babolat aero pro drive (Non cortex)


New User
hello, i recently purchased a babolat aero pro drive(non cortex) and i just realized that after the hand grip there is no aeropro logo. i have 2 aeropro drives that i have purchased at a local pro shop but this is the only difference i see within the racquet. what should i be looking for to distinguish if this is a real or fake racquet? thanks..


You should be looking to take pictures of said racquet, and post them here, as there are some experts on that kind of thing that post on these boards.


New User
you are absolutely right.. here are some pictures of the racquet.. if there is any other specific area of the racquet you would like to see please ask.. thanks for all the help TW members!



New User
right undernealth the babolat words there should be a aeropro logo underneath it because i have 2 legit racquets of my own and they both have it and tihs one that i have purchased doesnt.. i dont know if they mad 2 versions of the aeropro drive or if this is a fake.. any help would be appriciated.. thanks TW Community!


New User
Also if you look at the bag it is also different compared to my bag which has a aeropro logo on the top of the bag. Im wondering if there was ever a earlier version of this racquet that maybe did not have this logo? got play with it today for a bit and it feels fine.

anyone have any opinions on this? thanks guys.


New User
sorry bud but 99% of the fakes are 4 1/4 grip size. based on the other things you have noticed i would put money on it being fake. does it swing or feel different than your other racquets?

i havent been able to get on a actual tennis court yet but i have tried to hit around in a racquetball court with it and when i swing with it, it feels very similar to my other 2 legit aeropro drive racquets.. all the other specs of the racquet is similar to my other 2 aeropro drive racquets the only difference i see is the aeropro logo on the throat is missing.. also i seen this article on 3bay which showed the structure inside the handle where they showed a fake babolat compared to a real and when i opened the buttcap for the one i have purchased it looks exactly like the real one.. here is the link..

here is the actual link to the post on 3bay..

also i'd like to note that the texture of the bag and strap is identical to the one i have and the color is right on.. also the bag has a imprint "Aeropro" on the bag also.. but the bag doesnt have the Aeropro sign also on the top of the bag.. the zippers on the bag has the babolat sign also.

thank you for your opinions! Any information is appriciated!


New User
after doing some research on the TW forums someone has said that the later verisons of the Aeropro drive before the year 2005 didnt have the Aeropro logo.. im guessing that i purchased a legit racquet but just the older model because all of the other spec's are the same as a legit one and i wasn't able to pick out one flaw of the racquet that was different..