Babolat RDC Users Manual


Hall of Fame
hmmmmm... I did... I recall there being two. One that was more mechanical and the other more fundamental, a great read in-and-of-itself.

What do you need to know? Or do you just want it for the sake of having it?


How to check the swing weight and just to have. The club I play at has a RDC but no one knows how to use it. So it is just a big paper weight.


Hall of Fame
How to check the swing weight and just to have. The club I play at has a RDC but no one knows how to use it. So it is just a big paper weight.

To check the swingweight, you need to lock the grip of the racquet into the wice at the far right of the machine. The racquet face should be perpendicular to the ground and the buttcap should be as far back as it can go while still allowing the vice to close down on the grip. Then, press the swingweight button (#4 I think.) Here's a pic to help.

After the button is pressed, pull the racquet to one side (the vice should turn freely but only so far.) Once you have the racquet twisted to one side, let it go. After about 3-5 oscillations the machine will start flashing a number. Press "valid" (the last button on the right. #8?) This saves the number in the machine until you clear it. That's your swingweight. :D

Oh, and I'd be glad to teach them how to use it. :D


New User
You can get a PDF copy of it from here:
USRSA Member Area
It is nearly 4.0MB.
I downloaded it, but it might not make it through by email.

Could you also email it to me? We just got one for our facilities and i would like to know more about how to use it. I already know how to use the basic functions but i would like to know if there are any more advanced functions i could use.
thanks in advance!


Resuming this thread because I bought an used Rdc and I need the manual. Can someone help me? thank you