Babolat Star 5 puller problem


New User

I have Babolat Star 5 stringing machine. Recently I begin to notice that my pulling element is doing little damage to soft string. It looks like this

This is damage on KLIP kicker 16. This is macro shots so in real life you can bearly see it. I have been stringing for 2 years now and I do it for other people not only my self ~200 rackets a year. I have been cleaning it several times with brush but not so constant as the clamps.
I begun searching for info and found that this puller can be regulated on the other machines, but no direct info about babolat star 5. Will the regulating the puller drive distance will help me ? How is it done on babolat star 5? If this is not regulating problem, how can i fix it ?

Thanks for info



Hall of Fame
Unfortunately the pulling speed of the Star 5 is not adjustable, and the way the tension jaws were milled is the reason for micro-cuts in the string. As has been discussed here before, you could either use a folded business card in the tension jaws to protect the string or otherwise sand/file the tension jaws to make them smoother.