Babolat AeroPro Drive 2013 Users?


Hall of Fame
Now that it's been out a year, who is still using the newest Babolat AeroPro Drive?

What are you loving about this racquet?

Do you feel that it lends itself well to doubles (my only tennis option)?

I demoed it back in September and was really shocked by how well it played. It's the first AeroPro Drive I've ever liked, and I've tried them all. See my thoughts on it below...basically the only faults I found with the demo was a lack of bite on my slice and at times an inconsistent response at net.

The $199 seemed like a high price to pay (since I'd want at least 2 of them) so I went with the 6.1 Team BLX. Amazing control with my 6.1 Team and I've reduced my errors overall, but at times I long for that shocking spin and bigger pop I got with the APD '13 demo.

I can't think of anything else I really want for Christmas from my wife and in-laws so I'm considering asking for money....thinking of splurging on two of the APD '13 racquets.

Just wondering how many people are still happy with their decision to purchase this racquet?



Initiial: the topspin with this racquet is just amazing (especially with what seems to be RPM strings and strung low) – after every topspin shot I hit I could see the ‘tennis ball fuzz’ floating in the air; slice wasn’t quite as impressive as topspin – the ball tended to float a little bit, usually past the intended target; power level was about where I like it but not as much as I was expecting when reading the reviews and after feeling how low the racquet was strung; it may have just been the day, but on kick serves I felt like was really popping the ball but it never felt like it had much pace once it got to the service box; 1st serves had good pop (I would say on par with my TT Warrior MP) and typically landed nice and deep in the box; other than the spin I would say (shockingly because I usually treat the net like a plague) the best thing about this racquet was the volleys – excellent pop, solid feel, and honestly touch shots were there when I wanted them; one area I felt I struggled with this racquet was the crosscourt forehand – the maneuverability felt a little higher than 316 and I just couldn’t whip the racquet around; other than being late on several groundstrokes, I would say the control is very good; racquet seems to do a great job (better than the Pure Drive) in allowing you to hit heavy spin but also flatten the ball out without feeling the ball is going to fly on you; comfort is probably the worst in the group but not bad and I never felt any discomfort; overall a great 1st time out with this racquet which was a bit surprising because I’ve never like any other version of this racquet; after the first time out I’d say this is my second favorite racquet of the bunch

2nd time out: again, the topspin with this racquet is just incredible…dipping at the baseline at the last second or dipping right over the net at my opponent’s feet…just outstanding; slice isn’t as good as the topspin and pales in comparison with my TT Warrior MP – floats just a little too much; the power level of this racquet was just about perfect for me – and the ability to either hit with heavy topspin or flatten the ball out (without losing control) is better than any APD or Pure Drive I’ve ever tried; control (depth and side to side) was excellent and I found all kinds of options on the return; I never found the grove with this racquet on the first serve but my kick serve was working so well I wasn’t too bothered – the kick was amazing, but what really impressed me were the angles I was getting – ball dipping hard and wide was just awesome to see – a lot of confidence serving second serves with this racquet; at net I wasn’t quite as impressed in play as I was just hitting in my last outing – I’m not sure exactly how to describe it, but the response I was expecting just wasn’t happening on my volleys…the ball would sometimes fly on me and other times, when going for a touch volley, it came off dead (I guess inconsistent is the word I’m looking for); overall I really like this racquet (which again is amazing since I’ve hated every previous version of it), I’m not sure if I like it better than my TT Warrior MP or not (like the extra power but miss the extra low heavy slice backhands, one of my favorite shots, I get out of the Warrior), maneuverability is a lot better, power is better, but much weaker slice and inconsistency at the net might keep me from making it my new racquet.


I've had a tumultuous relationship with this APD. It all first started when it first came out. At the time I was using an IG Prestige MP. Nothing was terribly wrong with it, but it was always missing some juice.

Decided to try out the APD for an extended demo and essentially it has changed my taste for tennis rackets. I switched to the APD full time, essentially lured by the offensive prowess of the racket. But after time, (looking back now it was probably due to my setup at the time) I wasn't as satisfied with it anymore, I started feeling like i was not in complete control at times and I didn't always have the best feel for the ball. That sent me on a summer search for something more of a players racket with more control, but at the same time offers a higher stiffness with some pop. Some notable stops along the road was the Yonex Vcore 95D, but wasn't loving the feel of it.

Finally, I settled upon the BLX95, and I still truly enjoy it. I have rediscovered the power of lead tape and modding the PS has made it a pretty nice stick. There are still some cons, such as the stability and it doesn't have much free power. But I really enjoy the feel of the racket, and it plays comfortably.

