Hall of Fame
Well, looks like the streaming outlet that gave so many live matches is going away...
go there and see this:
go there and see this:
You would think Homeland Security would have more important matters than video streaming sites, things like, oh I don't know - homeland security? :?
Live Score Hunter is still up for now though.
But Murderers don't cost million and billion dollar tax paying corporations money. If nobody copyrighted more people would buy, the company would make more money, and have to pay more in taxes.
oh deaah ! i used that site for livestreams. thanks for the tip on using .me.
They are just wasting their time and flexing their muscle. Websites will just move their domain name to a different country... like atdhe already did.
Why is Homeland Security and ICE even involved in this?
So Janet Napolitano can look like shes too busy doing something else than to worry about securing our borders.
Re coroners:
1) they are not elected in all jurisdictions. Where I live the county executive appoints a coroner.
2) most coroners are pathologists but they need not be physicians; some have legal backgrounds and hire pathologists to do the autopsies.
Since when does ICE or HS deal with intellectual property rights?
one reason why everyone should join anonymous and start charging up those ION cannons.
It's a copyright issue, get used to it. They'll be using superfast computers to scan websites soon, so these things will be pulled off almost immediately. Won't require expenditure of anyone's time at all.
It is not a copyright issue, it's a first amendment and abuse of power issue.
Abuse of power maybe, but how is it a violation of your first amendment?
Well I feel more secure now.
Well I feel more secure now.
You can thank Janet Napolitano for that. Thats one woman who always gets the job done. (rolls eyes)
Apparently it's still alive, you just have to add ".me" where ".net" used to be.