Sinner is such a gentleman.
400 mill? Check your numbers. Utter nonsense. Compare that to the 150 BILLION wasted by your mob on some doomed submarines. You're an embarrassment supporting the like of Scott Morrison and Dutton. Imagine fleeing to Hawaii while our country is on fire? You vote for that? Utterly sick. You should be ashamed of yourself voting for that. Who goes to Hawaii while our nation burns?Yeah blew 400 mill on a doomed yes campaign in the middle of a cost of living crisis...
600k migrants last year, a record by a very long margin... not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination...
He's a **** wit and he's running this country into the ground...
Not the time for it. I was told that Australians are nice. They could’ve just stayed silent for couple of seconds.
Medvedev is very good at giving the loser speeches.
400 mill? Check your numbers. Compared that to the 150 BILLION wasted by your mob on some doomed submarines. You're an embarrassment supporting such Scott Morrison and Dutton. Imagine fleeing to Hawaii while our country is on fire?
You should be ashamed of yourself cheering for him. Yuck.
I think that will be his takeaway too. He has a very positive outlookHe shouldn't be sad. He ran out of gas by spending too much on the court. 2022 was more painful.
The distortion of what transpired has commenced.go watch first 2 sets lol=)
Med didn't choke. He just didn't have enough left in the tank to win. No shame on him. I don't recall seeing a single "chokey" point out there in the last three sets. Shaky legs, yes...In the history books. I guess that's one way. Only man to choke up 2-0 twice in a Final. Ugh.
That’s very generous.Sinner was a 8/10 on the spreedsheet today.
I love that Sinner won and super happy for him
But god he looks and sounds like a young sales associate accepting “employee of the month”
Get some excitement and charisma going man!! You just accomplished something 99.9% of tennis players never have!
Federer has retired, Nadal is quasi retired, same for Murray and Wawrinka.ATP players born in the 2000's now have more slams than players born in the 1990's.
He knows there is more to life than stars and glitters.... very grounded bloke. Expect no "Hochmut" from him !I love that Sinner won and super happy for him
But god he looks and sounds like a young sales associate accepting “employee of the month”
Get some excitement and charisma going man!! You just accomplished something 99.9% of tennis players never have!
That's exactly what I was referring too when saying yesterday that I find the WTA top players more charismatic : their press conferences and speeches are often more fun or insightful. Most of the guys sound like politically correct bots saying the same thing to me.
Agree, he choked against Nadal but this wasn't a choke. Sinner just clearly raised his level and Medvedev fought very well.Med didn't choke. He just didn't have enough left in the tank to win. No shame on him. I don't recall seeing a single "chokey" point out there in the last three sets. Shaky legs, yes...
He did though. Serious chances in 3rd and 4th set for BPs squandered.Med didn't choke. He just didn't have enough left in the tank to win. No shame on him. I don't recall seeing a single "chokey" point out there in the last three sets. Shaky legs, yes...
Kyrgios will be upset he can’t boast about having a winning H2H against the newest slam champion because Sinner leads their H2H 1-0.Kyrgios trying to give a Kevin Durant nickname away like it's original. Sad.
Kyrgios will be upset he can’t boast about having a winning H2H against the newest slam champion because Sinner leads their H2H 1-0.
Nick is selfish and only cares about himself.
Honestly, while I’m not a fan of Sinner yet, I would prefer him over Alcaraz. The latter just irritates me. Sinner looks much more mature as a person. I don’t know how to explain it.Sinner has now won 10 of his last 11 matches against top 5 players. Bullish for tennis esp Alcaraz as it must take a load of his shoulders as constantly being hailed as tennis' saviour
Agree, in matches like these there are no losers. Congratulations to both gentlemen.I understand your delight right now and you're a great Sinner fan but comments like this are uncalled for, especially given how hard Medvedev fought out there tonight and how bad his fans must be feeling at the moment.
Was he talking about Medvedev or Joker?I understand your delight right now and you're a great Sinner fan but comments like this are uncalled for, especially given how hard Medvedev fought out there tonight and how bad his fans must be feeling at the moment.
I think they're both incredibly mature for being kids. Most ppl forget what it's like being that age. They're two different personas both great for the sport.Honestly, while I’m not a fan of Sinner yet, I would prefer him over Alcaraz. The latter just irritates me. Sinner looks much more mature as a person. I don’t know how to explain it.
I agree, even though Djokovic played the worst match of his career, and Medvedev was extremely tired, but he had to finish these matches. Sinner is not a choker, that's for sure. But I need to look at his next slams to make a conclusion whether he's champion material or not.Congrats to Sinner, but feel for Medvedev although i supported Sinner Med did all the right things first 2 sets. Probably earlier matches cost him. But Sinner also deserves credit to finish his opponents easier.
There are no losers. Yes, congrats to both winners! Except for Meds who lost the match. This isn’t the Oprah show. It’s a professional tennis match. One player wins, one loses. Even the freakin’ Kia guy said it out loud. Meds appeared to give his all if that was your actual point but don’t tell him he didn’t lose; I think he would find it condescending nonsense.Agree, in matches like these there are no losers. Congratulations to both gentlemen.
You quickly come up to speed with important and timely stats after a poor night of sleep. Kudos.ATP players born in the 2000's now have more slams than players born in the 1990's.