Sorry to gravedig a thread, but I purchased the 2019 PA from a fellow forum member
@danbrenner. Transaction & communication was superb as was the deal. Now having had a chance to hit with it, with my ball machine, I am IN LOVE!!! It's my first Babolat and it really is what people say. A freaking cheat code. Spin is super easy and it's not an arm buster. I hit for an hour (I know not very long, but I have been eager to use it and had a window to use it). I'll use it more this week and I am impressed!
I'm coming from not playing since the mid 2000s. Got back into in summer '18 when I got a ball machine. Hit decently alone last summer one day a week (when I wasn't feeling bad due to severe Crohn's). I always played Prince. Used the old TT Hornet racquets and then when I got my machine, I tracked down a few NOS Prince ES110 Hornet. But I am sold on this. The size is minimal (110 vs 100) and didn't take long to get used to it. All I needed to do was add a shockbuster to quiet it down. Count me as a convert. I love this thing! Now, I just gotta eventually find someone to hit with.