So I thought. Little did I know that over the 1-2 month time period of playing the the BLX95, that it started affecting my hand. Not sure exactly what happened but my hand was experiencing pain and causing quite a bit of trouble as I had problems lifting up things with my right hand. It's never happened before with any racket.

So I decided to look around for something a little more forgiving, with some more power, and I settled upon the APD again. Actually just picked one up that came in today, gonna head out onto the courts for a night session. I teach a bit on the side so that was another reason to get an APD but I plan on experimenting with lead much more this time. For tonight, stock.


Hall of Fame
My main stick is still the APD12. I agree with you for the most part except for the feel at the net as I find the frame to be adequate for my touch game. It's not a player's stick in terms of feel, but the positives (power, spin, depth, ease of use) outweigh the negatives (slices floating slightly, adequate feel).

One caveat is that the 2 that I bought from TW and the 1 I bought from another source felt completely different. The 2 from TW were actually slightly customized with tungsten putty in the handle, which made the frame slightly more muted. The other frame I picked up from another source felt tinny because of the lack of tungsten putty so I know when I need to pick up another 2 frames, I'll give TW the spec and to tell them to add the tungsten putty.

As for my current frames, they are 335g, 6-8pt HL (I can't recall which), all leather gripped, strung with Tour Bite 16L at 53 lb (it's getting colder, so the next stringing will be at 48-50 lb).
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New User
coming up on a year my APD's. I can't set them down. I use them stock with luxilon alu power at 54 lbs and have not looked back. To me it is such a well rounded stick that can be used by almost every type of player. its not as stiff as the previous versions and I like it better then the first version. I play doubles for my school and also in tournys. The stick fares really well in doubles as you can create wicked angles and huge amounts of topspin to lob your opponents. My dad plays doubles (5.0 level) and his partner switches on and off with his APD and PDR. He loves both of them. It is my favorite stick out there currently.


I love mine, but I've only recently switched to it full time. I've had APDs since the original, but never committed to it full time. I have now though. Coming from more demanding sticks, I had forgotten how easy it is too use. It is a little stiff, but I can feel it flex. I personally think people get to addicted to the easy power and swing harder than they normally would which leads to arm probs and control probs. with the APD all you need is a nice relaxed swing and let the stick take care of the power.


Wow! Can't believe it's been a year already!

Came from the APD GT. When the APD came out I automatically noticed the difference in swingweight as I felt like I could swing the new APD easier and I was able to get more depth on my shots.

The GT had this "hollow" feel to it esp on volleys that the new APD has eliminated.

Most of my issues with volleys are technique related, but otherwise I don't have a problem with my doubles game with this racket.

People always commenting on how much spin they're receiving from me, and esp the older players who are used to more flat shots.

Recently demo'd the Pure Drive just for the heck of it and while I loved the easy power of the PD, I couldn't control it as much as I'd like.

Love my APDs! :twisted:


Hall of Fame
anyone plays s&v with this frame? what sort of string set up would you recommend?

a friend of mine just gave me 3 of these sticks to try. he is switching to the new head radical pros.

my usual set up is ps85/ps88 string with gut or multi @ 50 lbs.


I love it.

I've leaded it up @ 6,9 and a little bit at 12, 50% counterweight in the handle. Dont get me wrong, I loved it stock but after the initial "getting used to it" phase I felt what the racket needed to really max out the potential.

I do love it at the net, to adress one of your points. I think that volleys, most of any shot, are determined by technique and hitting the ball well (and not literally "hitting the ball"!).

Also, this is the most wicked of slices I have had. I can relate to you saying it floats, which was a thing i noticed in the beginning as well, but when you get dialed in you can put amazing backspin, and sidespin, to the ball.


New User
anyone plays s&v with this frame? what sort of string set up would you recommend?

a friend of mine just gave me 3 of these sticks to try. he is switching to the new head radical pros.

my usual set up is ps85/ps88 string with gut or multi @ 50 lbs.

Signum pro FireStorm 17g @ 56,put it on and go straight for the match and dont worry about anything,you will win


Hall of Fame
I bought it when it first came out, and then went through few different racquets this year (Head Speed MP, Instinct MP) before returning the APD later this year. For me, the secret is finding the right string combination to be comfortable. And for me, that combination is Volkly Cyclone mains and Prince Premeir attack crosses.

This racquet is the best I have ever used for servin and seems more solid than the previous version. So far, no arm issues and that string combo seems to work for me.


Agreed, string choice has a big impact on this racquet.
I wanted to soften things up a bit, and give it some more feel, so I went with gut mains at 60lb and 4g crosses at 56.


