Tallawah Tennis
......She did indeed tell me a story once about Lebanese tennis players. They train incredibly hard, because they know
that every other week, they have to stop when the "Sands of Beirut" blow over the tennis courts. That means,
if Roland Garros (French Open to those who are travel-impared) has extreme winds, they may win a gold medal!!!
------ So Be It ⚜ ------ (Cedar of Lebanon)
EDIT ---the above post should have ended with a photo of a tree, but TTW didn't print it. (No, I'm not Mr. Cedar!!)
Heh, heh. Not to worry, the hot air from this forum will soon spread sand in RG and benefit the Lebanese yet! Hope Molisa approves. So, there may be some surprise that the underserving Lebanese won 4 games, 3 more than the more experienced Ebden who managed 1 game against Novak. Do the Sands of Beirut hold a secret???????
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