I had a rules question come up today, and none of us was certain of the correct resolution.
My partner served. Receiver let the ball go behind her. As my partner prepared to hit the second serve, I noticed the ball slowly rolling toward the receiver's feet. I said, "Hold up, hold up," but my partner served the ball. Receiver cleared it.
I said to my partner, "I think that's a first serve for you." She said she wasn't sure.
I asked the opponents was it first or second serve, and they said second. I said that I thought the rule was that when a second serve motion was interrupted by a ball rolling onto court it was a first serve. They said that rule doesn't apply when the ball belongs to our court; it only applies to balls from neighboring courts.
I wasn't sure, so I didn't push it (or look it up) and said we could do whatever they wanted. They said they didn't know either, so first serve.
Anyway, I checked the Code, and it says this:
Does the ball have to be from a neighboring court? Can our ball logically be said to be "coming onto the court?"
My partner served. Receiver let the ball go behind her. As my partner prepared to hit the second serve, I noticed the ball slowly rolling toward the receiver's feet. I said, "Hold up, hold up," but my partner served the ball. Receiver cleared it.
I said to my partner, "I think that's a first serve for you." She said she wasn't sure.
I asked the opponents was it first or second serve, and they said second. I said that I thought the rule was that when a second serve motion was interrupted by a ball rolling onto court it was a first serve. They said that rule doesn't apply when the ball belongs to our court; it only applies to balls from neighboring courts.
I wasn't sure, so I didn't push it (or look it up) and said we could do whatever they wanted. They said they didn't know either, so first serve.
Anyway, I checked the Code, and it says this:
29. Delays during service. When the server’s second service motion is interrupted by a ball coming onto the court, the server is entitled to two serves.
Does the ball have to be from a neighboring court? Can our ball logically be said to be "coming onto the court?"