Hall of Fame
I liked the GT version, thought the new lower SW would be better, but a couple of different demos didn't convince me of that - granted it was a 16g multi demo string, but I use X1-Biphase 17, strung at the low end, and have good luck with it.

Arlihawk - you and I he been kinda on similar racquet paths the last year or so (Volkl xV1, Graphene Speed MP), have you tried full multi or just the hybrid?


I was a serial racket changer it seemed but have settled on this frame. Very light and powerful so an excellent doubles racket. I added lead at 3 and 9 for stability and it is pretty solid yet maneuverable.

Do not pay the $199, call in to a variety of stores and ask for best price. I got 4 of them for $135/ea shipped. Babolat requires them to sell at MSRP but many dealers sell for less.

Good luck with it!


Hall of Fame
Arlihawk - you and I he been kinda on similar racquet paths the last year or so (Volkl xV1, Graphene Speed MP), have you tried full multi or just the hybrid?

I tried full multi originally, but it just felt too springy. Struggled with it a little bit, and find the hybrid to work a lot better for me. Had a lot of Prince Premier Attack since I thought I was going full multi. Then I tried the Cyclone as the main, and it works great. Deadens up the racquet just a bit, but not compromise in comfort that I can tell.

Part of the reason I love this is that it is my favorite racquet to serve with; I just seem to trust it more on the serve than the XV1 or the Speed MP.


Bionic Poster
I like the spin and control when It is fresh and new. but after about 1 year, the graphite loses strength and I have to buy a new one.

Also it is not as powerful on the serve as it was on the previous versions. I suspect it is due to weight re-distribution that 2013 models have. It greatly improved the maneuverability however. it is always trade off. I am willing to buy the 2013 version again.

maybe when I am serving I can use the 2012 pure drive and when I am returning I can use the aeropro.


Bionic Poster
I tried full multi originally, but it just felt too springy. Struggled with it a little bit, and find the hybrid to work a lot better for me. Had a lot of Prince Premier Attack since I thought I was going full multi. Then I tried the Cyclone as the main, and it works great. Deadens up the racquet just a bit, but not compromise in comfort that I can tell.

Part of the reason I love this is that it is my favorite racquet to serve with; I just seem to trust it more on the serve than the XV1 or the Speed MP.

I think racket maybe too powerful for all multi job. Hybrid job would work well.


Volkl cyclone 16 mains and prince premier attack 16 crosses. Sorry, can't confirm tension because I just tell my stringer to do what he thinks best,

Can't wait to try Cyclone (Psycho hybrid) in my APD. It feels very good in the Speed, so it should be good as well in the APD.


I bounced around a little with racquets, but have unquestionably settled on my APD+ 2013. I simply love this racquet. It just gels with my game in the best way, and despite having a brief interlude with the standard length version, I without a doubt prefer the plus. There was zero adjustment period with the extended length. I love the plowthrough and snap I get with this frame.
I would love to play around with strings more, but I have been really focusing on improving my game, so I am trying not to bring in too many x-factors.
I have settled on VS gut mains at 60lbs and 4G 16L crosses at 56lbs. I find this to be a great all around set up that holds up well. It allows me to play with the wide range of players I encounter, and I have found the control, feel, and power to be excellent, and the spin to be pretty good.
I would love to try a full bed of 4G or Yonex PTP, but I don't like having to restring often, and I can hit and serve for hours day after day with my current setup and not feel a bit of tendon of joint soreness. That to me is worth any upsides to full poly.
Also to note I went with an 4 1/8 grip in this stick with skinfeel grip. I'm 6'2" and have big mitts, and I am loving the small grip size. I normally played with a #2 or #3, but I feel the smaller grip allows me to play more naturally if that makes sense. I have no probs against big hitters.
The best thing I can say about this racquet is that when I am on court I never think about it.


I love it.

I've leaded it up @ 6,9 and a little bit at 12, 50% counterweight in the handle. Dont get me wrong, I loved it stock but after the initial "getting used to it" phase I felt what the racket needed to really max out the potential.

I do love it at the net, to adress one of your points. I think that volleys, most of any shot, are determined by technique and hitting the ball well (and not literally "hitting the ball"!).

Also, this is the most wicked of slices I have had. I can relate to you saying it floats, which was a thing i noticed in the beginning as well, but when you get dialed in you can put amazing backspin, and sidespin, to the ball.

^ This -

I leaded mine up with 12g at 3 and 9 and an additional 3g under the cap. I love how the stick handles the ball. I didn't like it at first, coming from the previous model. It felt too whippy and I couldn't control the shots. After adding lead, it has made this stick amazing.

