Well Fonzie's got another thing in common with Ratz, together with the insane pop, the deadly accelerations, and the strong fondness for the dropper: he loves showboating and playing to the crowd.
Incidentally, every time I've watched him (other than sparring at the Finals) he's always had a large crowd behind him: here, at the Florianopolis challenger where he had his first big breakthrough, and at the USO, where there was a full Brazilian torcida, both in the semis vs Italy's Cinà and in the final against poor Tien, who was supposed to be playing "at home" but instead found himself in probably the most hostile environment he's ever experienced...
Now, not saying he can't perform without the "external support", he's obviously a generational talent and already last year I predicted he'll be top 10 sooner rather than later. But still... And either way, while I love the kid's game, I'm not a big fan of these antics.