Bad Day for the American Tennis....

Andy Zarzuela

You think the playing at 3 am (US time) has gotten to them? Roddick and Venus both lost today 6-4,6-4. Chanda Rubin lost too. Venus looked very tired and lackidasical today, not much pep in her step. She just had one of those days I guess. Roddick also struggled. Well, it's kind of sad that an American won't be taking the Gold home this year....
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Venus lost to Mary Piece LoL.. venus probably tried to nail each stroke with all her energy, and couldnt keep the balls in, as usually.
how does playing at 3am us time affect them possible? i dont get it, its not like they are getting up at 3am to play ehehe.?

they sleep normal hours but are in a diff country


I can't believe both Roddick and Venus lost...


If Fish keeps playing the way he did vs Ferrero he has a very good chance of going farther, but I dont think Dent will win his match tomorrow.


I think Fish will lose to Youzhny tomorrow. Youzhny has been pretty solid, and now that Roddick is out, Fish will feel the pressure of being one of the last American players.

I do think that Dent will beat Berdych tomorrow. My gut tells me that this 18 year old kid will run out of gas after playing two 3 set matches over the past two days.

I also predict that Gonzo will be taken out by Grosjean. No way he can play at the same level tomorrow that he did today against Roddick.

Moya vs. Massu will probably be the best match of the day, and a tough match to call. Moya has struggled, but Massu has had nice wins over Guga, Spadea, and Adreev. I will be rooting for Moya to pull through. If he does, I think he has a great shot at winning the gold medal for Spain.


They are not playing at the equivalent of 3 am US time. I'm sure they have methods of adjusting to the time changes and getting over jet lag as quickly as possible, and since they were both there a few days in advance, I'm sure both Andy and Venus felt like they were on a normal schedule.

Both of them lost because they didn't play as well as their opponents did. I didn't see Venus' interview, but I read Andy's and he made no excuses for himself.

Andy Zarzuela

Venus should not feel bad. Andy lost today too, probably about the same caliber of an upset (with Mary defeating Venus and Gonzalez defeating Roddick). At least she didn't lose to an 18-year old tour newbie with hardly any experience like Roger. All 3 of them need to regroup. They'll be fine in the near future.
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I think they should have a consolation round in the Olympics... Roddick vs. Venus.

Come to think of it, Gonzales vs. Pierce would be even better. Mary's about as big as a house now. Seeing her in person, that woman's size and shape is in no way natural. She has made herself into a giant freak with whatever substance she used or uses. If ever she disappears from the WTA circuit, look for her starting at nose tackle for the Raiders.

Kevin Patrick

Hall of Fame
Agree Deuce,
Pierce was huge, but a lot of that looks like fat not muscle. Even though she's a former top player, it's pretty amazing that Venus could lose to someone with absolutely no mobility.
I'd be worried for the sisters at the Open, Andy. Henin looks like she's 100% back physically, Davenport's on a roll, the Russians look for real....

Andy Zarzuela

Kevin Patrick said:
Agree Deuce,
Pierce was huge, but a lot of that looks like fat not muscle. Even though she's a former top player, it's pretty amazing that Venus could lose to someone with absolutely no mobility.
I'd be worried for the sisters at the Open, Andy. Henin looks like she's 100% back physically, Davenport's on a roll, the Russians look for real....

Could be. I think both Venus and Serena need to commit a little bit more to tennis. Venus most always stuggles in the early rounds, unless she gets super easy oponents in round 1 or 2. I think that's what happened at the Olympics this year, she played 2 people way below her level (Czink and Matevic). She didn't reach her top form playing these no-names and when she played someone like Pierce, she was not prepared because of reality due to her easy 2 rounds so she was "out of practice" per se. You know Venus had the upperhand in the majority of the rallies but seemed to miss by an inch or 2. That discouraged her. So, I'm not worried about Venus, she'll most likely thrive at the open (never lost before semifinals), Serena on the otherhand is in jeapordy to even play the open....Mauresmo has been struggling until her win at the Rogers cup losing like 1st round in 2 tournaments or something like that, and she's seemed to compensate. I have full confidence Venus will too...(Maybe I jinx her when she plays, but I dunno)
Depakote Problems
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What's so bad about it? Dent and Fish are still in the running.


Well done!! Mary Pierce!!

Well done!! Mary Pierce!! :) :eek: :D :mrgreen:

You have the biggest victory!! We are proud of you!! :) :eek: :D :mrgreen:


Hall Of Fame
^ Yoohoo, the first post in this thread was in August 2004. This was for US Open 2004 matches--I mean, Olympic matches.

Roddick was still wearing Reebok.

pound cat

This seems like a recurrent topic for a thread. What needs to be done to change it to "A great day for American Tennis? There's more money spent on lessons, equipment, clubs in the US than anywhere else in the world, yet good players are not being produced.