I'm not much of a S&V player, I generally stick to the baseline. I can really control my shots and put plenty of pace and spin on them to keep them in the court. Great stick.

Best of luck.


Hall of Fame
I am really liking mine with MSV Hex 17 mains and Volkl VFeel crosses at 52/53

Spin potential is just unreal... It's kind of a racquet that allows you to be confident with your most aggressive shots, especially the tops spin ground strokes. However, I'm currently having some shoulder problems, which I'm not sure if the IG Prestige MP (*my previous stick) caused it or the APD... That's why I was doing a bit of search and found your racquet...


Spin potential is just unreal... It's kind of a racquet that allows you to be confident with your most aggressive shots, especially the tops spin ground strokes. However, I'm currently having some shoulder problems, which I'm not sure if the IG Prestige MP (*my previous stick) caused it or the APD... That's why I was doing a bit of search and found your racquet...

Have u tried the F100 yet?


Hall of Fame
I purchased two matched (thanks Paul Reed) AeroPro Drive '13 racquets. Have taken them out 3 times now and am absolutely in love with this racquet. Huge spin, excellent feel, perfect power, unbelievable control, perfect maneruverability - played out of my mind tennis last night with it.

Strung one with Cyclone Tour/Cyclone and the other RPM Blast/Cyclone and actually love both string set ups.



Bionic Poster
I purchased two matched (thanks Paul Reed) AeroPro Drive '13 racquets. Have taken them out 3 times now and am absolutely in love with this racquet. Huge spin, excellent feel, perfect power, unbelievable control, perfect maneruverability - played out of my mind tennis last night with it.

Strung one with Cyclone Tour/Cyclone and the other RPM Blast/Cyclone and actually love both string set ups.


isn't Cyclone a polyester string ? you string poly on poly.....what is the purpose of that ?


Hall of Fame
I began using the APD 13 with Black5Edge mains at 50 and Ltec Premium Flex synthetic gut at 52. Just used this setup once but feels very nice. Ive used GT and Cortex version. Will go hybrid from now on.


Hall of Fame
isn't Cyclone a polyester string ? you string poly on poly.....what is the purpose of that ?

Yes...wanted a full poly (like a somewhat crisp feel) and put the Cyclone in the crosses for three main reasons: 1) reduce the cost of stringing (especially with the RPM Blast), 2) I've used Cyclone as a cross in the past and had very good results, and 3) the black mains and yellow crosses look awesome in the APD '13 :)



Bionic Poster
Yes...wanted a full poly (like a somewhat crisp feel) and put the Cyclone in the crosses for three main reasons: 1) reduce the cost of stringing (especially with the RPM Blast), 2) I've used Cyclone as a cross in the past and had very good results, and 3) the black mains and yellow crosses look awesome in the APD '13 :)


yes, also the TW reviewers loved this racket too. I saw the video


I was surprised how nice full Tour Bite was in the APD, but I quickly restrung with a poly/multi hybrid to try and counter some of the racquet's stiffness. Volkl V Feel, which I didn't like in a full bed works well as a cross. Its very mushy and dampened in a full bed, but as a cross in the APD works well.


Hall of Fame
I would suggest using the ltec premium flex as cross. It blends real well with poly mains. It has a particular dampened and elastic feel that is different


Hall of Fame
Have u tried the F100 yet?

I had a brief hit with it yesterday..., and I felt that it was the more forgiving racquet for my shoulder than the APD. I can't wait to play a set or two with it. It felt pretty nice with good stability.


I purchased two matched (thanks Paul Reed) AeroPro Drive '13 racquets. Have taken them out 3 times now and am absolutely in love with this racquet. Huge spin, excellent feel, perfect power, unbelievable control, perfect maneruverability - played out of my mind tennis last night with it.

Strung one with Cyclone Tour/Cyclone and the other RPM Blast/Cyclone and actually love both string set ups.


What tension are you stringing at?

Glad you are liking the new APD, I demoed the plus version and was very impressed.


Hall of Fame
What tension are you stringing at?

Glad you are liking the new APD, I demoed the plus version and was very impressed.


Yes...unbelievable considering I disliked all the previous versions of this racquet.



Hall of Fame
Have u tried the F100 yet?

I finally tried out the F100. Comparing it to the APD, I see it being a better backhand (*one-hand backhand) racquet. The forehand had less spin but very accurate. The serve lacked the pop of the APD but the second serve was pretty similar with lots of kick. I don't like to come up to the net, but the racquet was very controllable. To me, this racquet is somewhere in between the APD and the Pure Drive. Much quicker than the pure drive with the similar shot making capabilities. Less spin than the APD, but very accurate with the shots. One thing I noticed was that it was very comfortable to play with, even though it still had that modern crisp feel to it.

