Oh Come on Russell ! This place is always the same.
Typical TTW Coments :
"Player X" has about much chance of winning as a snow balls chance in hell, they are a "useless bum" with "zero talent" that I ( insert TTW contributors name : something like AbsoluteTotalDickovic42 )
could beat anytime"
"Bum" precedes to strait set opponent
- It happens ALL THE TIME and is why I rarely, if ever make predictions.
Then "AbsoluteTotalDickovic42" will try to mitigate their idiocy with comments like:
Player Xs "Opponent was injured" - A favorite.
Player X cheated; MTO, gamesmanship, toilet breaks, fake injury, etc. etc. etc.
Player X; " Had a cake walk draw " - A particular favorite.
Player Xs; opponent deliberately tanked.
The tennis scoring system is not fair ( Amazed how often this one is used ).
And the perennial favourite - It's just not fair !
So I think pointing out "AbsoluteTotalDickovic42s" idiocy is completely justified.
And shows an inability of contributors to fes and say - I WAS WRONG !
In the face of overwhelming evidence.
Above - AbsoluteTotalDickovic42 in his mothers basement "enjoying" a game.
With fellow TTW contributors.
and the newby "NuclearDickheadForgiveMeAsspaceSinner2022".