Badosa playing around with face and wrinkles

Net Beast

Was she trying to mock the Chinese by doing that, or was she doing it in good spirits? Are Chinese people ashamed of their slanted eyes?

I am willing to concede that the Chinese might find this offensive, though I don't understand why. Can anyone who is Asian explain?


Was she trying to mock the Chinese by doing that, or was she doing it in good spirits? Are Chinese people ashamed of their slanted eyes?

I am willing to concede that the Chinese might find this offensive, though I don't understand why. Can anyone who is Asian explain?
My wife is Chinese and I can tell you she’s proud of her almond shaped eyes. Asian eyes are very beautiful.


Bionic Poster
Badosa is a public figure publishing an image of an ethnic stereotype. She may be a good egg, but it is a mocking gesture at the very least.

What Chinese do in terms of their private enjoyment is fine with me, but you are engaging in wilful blindness. It's no big deal, but your blithe dismissal is irresponsible.

Nine times out of ten it’s just innocent fun, not mockery. I’ve seen Chinese kids do it. They also stretch their eyelids vertically to make their eyes bigger and pretend to be Caucasian. It’s not nice to find ill intentions in everything.


I don't know what the news is, but the headline... well, I don't know: “Unprecedented fall of the Spanish pig”.
LMAO, is this an actual (translated) headline or are you just being sarcastic?

That picture is from 2008, 16 years ago. Hardly the same social sensitivy toward race issues in 2008 than in 2024, not only in Spain but everywhere else, including the US. I remember the American model Gigi Hadid some years ago posted a picture simmilar to Badosa's one ("mocking" Asian eyes) and she receieved a lot of criticism for it. Saying the US are racist due to Hadid's behavior is an overgeneralization based on the mistake of one individual (if you really believe the US as a whole are a racist country, you would need more than this anecdotical evidence to make such claim). Analogously, Badosa mocking Asian eyes in this era of bigger sensitiviness and awareness that is 2024, just proves she's dumb, but it doesn't mean Spain as a whole is a racist country. That is overgeneralizating from the dumb behavior of one single person, and ignoring the other 46+ million Spaniards that have never mocked Asian eyes in any picture or form.

P. S.: maybe the biggest "argument" you could make that Spain has a "racism" problem is if you consider the social perception toward (especially illegal, and specifically from Moroco and Sub-Saharan Africa) immigration. Many people in Spain oppose to migration from the Moroccan Islamic community, which is entering here massively and in many cases it is done illegaly. Also happens a lot with the sub-Saharan African community. Many have the perception that those inmigrants are unfairly receiving social help payments from the local government, instead of the locals receiving such economic distribution. There's some sort of overall social rejection of the Islamic people and its culture and religion, as well as a rejection of the sub-Saharan African illegal immigration (which is being massive and has no control in some regions such as the Canaries, giving problems in terms of resources and social structures to receive them being saturated). But still, the most voted political party, the one in power, is PSOE, from the left wing and 100% pro-immigration, an openly "woke" party. So it's far from clear that most people here have such mindset, though it is very common. Anyway, are all those pointing to flaws in the immigration system racist? I suppose some are, but not all. Because massive immigration with no regulation does challenge the economic resources of a country and brings its own problems. This is not a simple issue. Overall, I see no evidence that Spain has a "racism" problem bigger than any other European Union or European nation, as in any other European country such as the UK, Germany, France, Italy, etc., there's a sizeable proportion of inhabitans that oppose to the immigration model.
Too tired to respond to all of this. I'll just say I do think the US has serious problems with race. I mean this is the country that elected Donald "They're rapists" Trump to the highest office. Not to mention the millions of imbecilic Americans that buy his/Vance's flagrantly racist lie about Haitian immigrants, etc. I'm not just singling out your country, trust me.


Badosa is a public figure publishing an image of an ethnic stereotype. She may be a good egg, but it is a mocking gesture at the very least.

