathin thru a straw atm. u gotta sciense hypocrisis?


sudsy, i got nuthin agenst you but i can never finger out wat te hell u sayin? i get it american mite not be you're 1st laguage but come on dude make more cents.

Yer alweys bringin up the asbestos but you know if it werent for guys like me whod gona get ride of it? ud just have to live wit de asbesos itd be ur pet like dogfur cloggin youre furnise filter and youre longs. U think mesopotamia is fun? ask my budy stew he got it and was breathin thru a straw.

neweigh im not anti - foraner they made grate songs like hot bludded chekin the seen, and cold as ice redy to sackrifice ore lov which is poplar up here in grate whyt north. but srsly bro lern da langwage.
You can't be anti-"Foraner" when it comes to music when your are responsible for Nickleback.


Hall of Fame
You can't be anti-"Foraner" when it comes to music when your are responsible for Nickleback.

Pur u can't tarnish hole kuntry bc of buttrock this is howe u remand me a who i rly am.

Member we got way betr artis who xed the 49th parralell. Guess who americon womyn, neil yung rockin in three world, april levine sk8er boi see u later boi, selena dionne titanic goin downe carl rAe Jetson call me maybe heers my numbrr alannis moricet Dave courier u otta no.

sufficed 2 say we got great talant up hear.


Pur u can't tarnish hole kuntry bc of buttrock this is howe u remand me a who i rly am.

Member we got way betr artis who xed the 49th parralell. Guess who americon womyn, neil yung rockin in three world, april levine sk8er boi see u later boi, selena dionne titanic goin downe carl rAe Jetson call me maybe heers my numbrr alannis moricet Dave courier u otta no.

sufficed 2 say we got great talant up hear.
This is totally amazing, but through scientific examination of writing patterns associated with probable slurred speech,
I have definitely discovered that you are a direct descendant of my ancient ancestor "Nate-the-Knuckle-Dragger."
Please post a photo of yourself immediately, so we can marvel at your hairy knuckles!!