can you or others help me determine if a used blx90 is fake. i have used the search button and read everything posted thus far about a fake blx. i paid approx. $123 on the bay. seller was in CON US. and email communication has been great. the code under the trapdoor reads XBK
Everything i have researched thus far checks out with my blx frame.
1. the string pattern is the same as my kps88.
2. the weight seems correct,
3. handle is foam filled,
4. buttcap/trapdoor has ridge and is not smooth.
5. pj seems spot on.
things to consider: the handle could have been foam filled and fake buttcap replaced by an authentic one by fraudulent persons.
Two things concern me:
1. the frame came with an overgrip. so i removed both the overgrip and leather grip. there was no plastic adhesive over the palette, as was on my kps88. and where the palette transitions to the frame appeared a little rough, as in not as smooth as on my kps88 or other "authentic" frames. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
2. price was ALMOST too good to be true.
Everything i have researched thus far checks out with my blx frame.
1. the string pattern is the same as my kps88.
2. the weight seems correct,
3. handle is foam filled,
4. buttcap/trapdoor has ridge and is not smooth.
5. pj seems spot on.
things to consider: the handle could have been foam filled and fake buttcap replaced by an authentic one by fraudulent persons.
Two things concern me:
1. the frame came with an overgrip. so i removed both the overgrip and leather grip. there was no plastic adhesive over the palette, as was on my kps88. and where the palette transitions to the frame appeared a little rough, as in not as smooth as on my kps88 or other "authentic" frames. any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance.
2. price was ALMOST too good to be true.