What Chinese do in terms of their private enjoyment is fine with me, but you are engaging in wilful blindness. It's no big deal, but your blithe dismissal is irresponsible.
I did say what she did was dumb, but I don’t believe it’s racist. End of the story for me. It’s a storm in a teacup.


Oh lord she actually did the classic line.

Utterly cringe.
She couldn’t hit the bullseye with the other classics “this isn’t who I am”, or “this was taken out of context”, as she checkmated herself by liking and commenting on the original post, so now her apology will fall like a house of cards.


Hall of Fame
There are insider jokes that people take with a friendly smile. And there are outsider jokes that are meant to disparage.

People say that Seinfeld couldn't be made today and it's true. The show is shot-through with racism.

Like Badosa, it plays on the stereotypes while trying to play the "just a joker" card.
Tbf Seinfeld (the show) mostly doesn't side with the characters and often portrays them (or even the presentation of facts) as deeply flawed and that goes even further in "curb". Then there's the "always sunny" that takes it to another level. Jerry's recent comments on the other hand make him look like he's been hanging with Michael Richards a bit too much.
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Net Beast

My wife is Chinese and I can tell you she’s proud of her almond shaped eyes. Asian eyes are very beautiful.
I completely agree with you. I just want to understand why a Chinese person would find Badosa's actions offensive. I think it is a cultural thing, with no intent to offend whatsoever.

Net Beast

Nine times out of ten it’s just innocent fun, not mockery. I’ve seen Chinese kids do it. They also stretch their eyelids vertically to make their eyes bigger and pretend to be Caucasian. It’s not nice to find ill intentions in everything.
Exactly this. The attitudes towards Chinese people and culture for many years (certainly before the Internet era) in Europe and in the US have been of curiosity and admiration of something exotic and beautiful, nothing to do with mockery.


Eh, too many incidents. I’ve also traveled to Spain with an East African girlfriend… I felt the racism directed towards her.

I've been to Spain a few times. Definitely racist country. Look at their attitudes to black footballers. Can't go 6 months without hearing some of their fans insulting a black player. And there was the Lewis Hamilton incident a while back. Not all are racist though, I have met some nice people there.


Bionic Poster
They have a Moops problen, as George might say.

I've been to Spain a few times. Definitely racist country. Look at their attitudes to black footballers. Can't go 6 months without hearing some of their fans insulting a black player. And there was the Lewis Hamilton incident a while back. Not all are racist though, I have met some nice people there.


As a fair skin mediterranean, Badosa will have leathery skin and wrinkles in a few years, worse than Nadal.

So she's not wrong.
It's really unbelievable how neither badosa nor her coach thought there would be a problem posting that pic. While being in China.


Hall of Fame
It's really unbelievable how neither badosa nor her coach thought there would be a problem posting that pic. While being in China.
Badosa pretty obviously went to her coach and said "I have this really racist picture against Chinese I just took, do you think I should post it on my Social Media account"?

To which her Coach said "Of Course, why not".

I get cramps

It's really unbelievable how neither badosa nor her coach thought there would be a problem posting that pic. While being in China.

Badosa pretty obviously went to her coach and said "I have this really racist picture against Chinese I just took, do you think I should post it on my Social Media account"?

To which her Coach said "Of Course, why not".

They thought I'd write a ‘somewhat inane’ post but with ‘zero effort.’ They got the former.

A ver, angloparlantes, aprended a escribir en vuestra lengua materna con un mínimo de correción:

"Badosa pretty obviously went to her coach and said, "I have this racist picture against Chinese I just took. Do you think I should post it on my Social Media account"?

To which her Coach said, "Of Course, why not."

It's unbelievable that neither Badosa nor her coach thought posting that picture while she was in China would be a problem.

¿Mejor así, chatos?
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But who cares about the Chinese? Apart from the Chinese and people looking to profile themselves.

I would say there are worse things going on in the world right now.

Net Beast

Ever heard of the Opium Wars?
I had to look this up because I am no history buff. It looks as if this was the British and French Empires oppressing China, not Spain. It looks as if Spain actually had a centuries-long tradition of benevolent relations with China.