Only problem that I have right now is choosing the main stick out of the sticks that I have already. They all play so nicely.


Bionic Poster
I was surprised how nice full Tour Bite was in the APD, but I quickly restrung with a poly/multi hybrid to try and counter some of the racquet's stiffness. Volkl V Feel, which I didn't like in a full bed works well as a cross. Its very mushy and dampened in a full bed, but as a cross in the APD works well.

only thing with APD is the serve power. power on the serves isn't as easy to generate as it was with PD 2012


Hall of Fame
I finally tried out the F100. Comparing it to the APD, I see it being a better backhand (*one-hand backhand) racquet. The forehand had less spin but very accurate. The serve lacked the pop of the APD but the second serve was pretty similar with lots of kick. I don't like to come up to the net, but the racquet was very controllable. To me, this racquet is somewhere in between the APD and the Pure Drive. Much quicker than the pure drive with the similar shot making capabilities. Less spin than the APD, but very accurate with the shots. One thing I noticed was that it was very comfortable to play with, even though it still had that modern crisp feel to it.

Only problem that I have right now is choosing the main stick out of the sticks that I have already. They all play so nicely.

I sometimes go through phases with my backhand where I switch between one and two hands, and I felt like the APD is an excellent racket for either style.


Got a matched pair and they've been in my bag since early 2013. They were a massive change for me; having moved from PT630's but they allow e to get away with murder. With the Pro Tours, you are punished for me out of position or late and hitting backhand 'flick' winners whilst running towards the back fence...not a cats chance in hell. The truth is, a I get older I recognised the need for a little 'help' and the APD 2013 provides that 'help' in abundance.

I've liked them from day 1 but after having silicone added to the handle- I LOVE them.

Silicone changes the feel dramatically - not quite like a players racquet but very, very close. Touch shots are now much easier and the 'tinny' feel has completely gone. Now incredibly solid and comfortable.

I've played a variety of strings. My 'go to' set up is gut/4g hybrid 55/50 or 50/45 but sometimes stick in a full bed of BHB7; 50/45, 45/40 or my latest set up 35/32.

The hybrids are great. Full BHB7 is excellent but the higher tensioned set up's notch incredibly quickly. At extremely low tensions the BHB7 (after a little getting used to) is fantastic. Very underpowered with great pocketing,control and spin. My only gripe was volleying - I found it quite difficult to get as good control as at higher tensions or with the hybrids.

All in all - keeping these in my bag for the foreseeable future.


I find that my APD 2013 is a good racket. Strung it up with cyclone 18. Leather grip and a little lead tape at 3&9. I feel it flex upon impact. I like seeing the ball dip and bounce high with new strings in... However, I prefer hitting flat with a pdr.


Hall of Fame
I sometimes go through phases with my backhand where I switch between one and two hands, and I felt like the APD is an excellent racket for either style.

Yeah... I usually like to hit flat and hard with my backhands, but the APD makes it easier for me to hit heavy top spin backhands. It almost seems like the APD was engineered to help you win the matches. I don't particularly like the feel, but I get the results with it.


Yeah... I usually like to hit flat and hard with my backhands, but the APD makes it easier for me to hit heavy top spin backhands. It almost seems like the APD was engineered to help you win the matches. I don't particularly like the feel, but I get the results with it.

Exactly. This racquet just delivers. Bottom line. I enjoy the "feel" of winning.


There is a reason why every 11 oz powerful racquet gets compared to the APD.
It's the best there is at what it does, if you can handle the stiffness..


I'm an old APDC+ user and can say that the 2013 APD+ does not feel much stiffer then that racquet. The 18 grams of silicone that someone put in the handle may have some impact on that. The 2013 APD is not a flexible racquet by any stretch, but I've played it with full poly in these winter months with no issue. Tier1 Tour Status 17 was very nice, Black Shark was great the first 4 hours, and now I'm going to try Tour Bite 17. I'll probably end up going to a hybrid as a precaution, but I have to order some multi/syn/or natural gut first. I decided to go back to the APD for the same reasons some of you guys have mentioned. I played my best tennis with the APDC+ and hope to recapture that with the 2013.


I bought two APD 2013s about 6 months ago. Been stringing them with gut hybrids; gut mains at 52, copoly crosses at 49. Played well with them but they have finally killed my arm (elbow and shoulder). I am waiting for different demos now which I hope will be easier on my 67 year old 4.0 arm; Yonex E zone Ai 98, Prince Classic Graphite 100, and a Babo Pure Control Tour.