Net Beast

But who cares about the Chinese? Apart from the Chinese and people looking to profile themselves.

I would say there are worse things going on in the world right now.
You mean who cares about the Chinese compared to what, specifically? The Dutch, the Costa Ricans?


Bionic Poster
It seems the Spanish tried to gain a colonial outpost in China, but the Portuguese chased them away.

I had to look this up because I am no history buff. It looks as if this was the British and French Empires oppressing China, not Spain. It looks as if Spain actually had a centuries-long tradition of benevolent relations with China.


Hall of Fame
1. Just because something occurs often does not make it acceptable. Racism itself is common across the world, and is not considered acceptable.

2. No it is not outside the scope. It is an analogy and a type of argumentation strategy I have used in court. If the argument is that black-face is used to portray blacks poorly...then what about making ones eyes so small that they are slits? Are barely visible eyes a beauty standard in spain/europe? Please don't suggest that Badosa is praising asians by making her eyes slits.

3. That is your definition of racism. My definition hinges on whether the action causes the affected group to feel targeted and offended.

Being blonde is not a commonly mocked trait. A more comparable example is going to a country where the average height is lower, then walking around on your knees and taking a photo for social media.
So what you're saying is that it's impossible to be racist against a white person?

I get cramps

It seems the Spanish tried to gain a colonial outpost in China, but the Portuguese chased them away.

@Net Beast, I wouldn't waste a second with this guy. He does not engage in debate to find answers to purely academic questions or to formulate better lines of research. He simply enjoys arguing for its own sake.

He has committed a non sequitur by ignoring the indignities that the governments of the English-speaking nations* inflicted on the Chinese population not so long ago. By contrast, Japanese soldiers more recently treated the Chinese population with Socratic refinement, did they not?

@Bartelby E você, astuto comentador, não é a pessoa indicada para nos contar, “It seems”, a história de Espanha ou de Portugal, porque tenho um palpite de que nem sequer sabe ler livros escritos em português para crianças. Quantos anos passou a estudar português ou espanhol, ou quantos anos trabalhou em Lisboa?

*The governments of English-speaking countries always mean well, but they think they know what is best for everyone. Look at the crowd of like-minded and welcome neo-conservatives in the Democratic Party: they are the do-gooders.
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A white person is just a black person with a Vitamin D deficiency.
A white person has less melanin in the skin. Melanin is associated with vitamin D deficiency because dark skin doesn’t absorb as much light rays as light skin. In the western world, there is enough evidence to suggest our ancestors originated from Africa, so we are basically all Africans. However, there was another cradle of humanity in China some 2.5 million years later which is believed to be independent from the African one, so the Chinese may have had a different evolutionary path than Caucasians.

Net Beast

It seems the Spanish tried to gain a colonial outpost in China, but the Portuguese chased them away.
What does this have to do with anything? My point is that Spain had a long trade relationship with China, China benefited from a humanitarian mission launched by Spain to vaccinate people of smallpox, etc. China's oppressors were the British and the French.

Net Beast

@Net Beast, I wouldn't waste a second with this guy. He does not engage in debate to find answers to purely academic questions or to formulate better lines of research. He simply enjoys arguing for its own sake.

He has committed a non sequitur by ignoring the indignities that the governments of the English-speaking nations* inflicted on the Chinese population not so long ago. By contrast, Japanese soldiers more recently treated the Chinese population with Socratic refinement, did they not?

@Bartelby E você, astuto comentador, não é a pessoa indicada para nos contar, “It seems”, a história de Espanha ou de Portugal, porque tenho um palpite de que nem sequer sabe ler livros escritos em português para crianças. Quantos anos passou a estudar português ou espanhol, ou quantos anos trabalhou em Lisboa?

*The governments of English-speaking countries always mean well, but they think they know what is best for everyone. Look at the crowd of like-minded and welcome neo-conservatives in the Democratic Party: they are the do-gooders.
Exactly, that, it was a non sequitur.